Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1918: Fight back

"What happened back then, I did have something wrong, but I did it for the good of Rong'er and Wan'er. The small world in the Yuanwu Realm is too low-level and will bury their mind-bearing bodies..."

Elder Ruan's expression was very complicated, but she was still defending herself.

"What was right or wrong at the beginning is meaningless now.

What's more, if you bring Rong'er and Wan'er back to the Nanhai School, if you really value their mind-bearing Buddha body and cultivate them carefully, it will make sense.

But your Nanhai faction is frantic and forced them to marry.

If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Rong'er and Wan'er would have committed suicide in public.

Hehe..., old thief, you can say it all the time, it's for their good. "

Lin Fei had sharp eyes, staring at Elder Ruan, and said with a sneer.

"Rong'er, Wan'er, you..."

When Elder Ruan heard Lin Fei's words, he couldn't help being surprised and looked at Rong'er and Wan'er.

"Yes, Elder Ruan, at that time our two sisters had already made plans to commit suicide in public, and would never marry Zhao's family!"

Rong Er said.

When Elder Ruan heard the words, his expression was dim and he was silent.

She knew that, in this way, Rong'er and Wan'er were indeed almost driven to ruin.


In the distant sky, suddenly bursts of wind rang out.

Lin Fei's expression moved.

It was all the masters of the Cave Heaven Realm who came quickly.

"Well, old thief, you can realize it."

Lin Fei sneered.

Lin Fei knew that he had to leave, and if he stayed any longer, he would fall into a situation where he would be besieged by the masters of the sky cave.

Therefore, Lin Fei sent Rong'er and Wan'er into the slave tower first.

Then, with a movement, he rushed towards the elder Ruan.

"Little thief, what do you want!"

Elder Ruan was in horror, his figure retreated quickly, his body's vital energy was released, and the Buddha's light was shining, protecting her body.

She knew that she was not an opponent at all.

"Go together!"

Elder Ruan drinks loudly.

Suddenly, the surrounding Nanhai school disciples rushed up.

Lin Fei released his whole body's vitality, billowing pale golden vitality, turning into a long river of violent rushing out, with amazing pressure.

Bang bang bang...

The female disciples flew out one by one.


Five huge sword lights strangling past, directly tore the body of the elder Ruan into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

"I really did something wrong, I regret that I shouldn't have brought them back..."

Before his death, Elder Ruan said to himself.

"Little thief, dare you!"

In the distance, a broken shout came.

Jin Mang is dazzling, a figure shrouded in Buddha's light, teleporting from a distance, is the head of the Nanhai School.

She saw from a distance that Lin Fei was screaming at Elder Ruan and the female disciples of the Nanhai School.

However, in the next moment, Elder Ruan was already crushed by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei turned around, looked at the head of the Nanhai School, and smiled coldly.

Then, it turned into a red light, instantly escaped under the ground, and disappeared.

next moment.


One after another fierce figures came one after another, and it was the masters of the cave world in Nanling.


The masters of the Cave Sky Realm were very gloomy, and their divine consciousness perceived below the ground and rushed out in all directions.

The Nanhai faction leader showed the starting method, turned into a stream of light, and rushed out towards the nearby area, trying to rely on the fairy monk secret treasure on his body to perceive the direction of Lin Fei's trail.

"No, Immortal Monk Secret Treasure doesn't seem to be able to sense the breath of Shangguan Rong'er and Shangguan Wan'er!"

Soon, she was shocked.

Before, she had been relying on this fairy monk secret treasure to lock Lin Fei's track.

However, now, that fairy monk secret treasure seems to be invalid.

There is no sense.

"What exactly is going on!"

The head of the Nanhai School was shocked and angry, his face a little distorted.

At this point, in the other direction.

In a dense mountainous area, in mid-air, a rapid stream of light flashed past.

This was a master of the Heavenly Caverns in Nanling, he followed in this direction.

Suddenly, there was a red glow below, which instantly rushed out of the ground.

A figure blocked the way of this cave sky master.

"Little thief, it's you!

How dare you show up! "

This cave world realm master was surprised and delighted.

