Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1926: Giant Hand Invasion

This huge altar made entirely of white bones, the mist drifted away and the yin was heavy.

Above the altar, countless colorful flags fluttered in the wind.

Faintly, many gods and demons runes flashed, as if they could penetrate the nine quiets.

The seven or eight hazy figures stood up with a corner, and carefully inspected again to see if there were any flaws in all parts and links on the altar.

"Okay, let's start."

Finally, one of the figures said, with a very solemn tone.

next moment.

A group of figures all flew away from the altar, standing in the air, chanting some weird spell.


The altar suddenly lit up, and the black light rushed into the sky, shocking all souls.

A series of incantations, constantly flying out of the mouths of these seven or eight figures, can be seen in essence, and continuously merged into Bai Sensen's altar.

Between this world, the black wind, madly dancing, the world is desolate, and the vitality is extinct!

"The blood sacrifice begins!"

After half an hour, suddenly, one of the figures shouted in a deep voice.

Immediately, seven or eight figures, at the same time, took out their own space magic weapon and threw them over the white bone altar.


Countless living creatures, densely packed, were poured out from pieces of space magic weapons, and fell on the altar.

On the altar of white bones, thousands of white sharp rays of light were also rising at the same time, turning into a series of killing knives, harvesting the lives of those creatures.

There, there were thousands of creatures wailing, one by one living creatures, struggling desperately.

However, as the sharp white lights slashed past, no creature could escape the fate of death!

This is a catastrophe, like a purgatory on earth.

The flesh and blood of these beheaded creatures turned into a dazzling rain of blood, bursting out with wisps of red light, quickly blending into the altar, and being absorbed by those white bones.

The blood was flowing, staining all the white bones red.


As more and more creatures were beheaded, more and more flesh and blood were absorbed by the bone altar.

On the altar, the blood is majestic, accompanied by blood, emitting white mist, weird and terrible.

The entire altar was shaking violently, rushing out a monstrous breath of evil energy.

Above the altar, an illusory portal was gradually outlined.

The altar was shaking, and this space became extremely unstable, shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse.


Finally, after a loud noise above the altar, an illusory portal exploded there.

The overwhelming evil aura turned into gusts of wind, blowing out from it.



That illusory portal kept shaking.

Something is squeezing through the door with difficulty.

This process was very slow. After more than an hour, finally, a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out of the portal and descended on this world!

This turned out to be a giant black demon hand.

As soon as this giant hand appeared, it suddenly expanded, and instantly covered the entire sky.

As a result, the earth fell into darkness, without any light.

This is because the size of this giant hand is too large, and it stretches out, it seems to be hundreds of thousands of miles, or even millions of miles, which really obscures the sky.

On the ground below, a series of huge mountains, compared with the pitch-black giant hand in the sky, are nothing more than tiny particles of sand.


This pitch-black demon giant's hand only trembled slightly, causing terrible damage to the surrounding space.

The entire space was shattered, collapsed on a large scale, and cracks in space reaching thousands of miles wide continued to appear, and endless space fragments were drawn into the chaotic void.

Moreover, these spatial cracks cannot be repaired in a short time!

"Very well, you guys did a great job.

Soon after, this world is destroyed, and you will be great heroes. "

This giant hand delivered a loud voice, shaking the entire fallen continent trembling.

This sentence was naturally addressed to those figures beside the altar.

These seven or eight figures, looking at the pitch-black giant hand in the sky, were extremely shocking.

"Well, you should leave first.

Hide your identity well and don't expose it too soon. "

Said the big evil demon hand.


Where did the seven or eight figures beside the altar dared to disobey the order, and bowed their heads to answer.

Then, one after another, the figure shows the starting method, and instantly goes away.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an abyss lord who sent a giant palm over..."

"I can feel that this giant hand contains at least 10% of the power of that high lord. This time, the world of Xianling will be turned upside down..."

These seven or eight figures, as they left, secretly communicated with their divine consciousness.

"Xianling Realm, hehe...

Time has passed too long, it is estimated that the lowly creatures of this world have forgotten my majesty.

Well, this time, in addition to finding those few things, I also took the opportunity to let these lowly creatures in the Xianling Realm feel the majesty of our Abyss Realm. "

This evil demon giant sneered and said, its voice filled every corner of the fallen continent.

next moment.


The giant hand of the evil demon began to move.

The giant hand is terrifying, moving forward, covering the world wherever it goes.

The monstrous evil energy, like a cloud of pitch black ink, dyed the entire world black, the light disappeared, and the night fell on the earth early.

The entire fallen continent was shaking.

Finally, this pitch-black giant hand rushed out of the fallen continent and began to enter the other planes of the Immortal Ling Realm.

Juntian Continent, this is one of the eight heavens in the Immortal Ling Realm.

This is a huge world, full of aura, densely populated, and thriving.

At a certain moment, suddenly.


The entire Juntian Continent began to shake violently.

A huge, boundless, pitch-black giant hand suddenly appeared high above a certain location in Juntian Continent.

The black giant hand, moving horizontally, is huge and boundless, spanning a range of millions of miles.

The endless evil aura turned into a torrential black hurricane, washing through the sky and the earth, screaming.

This giant hand, with a terrible speed, continued to rumble forward, crossing countless mountains and rivers.

At this moment, all beings in Juntian Continent were panicked, feeling like the end of the day, all beings were trembling, their hearts were terrified, and they were deterred by a terrifying breath.

In the entire vast Juntian Continent, all the creatures, no matter how remote the creatures stayed in a corner, felt deeply that a vicious and extremely evil aura wrapped their bodies tightly.

It can be seen how powerful, terrifying, and mighty the giant black hand in the sky is!

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