Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1933: Flee without a fight

Chapter 1933 Escape without a fight

"Humph, almost startled me.

It turned out to be a missing magic weapon.

In addition, you, a weak bug, simply cannot exert its full power! "

After the black giant was surprised, he discovered this and said in a playful tone.

"Oh my god, it is really a magic weapon of immortality!"

"It's not a legend. After a fierce battle in the ancient times, all the magic weapons of our world were destroyed.

Why is there a magic weapon of immortality now? "

"Every magic weapon of the immortal way is said to be forged by the hard work of the immortal. It is so powerful that it is unimaginable!"

The great powers of the fairyland in Xianling Realm were all amazed.

At this time, the old man surnamed Fang had already made a bold move.


Under the sky, the majestic voice of the old man surnamed Fang was spreading, as if the sky burst into thunder.

One after another, thick blades rushed up, more vigorous than lightning.

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

This old man surnamed Fang, in terms of knife skills, has almost reached a level of transformation. With every gesture, he can send out a terrifying sword light that destroys the world.

Compared with his own knife skills, I don't know how many times he is better.

Lin Fei could see that the sword technique of this old man surnamed Fang contained the essence of the Five Elements Hegemony Sword, but at the same time it incorporated the strengths of many other clever swordsmanships.


The old man surnamed Fang activated the old knife and rushed out into the blazing glow of the sky. This space is filled with the aura of immortality, and the fairy light is shining.

At this time, the knife was no longer old, but more and more dazzling, too dazzling, like a crimson sky, blooming there, crushing the world.


The sword light was like a rainbow, and it went forward infinitely, and it was unusually bright, and it slashed towards the giant black hand.

At the same time, there are countless white iron chains in the void of this world, constantly releasing from the space, rushing to the giant black hand, and restraining it.

These white iron chains were transformed by the laws of order in this world, and were specially used to repel the giant black demon hand.

"Break it for me!"

The giant black hand seemed to dare not slow down, and a roar came out.


There was a sound of shaking chains.

I saw an endless black magic chain rushing out from the giant black hand, densely packed, and instantly sealed the space completely.

Hundreds of thousands of black chains, like a black waterfall hanging, and strange black snakes, entwined around the dazzling knife and the body of the old man surnamed Fang.


The earth-shaking loud noise continued to spread.

Space is constantly shattering, countless pieces of space are constantly flying, time and space begin to become chaotic, and the scene is blurred.

Below the fierce battle, I don’t know how many mountains crumbled and smoothed, how many Yangtze rivers were evaporated, and endless plains collapsed and turned into great abysses.

Even the entire Saint Venerable Continent, every corner, the ground was shaking slightly.

"Protect this continent!"

At this time, all the great powers of the fairyland are surprisingly united, and their own methods are used.

Pieces of magic weapons were constantly thrown out, opening a brilliant light curtain to resist the aftermath of energy pouring down from the sky.

The large arrays in the air were quickly arranged to protect the entire continent.

The cultivation base reaches the fairyland, and he has some understanding and insight into the various laws and order between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the formation of the formation is very fast, almost with a wave of hands.

However, an astonishing amount of heaven, material and earth treasures need to be worn out as a material for the formation.

At this juncture, the great powers of these fairyland realms naturally can't care about the heartache.

High in the air, the old man surnamed Fang controlled the small knife and fought with the giant black hand.

"The magic weapon of immortality really deserves its reputation!

Can actually be tied with the evil monster! "

"In fact, if it is a truly intact magic weapon of the Immortal Dao, it is estimated that even if it encounters the true body of the abyss lord, it can still be confronted.

This immortal magic weapon is missing, and the power it exerts is estimated to be 20% at most. "

In the distance, those who watched the battle turned into a fairyland and talked a lot.


Insect, if you keep entangled in this way, I will start to destroy the continent below, slaughter and slaughter the weak creatures in this world! "

That black giant hand, unable to fight for a long time, couldn't help getting into a complete rage.

The combat power of the old man surnamed Fang is very powerful, and he has no super general power to transform into a fairyland.

That small knife, although it was a missing magic weapon of the Immortal Dao, still has the aura of immortal Dao, and its power cannot be seen.

In addition, the law of order in this world is always repelling this giant black hand.

Therefore, although this giant black hand possesses terrifying power, it can never defeat the old man surnamed Fang.

"Evil clown, Hugh is rampant, I'll kill you!"

At this moment, the sky in the distance suddenly heard a huge angry shout.

Then, a figure rolled over.

"Senior Ximen!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

This figure that appeared in the distance in the sky was Senior Ximen.

"Old man Ximen, you finally showed up!"

Dean Xiao of Qinglong College was also very surprised.

He knew better than anyone how powerful this old man Simon was.


Senior Ximen's speed was extremely fast, and in an instant, he came to the fierce battle, and with a long roar, he directly joined the battle.


A huge picture scroll appeared high in the sky, overwhelming, and mighty!

Astral map!

Everyone couldn't help but their gazes shrank, and at the same time they stared at the huge picture scroll that was blowing in the wind, very shocked in their hearts.

Since experiencing the last event in the Xuwu Legacy World, many warriors in the Xianling World knew that this legendary ancient treasure fell into the hands of the old man Ximen.

"Could it be that this is really the astral map of Xianling Realm?!

Unexpectedly, it is still circulating in your world! "

The black giant hand came out with an exclamation sound, very jealous. Obviously, it knew how powerful this Xianling Realm was.


High in the sky, the huge picture scroll kept shaking, sending out bursts of terror.

In the picture scroll, there are endless starry sky scenes, one by one, the real and incomparable big stars, in the depths of the starry sky, constantly revolving.

Senior Simon reached out his hand.


Superstars rushed out of the picture scroll, crushing to the black giant hand.


The old man surnamed Fang also let out a loud roar, the small knife blooming with red clouds, like a huge red sun, beheaded.

"damn it!

Unexpectedly, I encountered two magic weapons of the Immortal Dao at the same time! "

The giant black hand was finally a little panicked. After a roar, it burned instantly, and the torrential black mist enveloped Lin Fei and rushed out of the sky.

It escaped without a fight!

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