Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1953: Back to Xianling

The first thousand and fifty-three chapters return to the immortal tomb

At this moment, the breath on the soldier's body was very wilting, and the two big **** holes in his chest were shocking.


This time I was hurt a bit badly..."

The soldier's voice was also a bit weak.

Lin Fei felt it for a while and found that his injury was very serious.

On the chest, in those two wounds, there is still a lot of dark evil energy raging, even infiltrating into the flesh and blood.

"After all, he is a high lord, his strength is terrifying, and it hurt my origin.

However, you can rest assured that I can still support it for the time being. It is estimated that it will take a while and a good rest to recover.


I think back then, I had suffered much more serious injuries than I am now. "

Said the soldier.

"Then senior, please take care of it first."

Lin Fei found that the soldier's breath became more and more wilting, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The soldier nodded.

"Well, I will treat the injury first. During this time, you will enter the palace where the five leaders are located, and polish your vitality quality.

After all, you are about to break through to the cave world, and polish your vitality quality foundation to be more solid, which is good for your breakthrough at that time. "

The soldier looked at Lin Fei and said.

Then, he stretched out his hand to pat Lin Fei's shoulder.

Immediately, Lin Fei felt that his vitality realm had fallen to the elementary Mahayana realm in an instant!

"You use your current vitality realm, and then go in and practice."

Said the soldier.

Then, his body turned into a streamer and disappeared directly.

It is estimated that it was teleported to a secret room in the ancient city pool to heal the wound.

Lin Fei felt the vitality realm in his body and couldn't help smiling wryly.

However, Lin Fei naturally understood that the soldier was for his own good.

So, showing off his body, once again came to the gate of the huge palace with bright flames.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth, walked directly into the giant palace, and started Lilian again.



Lin Fei was thrown out of the giant palace bloody.

"Come again!"

After a while, Lin Fei finished healing and rushed in.

In this way, next, Lin Fei hardly took a rest, and only did two things, one was fighting in the giant palace, and the other was healing.

Ten days later, Lin Fei's vitality realm broke through to the intermediate Mahayana realm.

Twenty days later, he broke through to the advanced Mahayana realm.

"Huh, finally recovered."

Lin Fei was in a good mood and sighed with joy.

at this time.


A hand formed by the condensed vitality, rushed out from somewhere and hit Lin Fei violently.

Suddenly, Lin Fei was surprised to find that his vitality state had fallen to the elementary Mahayana state again.


Lin Fei smiled helplessly.

At the same time, Lin Fei also admired the soldier very much.

This kind of method that can easily lower the vitality of others is really a bit weird.

"Continue to practice, it is good for you."

A faint sound transmission sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to fight again.

I have to say that this type of calendar training is indeed very beneficial to Lin Fei's vitality quality.

Lin Fei found that his vitality was repeatedly compressed and condensed, as if being placed on a whetstone and continuously polished.

More than ten days later, when Lin Fei finally recovered to the advanced Mahayana state again.

The soldier shot again, slapped out of the air, and once again reduced Lin Fei's realm to the primary Mahayana realm.

Then, Lin Fei started the hard work.

Two months later.

Lin Fei has gone through the process of returning from the elementary Mahayana state to the advanced Mahayana state three or four times.

And in this process, Lin Fei's vitality also seemed to have gone through thousands of trials, and the degree of solidity was almost a hundred times the previous one!

It can be said that Lin Fei's current vitality foundation is already solid to a terrifying level.

"Well, yes, based on your current vitality, to break through the cave world, it is estimated that satisfactory results can be obtained."

Finally, when Lin Fei was blasted out of the giant palace again and was about to sit cross-legged to heal his wounds, the soldiers appeared ghostly in front of Lin Fei.

"Senior, your injury is healed!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

At this time, the two **** wounds on the soldier's chest had disappeared.

"The injuries on the ** are pretty good.

However, it will take a long time for the injury on the essence of the essence to recover slowly. "

The soldier replied.

Lin Fei felt it, and sure enough, the soldier's breath was much weaker than before.

"Well, now you are ready to teleport back to Xianling Realm.

Bring the news back.

However, you have to be careful.

Moreover, absolutely must not divulge any news about this city.

This city is a trump card of our Xianling Realm and must not be exposed in advance.

Now, a traitor has appeared in Xianling Realm, and everything must be done carefully. "

The soldier said to Lin Fei.

Having said this, both the soldier and Lin Fei felt a little heavy.

The current strength of Xianling Realm was already weak compared to the foreign land.

Now there are traitors again.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that a strong man in a foreign land has found a way to break the seal of the immortal tomb world.

It can be said that the current situation in Xianling Realm is very bad.

Once, the foreign army really combined with the traitors in the Xianling Realm, and attacked the Xianling Realm.

This will be a terrible catastrophe for all the creatures in the Xianling Realm.

"Also, you have to step up your cultivation at all times and strive to improve your strength as much as possible before the arrival of the foreign army."

The soldier looked at Lin Fei, full of expectation in his eyes.

"I will, senior."

Lin Fei nodded.

"By the way, senior, the magic hand of the high lord on the square, is there any special use for you to suppress it there?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.


In fact, there is no special use, this is our previous habit.

After beheading the strong in the foreign land, sometimes the corpse is brought back and hung in a conspicuous position to commemorate it as a military exploit. "

The soldier replied for a moment.

"Can you give me that magic hand."

Lin Fei asked.

In fact, Lin Fei had already coveted that magic hand.

You know, that is the magic hand of the Great Lord of the Abyss, and the evil energy contained in it is absolutely amazing.

If the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle could absorb the evil energy from that demon hand, it would be unimaginable.

"Do you want that magic hand?"

The soldier is a bit strange.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not conceal it. He cloned his demon body and briefly told the soldier about the evil needle.

"Well, that's how it is.

Your clone can actually practice the art of evil spirits.

It is really strange that your soul body has not been invaded by the breath of evil spirits and has not been demonized. "

The soldier said, and released his divine consciousness, and felt Lin Fei's body up and down.

"It seems that you must have an adventure, the soul body can resist the invasion of the evil spirit.

Remember, no matter what power it is, as long as it is used in the right place, it is a good thing.

One thought is good, one thought is devil. "

Said the soldier.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, there was a soul tree protecting it, and he couldn't perceive it at all.

"Okay, I will remember the teachings of seniors."

Lin Fei said.

Then, the soldiers led Lin Fei to the square where the Great Lord Demon Hand was suppressed.

The demon body clone took out the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle and threw it to the demon hand.

Suddenly, the evil needle was inserted on the magic hand, generating a strong suction force, and began to absorb the magic hand.

One day later.

Finally, that evil needle absorbed the entire magic hand!

"It's too powerful..."

Lin Fei sighed.

Now, the evil energy contained in this evil needle has simply reached a shocking level.

Correspondingly, the evil energy possessed by the demon body clone has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

"It is estimated that if you encounter a master of the cave sky, you can kill it in seconds."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

The soldiers gave Lin Fei a detailed account again, and then took Lin Fei to the inner city on a very old altar.

After Lin Fei stood up, the soldiers directly activated the altar.


Lin Fei was surrounded by a transmission force instantly.

"Xianling Realm, I'm back again..."

Lin Fei whispered to herself secretly.

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