Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1913: The linden tree disappeared

Chapter 1913: The Bodhi tree disappears


As the giant hand of the evil demon continued to struggle and roar, the evil energy, like a black sea tide, rushed out in all directions on this grassland.

"not good!"

At this time, all the people, with their divine consciousness, could not help but be shocked as they sensed the waves of black energy that was constantly scouring from behind.


There were two Nanling Cave Heaven Realm masters with the slowest body speed. They were finally submerged by the black energy waves coming up from behind, and they immediately uttered heart-piercing screams.

The flesh and blood on their bodies quickly rotted and changed color, and after a while, only two skeletons remained.

The rest of the people ran out of the range of the grassland dangerously and dangerously.

However, no one dared to stay half a step.

Even if they ran out of the range of the prairie, everyone still tried their best to show the starting method and rushed towards the distant area.

In this case, it is estimated that the farther the escape, the better.

In the rear, when the billowing black energy wave rushed to the edge of the grassland, suddenly bursts of bright Buddha light rose up at the edge of the grassland, blocking these terrible black energy waves.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, if these black waves of energy are allowed to continue to wash out to the outside world.

It is estimated that the entire Buddha Ridge will be completely destroyed as a result, and it will become a ruin with nothing.

Everyone has been running tens of thousands of meters away, and the divine consciousness sensed that the terrifying waves of black energy behind did not continue to wash out, and then stopped carefully.

At this time, Lin Fei and Lu Qi had already reached a tall mountain range.

"There should be no danger..."

Lin Fei was in shock.

The encounter just now was too scary, and the pressure on the giant hand of the evil demon was terrible.

Just some of the aftermath of overflowing energy instantly killed two Nanling's Dongtian realm masters.

Such a terrifying existence, it is estimated that even if the great power of the fairyland comes, he has to turn around and flee.

The other Nanling's Dongtian realm masters fled to another high mountain range at this time.

As soon as they escaped from the grassland, Lin Fei and Lu Qi immediately separated from them intentionally and fled in another direction.

Under that kind of panic, those masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm in Nanling naturally didn't care about hunting down Lin Fei.


In the back, in the grassland, huge roars of earth-shaking sound continued.

Lin Fei looked back.

Just listen to that in the center of the grassland, the black demon giant hand is desperately trying to break free of the nine huge scarlet iron chains and pounce on the linden tree.

Suddenly, the Bodhisattva tree began to glow, and bursts of dazzling Buddha light rushed out of the tree.

At the same time, an ancient Buddha with a majestic appearance also appeared in the void around the Bodhi tree, sitting cross-legged and chanting.

The magnificent chanting sounds became louder and louder, gathering together, turning into an overwhelming Buddha's law, and suppressing it by the huge evil hand.


Gradually, the magnificent chanting sound began to overwhelm the roar from the giant hand of the evil demon.

Between heaven and earth, began to quiet down slowly.

With the sound of chanting, the smallpox floating in the sky, vaguely, there are countless virgins, carrying flowers and blue, and constantly splashing flowers in the sky.

This is a very famous vision in Buddhism.

It must be some eminent monk with great Buddha Dharma and great supernatural powers, and the vision will be triggered only when chanting.

Then, the giant hand of the evil demon began to be suppressed.

The endless Buddha's law is crushed against it.

No matter how it struggles, it seems to be useless.

Those terrifying waves of black energy before are also gradually retracting into the giant hand of the evil demon.

To the end.

Under the suppression of the overwhelming power of the law of Buddha, the giant hand of the evil demon finally gradually sank back to the ground, and finally disappeared.

Then, the huge ground cracks that were torn apart before began to slowly close until they disappeared.

It was already a bald grassland with no grass. At this time, small grasses continuously drilled out of the ground and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After more than a dozen breathing times, a lush green grassland reappeared.

The green grass is auspicious.

Everything returned to its original condition.

It was as if the giant hand of the evil demon had never appeared before.

In the middle of the grassland, the linden tree standing upright on the ground, spewing out the light of Buddha, looks more solemn and solemn.


Lin Fei was shocked by the scene before him.

"Master, it seems that under this linden tree, a giant hand of evil demon is suppressed.

Just now, the giant hand of the evil demon, without knowing what it was stimulated, suddenly went crazy and wanted to rush out.

Fortunately, the linden tree suppressed it again. "

Lu Qi said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, it should be so."

Lin Fei also nodded and replied.

Lin Fei couldn't help but think of what happened to him in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion just now when he entered the kingdom of Buddha.

Could it be that he broke into the Scripture Pavilion and awakened the hand of the suppressed demon?

Lin Fei thought secretly.



An even more shocking scene appeared.

I saw that the entire grassland where the linden tree was located began to sink.

The surrounding ground fractured as a whole, and the whole grassland rumbling and subsiding.

At this moment, the earth is shaking, the sun and the moon are pale.

Finally, the entire vast grassland completely sank below the ground and disappeared.

However, the surrounding mountainous areas continue to stretch, closing to the original grassland.

In the end, the front became a vast mountainous area, and the entire grassland, including the linden tree, disappeared under the ground.

"Oh my god, the legend is true. The Bodhi tree will only appear occasionally, and when the time comes, it will escape into the endless void again!"

Above another mountain range, the head of the Nanhai School couldn't help exclaiming.

The rest of Nanling's Dongtian realm masters were also standing nearby, and each one was very shocked.

The scene just now was so unforgettable.

"It's a pity. Although I encountered the Bodhi tree this time, I didn't get any chance."

The head of the South China Sea faction is full of hatred.

Among the Nanhai School, there are many secrets about this bodhi tree.

She knew that the Bodhi tree just now contained great opportunities.

But this time, she got nothing.

"No, that little thief brought out a scripture!"

Suddenly, the head of the Nanhai School was shocked and very excited. Then, her gaze stared at Lin Fei from a distance across several mountains.

"Little thief, give me the Buddhist scripture just now, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

The head of the Nanhai School shouted.

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