Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1959: News spread

At the moment when the third ancestor of the Wang family was sealed by the magic forbidden law, Lin Fei's figure moved, unexpectedly rushed towards the third ancestor of the Wang family.


The Chaos Cauldron appeared in Lin Fei's hands, zoomed in directly, and transformed into a giant cauldron that soars the sky.

Lin Fei also directly displayed his physical supernatural powers at this time, transforming into a giant more than ten feet tall, his muscles bursting out like horned dragons.

The demon body clone was also holding the evil needle transformed into an iron rod, stretched out his figure, and rushed out at the same time as Lin Fei, towards the third ancestor of the Wang family.

The speeds of Lin Fei and the demon body clones were astonishing, plus the distance from the third ancestor of the Wang family, they were originally close.

In an instant, he appeared beside the three ancestors of the Wang family at the same time.

Lin Fei's physical strength was almost released to the extreme, and a series of terrifying dragons were forced out of his body, and at the same time he roared to the sky, shaking the sky pale.

The huge Chaos Cauldron was lifted high by Lin Fei, and crashed down towards the third ancestor of the Wang Family like Mount Tai.


The Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle was also clenched by the hands of the demon body clone and suddenly swept out.

The surging black evil energy concealed the sky and the sun, completely dyeing the entire world into black ink.

At this moment, in Lin Fei's eyes, a strong killing intent burst out.

After being chased by the third ancestor of the Wang family for more than a day, Lin Fei's emotions also broke out in a moment!

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The third ancestor of the Wang family looked at this scene in front of him, especially the strong killing intent in Lin Fei's eyes, and couldn't help being furious.

He is a supernatural power in the fairyland.

In the era when there were no immortals, the great power of transforming the fairyland was the highest existence in the entire fairyling world.

Now, a mere junior, not only has he chased and killed him for more than a day, but he couldn't help him reach the slightest bit. Now, the other party is actually going to kill him, the power of the fairyland.

The third ancestor of the Wang family felt too aggrieved.

Things shouldn't be like this.

At the same time, he was a little surprised at the hole cards and combat power that Lin Fei broke out.

"Want to kill me, wishful thinking!"

The third ancestor of the Wang family roared loudly, with a vicious voice, containing endless killing intent.


Two magic weapons suddenly rushed out of his body.

A small scarlet sword, as if it had been condensed with blood, waved **** fluctuations as it swung it.

A purple orb, the size of a fist, was constantly wandering by thunder, which seemed to contain supreme might.

These two magic weapons turned out to be extremely immortal soldiers!


The third ancestor of the Wang family was burning all over his body at this moment, and he looked like a burning man from a distance.

He was actually burning his original essence and blood in order to burst out the most powerful energy.

Because his body was already sealed at this time, and even the vitality in his body was faintly sealed.

He burned his essence and blood to force the two magic weapons.


I saw him with a mouth, a terrible source of energy, like the Yangtze River, sprayed out, exerted on the two extremely immortal magic weapons.

"not good!"

Lin Fei's face moved, and he quickly backed away with the demon clone.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt a threat of death.


At the moment when Lin Fei and the demon body clone retreated, the two extremely immortal soldiers released by the third ancestor of the Wang family exploded at the same time.

What a terrifying thing the extreme fairy soldier blew!

At this moment, this space was completely boiling.

Every inch of space is instantly filled with crazy energy like raging waves.

Then, the sky collapsed, the ground cracked, and this space was completely destroyed.

In the sky, there are cracks in the dark and secluded space that are thousands of meters wide, and spider silk is generally everywhere.

On the earth, the mountains and ridges have disappeared, and there are large and bottomless ravines everywhere.

"Boy, you have forced me to this point, and I will never let you go!"

An extremely bitter voice echoed in this world.

The embarrassed figures of the Wang family's three families appeared hundreds of thousands of meters away from the explosion center, their eyes spitting fire, and the divine consciousness suddenly shrouded in a distance.

At this time, I saw the three ancestors of the Wang family with disheveled hair, pale face, blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and tattered clothes and blood stains.

In the sealed state, he forcibly burned his essence and blood, exploding two extremely immortal soldiers on his body.

And at the moment when the big bang occurred, his sealed body was finally free, and immediately teleported away.

In this process, he was also injured.

The divine consciousness of the third ancestor of the Wang family was released far away.

Everything within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was incorporated into his perception.

However, he did not perceive the slightest breath of Lin Fei.

"what happened!

The breath of that kid has disappeared!

Impossible, in such a moment, he can't escape so fast! "

The three ancestors of the Wang family roared.

call out!

The body shape of the third ancestor of the Wang family moved to the fastest speed, continuously teleporting everywhere within a range of hundreds of thousands of miles, and the divine consciousness was closely perceiving Lin Fei to find out.

However, after a long time, he finally had to accept the fact that Lin Fei had already escaped under his nose.

"Very well, Lin Fei, I underestimated you.

A mere junior kid could actually hurt me. "

The third ancestor of the Wang family calmed down and muttered to himself.

"Huh, but you are in big trouble."

The third ancestor of the Wang family sneered, and a spiteful color flashed in his eyes.

Then, he took out a jade slip and sent a message out.

The content is like this: Lin Fei has betrayed the Xianling realm and became the traitor of the abyssal evil demons, and the king of the king realm has issued a killing order to the entire Xianling realm to hunt down Lin Fei!

With the sending of this message from the third ancestor of the Wang family, immediately the entire Wang family of Juntian Realm began to act.

Then, the news that Lin Fei returned from the abyssal realm to the Xianling realm also spread to the entire Xianling realm at the fastest speed as if it had grown wings.

Of course, the first thing to get news is the magical wonderland powers of every interface.

Because, within the fairyland realm, the only people who can freely communicate and exchange messages between each interface are those who can transform the strength of the fairyland.


That Lin Fei returned to Xianling Realm!

This is impossible! "

"I saw with my own eyes that the Demon Hand of the Great Lord of the Abyss blew himself up and teleported Lin Fei to the Abyss.

Not to mention, the Abyssal Territory is infinitely far away from our Xianling Territory.

Simply speaking, our Xianling Realm was completely sealed long ago and became a closed star field, and it is absolutely impossible for external creatures to forcibly break in.

Is Lin Fei here against the sky, can he break the seal and return to the fairyland? "

All the great powers of the fairyland who heard the news were completely dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

It can be said that Lin Fei reappeared in Xianling Realm, and this news was too shocking.

Suddenly, all the great powers of the fairyland came to mind.

Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

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