Lin Fei was the one who stopped him.


This cave world realm master was very decisive, and directly slaughtered Lin Fei.

He was afraid that Lin Fei would escape again.

Lin Fei also showed the first formula of the Eighteen Arhats without saying a word.

The Master of the Heavenly Caverns in front of him belonged to the kind of ordinary combat power, and Lin Fei was planning to use him to try the power of the Eighteen Arhats.


Amidst the surging golden light, a tall and golden arhat sits on the deer, calmly, and the two divine lights are majestic and majestic.

This Arhat, squeezed his fist tactics, is majestic and majestic, move forward to kill!


Little thief, you dare to fight me hard, well, let you see what the realm gap is today! "

The master of the cave-sky realm laughed, and he showed off a stunt. His two palms turned into two blue sky sabers, one left and the other right, accompanied by terrible laws and power, and slashed forward.

To deal with a warrior in the Mahayana realm, he didn't need to attack with all his strength, he could suppress it with realm alone.

Suddenly, in this space, the violent energy was like a landslide and the sea, changing the colors of the world.

After a breathing time.

Lin Fei's body shook violently, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and the blood in his body was constantly churning.

However, the master of the cave sky realm uttered a roar and coughed up blood. His two arms were distorted and his bones and flesh were broken, hanging from his arms like twists.

At the same time, there was a big **** hole in his right chest. Obviously, the injury was a bit serious.

"Roar, little thief, you hurt me..."

This cave world realm master is going crazy.

Just now, he was careless. From now on, he is a master of the Heavenly Caverns realm, and he can suppress the opponent completely with his realm.

Unexpectedly, the eighteen arhat tactics that Lin Fei displayed was terrible.

This is one of the most core apologetic supernatural powers in Buddhism. Once it is used, it can instantly communicate the energy of heaven and earth, and it has great power.

However, after all, the opponent was a master of the Heavenly Caverns, and Lin Fei was also injured a little in the face of a head-on.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's physical quality was super strong, and he suffered only minor injuries.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei was so powerful that he immediately performed the second style.

In the dazzling Buddha light, an Arhat sitting cross-legged appeared, holding a string of golden Buddhist beads.


The golden light was boiling, and this Arhat statue boldly culled forward.


The cave sky master roared, his arms were destroyed, and there was no time to recover.

This time, it was mainly because he underestimated the enemy.

If he comes up, he will immediately display his most powerful stunt, or use a magic weapon, and try his best. Maybe he won't be injured in a single encounter.


The violent energy collapsed into the sky, and the space was shaking.


The body of the master of the cave world was thrown out again, coughing up blood and getting more serious injuries.

His look was shocked.

The master of the cave world should have been aloof, absolutely crushing all the warriors below the Mahayana realm.

However, he is now being pressed and beaten by a Mahayana boy.

"Haha, happy!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, he actually severely injured a master of the Celestial Sky Realm.

Although, there are also reasons why the other party was negligent at first.

But the power of this Arhat Eighteen Jue was really terrifying.

"Okay, die!"

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

He directly displayed his physical supernatural powers, holding the Chaos Cauldron in his hand, like a giant hammer, instantly smashing the severely injured master of the Heavenly Caverns to smash.

With Lin Fei's physical strength, he could have played against ordinary Heavenly Cave Realm masters, not to mention that his opponent was seriously injured.

Naturally it is killed in seconds.

Then, Lin Fei turned into a red glow, rushed into the ground, and disappeared again.

However, after that, Lin Fei suddenly appeared in another area, intercepting another master of the sky cave.

Lin Fei felt the opponent's vitality fluctuations, and found that this was also an ordinary Celestial Heaven Realm master.

So, apart from anything else, he made a bold move.

After a moment of fighting, Lin Fei used the Eighteen Arhats to match his physical strength to kill the opponent!

After most of the day, Lin Fei and Lu Qi used this sneak attack method to kill a total of eleven masters of the cave world!

The fall of the eleven masters of the cave world made all the Nanling warriors completely shocked.

Before, they had been chasing Lin Fei.

However, now the other party is fighting back.

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