Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1961: Dharma inheritance

"Qing Luo has gray hair all night!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

Lu Qi nodded.

"Qing Luo!

I am sorry for you..."

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel very heartbroken, clenching his fists tightly.

He turned his head all night, one can imagine how difficult it was for Qing Luo during that time.

Fortunately, she finally became strong, aroused her potential, and suddenly broke out and successfully entered Xianling Academy. This was also a surprise.

"Azi and the goblin are also greatly stimulated because of your affairs.

During that period of time, the two of them finally awakened all the power of their bloodlines and became ancient beasts with a complete meaning.

Moreover, the two have also awakened many racial talents, both in terms of aptitude and strength, they have advanced by leaps and bounds. "

Lu Qi said.

"Oh, Azi and the goblin, finally awakened all the blood, that would be great."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Azi and the goblin are both ancient beasts.

The cultivation breakthrough of the ancient beast is a bit special.

First of all, it is necessary to fully awaken the bloodline power in the body. Only when ten percent of the bloodline power in the body is fully awakened can one begin to embark on the real path of cultivation.

In other words, Azi and the goblin had been working hard to awaken the bloodline power in the body before, and it was not a real practice.

But now, they finally awakened all their bloodline power, which means that from now on, they are beginning to embark on a formal road of cultivation!

"Master, every ancient beast is not simple. Once they have truly awakened all their bloodline power, they will show amazing talents in their cultivation, and their future achievements will be limitless."

Lu Qi said that he has lived a long time and is naturally knowledgeable.

"Not bad.

Azi and the goblin finally began to truly rise. "

Lin Fei was very happy.

"No, Rong'er and Wan'er!

How are they! "

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly thought of Rong'er and Wan'er, and was shocked.

The feelings of these two final wives towards themselves were no worse than Qing Luo.

"The two of them were also distraught at first.

There was even the thought of committing suicide.

Fortunately, I watch them all the time.

Later, after Qing Luo's patient persuasion, their emotions gradually settled down.

The two of them seem to have made up their minds to practice hard, and in the future, they will follow Qingluo to save you in the abyss.

Now, in the slave tower, practicing in retreat. "

Lu Qi said.

Lin Fei was a little relieved after listening.

Lu Qiyi waved his hand, and the slave tower appeared, suspended in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took the slave tower into the cultivation chamber on the mountain, and then directly teleported into the slave tower.

In the cultivation chamber on the ninth floor of the slave tower.

Two young and beautiful girls are sitting cross-legged, falling into a state of cultivation very intently.

These two girls are naturally Rong'er and Wan'er.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure quietly appeared in the secret room.

"I'm really practicing hard..."

Looking at the two last married wives, Lin Fei was heartache and gratified.

Especially Wan'er, who has a lively and active personality, where he can calm down and practice in retreat.

However, according to what Lu Qi said, the two have been practicing in retreat for a whole month!

Lin Fei looked at Wan'er, and saw that on her beautiful face, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, and there were two shallow tears on her tender face that could be broken by a bomb.

Those delicate eyes were closed tightly, but there was still a drop of crystal clear tears hanging on the long eyelashes at the corner of the eyes.

"Really two lovely fools..."

Looking at the two decent last married wives who were practicing, Lin Fei was heartbroken and funny.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's expression moved, and he was a little surprised.

I saw Rong'er and Wan'er sitting cross-legged, above their exquisite and bumpy bodies, faintly covered with a layer of light, bright and bright.

At the same time, there is a faint light circle behind the two people's heads, shining brightly, looking very sacred and solemn.

Lin Fei took a closer look and found that the layer of streamer on their bodies and the glittering light circle behind their heads were all composed of rich Buddha light.

Gradually, Lin Fei seemed to hear it. In this space, there were waves of ancient Zen singing faintly. These Zen singing sounds were very grand, ancient, and mysterious.

What surprised Lin Fei even more is that if you look closely, an illusory world emerges behind Rong'er and Wan'er.

In that illusory world, there are countless magnificent temples and halls, and a Buddha with a majestic face sits cross-legged everywhere.

Especially in the deepest part of this Buddhist world, there is a giant tree that stands tall and exudes golden Buddha light. It looks exactly the same as the Bodhi tree that Lin Fei encountered last time in the Buddha Ridge of Nanling!

"It's weird, Rong'er and Wan'er, although they have entered the Nanhai School and have practiced Buddhism techniques, they are very shallow and weak.

How can it be possible to turn into such a Buddhist world? "

Lin Fei was very strange.

Because the Buddhist world behind Rong'er and Wan'er, the Buddha's light soars to the sky, there is a boundless taste of Buddhism.


At this moment, Lin Fei's heart moved again.

Because, Lin Fei felt that two things on his body actually reacted, exuding bursts of aura, and locked Rong'er and Wan'er tightly.

A golden wooden fish, a paper Buddhist scripture with shining Buddha light.

This wooden fish was obtained by Lin Fei from the head of the Nanhai School, and it was a magic weapon of a fairy monk.

And this Buddhist scripture was obtained by Lin Fei in the Buddha Ridge, in the kingdom of Buddha manifested by the Bodhi tree.

Both of them are Buddhist magic weapons.

At this time, these two Buddhist magic weapons burst out bursts of light, seeming to echo Rong'er and Wan'er.

Lin Fei thought a bit.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the wooden fish and Buddhist scriptures and hovered in front of him.


Immediately, Muyu and the Buddhist scriptures rushed to Rong'er and Wan'er at the same time, and when they were approaching their bodies, bursts of dazzling golden Buddha light suddenly burst out, reflecting the entire secret room with magnificence.


The space of the entire secret room was shaking slightly.

Then, something that surprised Lin Fei happened.

The wooden fish, and the Buddhist scriptures, with Rong'er and Wan'er, rushed into the imaginary world of the Buddhist kingdom behind them.

"How is this going!"

Lin Fei was shocked and struggled fiercely in his heart. He didn't know whether what happened before him was a good thing or a bad thing for Rong'er and Wan'er, whether he wanted to help.

"Master, don't worry.

This should be a good thing for them.

It is possible for them to obtain some kind of Dharma inheritance. "

Lu Qi's figure flashed and appeared beside Lin Fei.

He is the spirit of the slave tower, and he knows everything that happens in the slave tower.

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