Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1921: Enter Suzaku Academy

Patriarch Zhao and the head of the Nanhai School are both the heads of two major forces in Nanling.

Now falling on the same day, the shock caused is naturally very huge.

"A young kid from a small world actually made such a big wave in our Nanling!"

The warriors who understood the cause and effect of the whole matter all sighed.


Great, the Zhao family and the Nanhai faction, these two great forces have always formed an alliance, trying to suppress other sects, ordering Nanling, unexpectedly, now they have suffered such a big blow! "

"The Zhao family and the Nanhai faction have suffered heavy losses this time, and many of the Heavenly Cave Realm masters have died.

It seems that the pattern of Nanling will be changed in the future. This is a good thing! "

"Haha, it is said that Zhao Jialian's treasure of the town clan, Jidao Immortal Soldier is also lost.

The Zhao family was too arrogant in the past, and after losing the Extreme Immortal Soldier, it will definitely become a second-rate force.

In the future, the Zhao family's life will be sad!


Some sectarian forces that have always competed with the Zhao family and the Nanhai School are very happy and gloat.

The whole Nanling was completely boiling, and everyone was watching eagerly.

At this time, Lin Fei had already returned to Zhongsheng State.

After returning to the Central Saint State through the teleportation array, Lin Fei headed directly towards the Vermilion Bird Academy.

Because Lin Fei wanted to take Rong'er and Wan'er to see Qingluo.

Qingque Academy is located in a blessed land in Zhongshengzhou.

There are mountains all over here, full of aura.

Lin Fei came directly outside the gate of Suzaku Academy.

The four colleges of Zhongshengzhou have frequent exchanges and exchanges among their students.

Between different colleges, students are free to enter and exit without restriction.

Therefore, Lin Fei was holding the Blue Dragon Academy's student token and entered the Suzaku Academy without any obstacles.

Inside the college, people come and go, very lively.

Lin Fei walked around the academy at will, and was about to find someone to inquire about Qingluo's whereabouts.

"Hurry up and watch the fun!

I heard that the people in Yumen are asking for trouble with those students in the Eastern Region. The two sides are facing each other! "

Suddenly, there was a noise in the distance.

Lin Fei's heart moved.

It turned out to be Yumen again.

Lin Fei had known for a long time that Yumen existed in this student organization and among the four colleges.

"Go, go over and take a look."

"It seems that these students from the Eastern Region are going to be miserable.

Yumen has always been strong and unforgiving, it is estimated that this time he will be ruthless. "

At Suzaku Academy, many students were very interested when they heard the news. While discussing, they rushed in one direction to watch the excitement.

Lin Fei also showed off his figure, and followed the students of the Suzaku Academy towards a direction in the academy.

Soon, I came to a huge square.

In the square, there are two groups of people facing each other.

Many Lin Fei knew of a group of people from the Eastern Regions.

Among them is Qingluo!

In addition, there are the Peacock Princess, the Golden Crow Prince, and a group of students from Eastern Regions who have a good relationship with the Cangyan Holy Land.

And the other group of people is probably Yumen's people in the Suzaku Academy.

"Hey, it's probably because of me again."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered.

I just wanted to understand in an instant.

However, Lin Fei felt a little strange. At that time, Xia Feng invited him to join Xia Men. The condition he gave was that Xia Men would protect all the students who had a relationship with him in the other three colleges.

However, now, these people in the Eastern Region were confronting Yumen's horses, but no Xiamen appeared.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but look gloomy.

Could it be that Xia Feng was lying to himself?

"Haha, you **** from the Eastern Region, if you are willing to climb over one by one and crawl under my step, I can assure you that we, Yumen, will no longer embarrass you in the future!

Otherwise, see once, fight once! "

Among Yumen's men, a man in Tsing Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, line up one by one and roll over, crawling under Senior Brother Lu's crotch!"

"Hurry up, we have no patience!"

The rest of the Yumen people also laughed.

Each of them looked and behaved very presumptuously, and made clear that they were bullying these students in the Eastern Region.

"People of Yumen, you are too much!"

Among those students in the Eastern Region, a thin, red-clothed youth stood up, looking so angry.

Lin Fei recognized that this young man in red was a young genius from the Eastern Fire Crow tribe.

Last time the four colleges enrolled students in the Eastern Territory, the patriarch of the fire crow also sent some talented children to participate in the selection and successfully entered the four colleges.

"Hey, it turned out to be the Fire Crow clan. It is said that there is a trace of Fire Essence in your body.

Well, the tactics I practiced also happen to have fire attributes.

I don't know if you can absorb the essence of fire after you are cooked and eaten. "

The man in Tsing Yi from Yumen sneered

"court death!"

The red-clothed young man of the Huo Crow tribe became angry and couldn't help it anymore.

What the other party said actually treated him as food, and any monster clan couldn't bear such insults.


The red-clothed youth of the Huo Crow clan broke out in an instant.

A surging sea of ​​fire ignited around the body.


The golden arrow of flame that filled the sky, like raindrops, overwhelmed the sky, and shot and killed the man in Tsing Yi in Yumen.

"Huh, overwhelming!"

The man in Qingyi Yumen snorted coldly and slapped it out.

I saw that between his palms and fingers, there were faintly illusory stars, spinning rumblingly.

Obviously, this is a very powerful martial arts secret technique.


After the two moves, the red-clothed young man of the Huo Crow tribe was blasted out, his face pale, and he coughed up blood.

Lin Fei could see clearly and could not help but shook his head slightly.

The red-clothed young man of the Huo Crow tribe is actually very powerful, with extraordinary qualifications.

However, the man in Tsing Yi from Yumen has been practicing for longer and has the upper hand.

"Trash, vulnerable."

Yumen's man in Tsing Yi said coldly with his hands on his back.

"Hurry up and roll over, crawl under my crotch, what are you waiting for?"

The man in Tsing Yi said that he had a face with a joking smile.

"You two women are good-looking. If you are willing to follow me in the future, I can guarantee that you will have a smooth flow in this Suzaku Academy, and no one will bully you again!

Consider it. "

The man in Tsing Yi looked at Qing Luo and Princess Peacock.

In fact, his gaze has been consciously or unconsciously fixed on the bodies of Qing Luo and Princess Peacock.

These two women are stunning postures, like a fairy descending into the mortal world, no matter their temperament or appearance, they will make all men move.


Brother Lu has always been romantic and suave, and he has begun to pity Xiangyu again! "

"Blessed for you two, it is rare that Senior Brother Lu is interested in you. In the future in this Vermillion Bird Academy, no one will dare to touch you."

The people in Yumen laughed loudly.

"Huh, things that are inferior to pigs and dogs, get out immediately, don't be disgusting here!"

Qing Luo was not polite, frost covered her pretty face.

"Are you worthy? Why don't you go back and look in the mirror."

Princess Peacock couldn't help but said coldly.

"I don't know how to praise!"

In an instant, the man in Qingyi Yumen pulled his face down, so gloomy and frightening.

"If that's the case, I don't mind destroying the flowers!

You two bitches, whether you like it or not, today, you have to get under my crotch! "

The man in Tsing Yi said coldly and walked forward slowly.

The people around are also showing different colors.

This Yumen man in Tsing Yi wanted to force two stunning women to drill his crotch!

This is too much!

However, Yumen, in each of the four colleges, is very strong.

Therefore, no one who is watching the excitement around dared to speak out for fear of affecting themselves.

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