Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1923: One person presses one door

Lin Fei slapped these Yumen members in public like this, naturally, in order to gain power. ()

Only by establishing one's own wicked name can a deterrent be formed, and in the future, others will not dare to touch their friends casually.

"Where is Lin Fei!"

Just now.

A loud shout came from far away.

Then, a large group of people rushed into the square violently.

"It's the people from Yumen here!"

"Look, it was Yu Wenjun who took the lead.

It is said that in our Suzaku Academy, Yu Wenping, the previous sect master of Yumen, had no intention of managing Yumen after breaking through to the cave world, and handed the position of sect master to this Yu Wenjun. "

Suddenly, the students in the square talked quietly.

"Lin Fei, you have to be careful, this Yu Wenjun has a very strong combat power. Among the first-level and second-level students of our Suzaku Academy, his combat power ranks in the top three!"

At this time, Princess Peacock hurriedly communicated to Lin Fei.

"Be careful."

Qing Luo also transmitted to Lin Fei, a little worried.

"Who did this!"

Yumen's men and horses rushed into the square aggressively. The leader was an imposing purple-clothed man. As soon as he rushed into the square, he saw Yumen members screaming all over the floor and couldn't help but roared.

This purple-clothed man is the master of Yumen in Suzaku Academy, Yu Wenjun.

He has the strength of a high-level Mahayana realm, and he is an elite disciple of the Yuwen family of Zhongshengzhou, who has cultivated various powerful secret techniques.

"I did it!

Now it's your turn. No one can escape from Yumen! "

Lin Fei yelled and rushed directly to the people in Yumen.


Lin Fei didn't have any extra nonsense, he just released his physical strength, and a series of terrifying dragons of blood and blood surfaced on the surface of his body, roaring upwards.

The bursts of illusory divine flames rose up from all over the body and burned, very mysterious.

Then, Lin Fei punched his feet like a wolf into the flock.

One by one Yumen members threw out screamingly.

With Lin Fei's current physical power, it is naturally easy to deal with these Yumen members.

That Yu Wenjun couldn't help being surprised and angry.

He naturally discovered that Lin Fei's physical strength was terrifying.

Wherever they went, those Yumen members, as long as they were touched or rubbed by Lin Fei's fist, they would definitely be unable to resist.

Simply sweeping everything!


you wanna die! "

Yu Wenjun was furious.

He had previously received the jade slip from Lu Tianming, saying that Lin Fei from Qinglong Academy had appeared, so he hurriedly brought a group of elite Yumen men and horses, and rushed aggressively to deal with Lin Fei.

Unexpectedly, I just entered the square and haven't had time to understand the situation.

Lin Fei went over his head and killed him.


Yu Wenjun looked at the members of Yumen, was constantly bombarded by Lin Fei, and roared at Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei's body style is so fast, and his body flashes, easily avoiding all the attacks of Yu Wenjun.

After a few breaths.

Except for Yu Wenjun, all members of Yumen were blown away by Lin Fei.

All of them were seriously injured, all over the square, lying on the ground screaming and wailing.

"you you……"

At this time, Yu Wenjun only felt that his hands and feet were a little cold, and pointed at Lin Fei, his whole body trembled with anger.

At the same time, there was also a faint fear in his heart.

The combat power that Lin Fei showed was too scary.

In just a few breaths, more than a hundred members of Yumen were injured.

Moreover, it seems to be very relaxed, and it seems that he still hasn't tried his best.

Yu Wenjun pointed at Lin Fei, shocked and angry, unable to speak at all.


Now it is your turn. "

Lin Fei looked at Yu Wenjun and smiled faintly.

As soon as the voice fell, the bright red light burst out instantly, and the endless red energy rushed towards Yu Wenjun like a raging wave.


Yu Wenjun roared sharply and did his best. He knew that Lin Fei in front of him was too terrifying. If he was not careful, he would lose.


A phantom red devil rat appeared in this space, exuding a chaotic aura, as if the world had just opened up.


The huge phantom of the Red Devil Rat passed across the sky and rushed towards that Yu Wenjun.

Void vibrations, terrifying energy shock waves, constantly erupted, sweeping out in all directions.

Some students who were standing close around couldn't help but back up one after another, keeping a safe distance.

However, the fierce battle was very short-lived.

After just four or five breaths.


A figure flew out volley and fell to the ground in the distance.

Exactly, Yu Wenjun!

"Wu Wenjun is defeated!"

"Oh my God, he was defeated by a few moves!"

Suddenly, the students around became a sensation.

You know, the master of Yumen, Yu Wenjun, among the first-level and second-level students of the Suzaku Academy, he is a man of the fortune, with strong combat power, ranking in the top three.

However, now it only takes a few breaths to lose.

Moreover, among these people of Yumen, besides Yu Wenjun, there are several other famous strong men.

However, they were almost always dealt with by Lin Fei one or two faces.

At this moment, the ground of the entire square was screaming for members of Yumen.

When Lin Fei shot, he always grasped the intensity.

Neither took the lives of these Umen members, but also caused them to be seriously injured and unable to get up one by one.

"Yumen, the whole army is wiped out?!"

Around, the students watching the excitement, watching the shocking scene before them, all had their heads short-circuited.

You know, in Suzaku Academy, Yumen is usually a very high-profile and powerful student organization.

But, now, these Umen members are so miserable and miserable one by one, and there is no ordinary appearance of majesty.

At the same time, everyone looked at Lin Fei in awe and awe.

One person easily crushed the entire Yumen!

Moreover, everyone can see that Lin Fei's shots from start to finish are just as easy and easy as it is to play.

This kind of combat power is simply incredible.

"No wonder, this Lin Fei, in the Xuwu Legacy, can kill ten young evil creatures in a foreign land alone.

He does have this kind of combat power. "

Many students around me sighed.

Lin Fei's name has long been spread throughout the four colleges, and Lin Fei's affairs are well known.

"This time, it was just a small lesson.

If there is another time, hum, don't blame me for being cruel. "

Lin Fei's gaze glanced coldly at the members of Yumen.

None of those Yumen members dared to look at Lin Fei's eyes.

The disparity between the strengths of the two sides is too great, so that these Yumen members can't afford the slightest sense of resistance.

"Okay, let's go.

Let's find a place to gather together. "

Lin Fei turned around and said with a smile to the students of the Eastern Region.

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