Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1965: Liwei

Next, at the gate of the Yuwen family, ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong and screams rang out.

During this process, many Yuwen family members continued to rush out from the gate.

However, all of them were forbidden methods that were immediately performed by the Demon Clone as soon as they rushed out of the gate. The body was sealed, unable to move, and Lin Fei was allowed to beat him violently.

At this time, the Yuwen family's headquarters was completely boiling.

What happened outside the gate spread throughout the family.

The Yuwen family, the strongest, is an ancestor who transformed the strength of the fairyland.

However, the ancestor of the Yuwen family was not in the family at this time, but rushed to the Windless Realm, and together with the other fairyland powers in the Xianling Realm, went to trace the whereabouts of Lin Fei.

The funny thing is that Lin Fei came to the door of his house and blocked the door to beat people.

In addition to an ancestor with the strength of the fairyland, there are also many very powerful veteran masters in the world within the Yuwen family.

At this time, those powerful and old masters of the Cave Heaven Realm were also awakened by the clansmen from the state of retreat.

Then, these veteran masters of the Heavenly Caverns, heard about what happened outside the gate, one by one was shocked and angry.

"What?! It's Lin Fei!"

"Is that Lin Fei from Qinglong Academy! How could it be that he didn't appear in Windless Realm?

How could it appear outside the door of our family! "

"Our ancestor, specially rushed to Wufengjie, just for this kid, Lin Fei. Could it be that he returned to the Holy Venerable Continent?"

These veteran masters of the cave world are very high in the Yuwen family, and they have long heard the ancestor of the fairyland in the family have said about Lin Fei.

Therefore, at this time, when I heard that Lin Fei appeared outside the family's door, they couldn't help being shocked one by one.

"Go, go out and see if it's that kid Lin Fei!"

As a result, these veteran Dongtian realm masters immediately teleported away from the family gate one by one.

More than a dozen fierce figures tore through the sky and rushed directly to the gate of the family.

At this time, Lin Fei was beating people so happy, punching and kicking.

"Well, finally some great characters have arrived."

Lin Fei's gaze looked into the gate, the dozens of figures that were galloping, most of them were old men, and two or three were middle-aged men.

These dozen people are also the strength of the Heavenly Cave Realm, but they are very powerful, far better than the ordinary Heavenly Cave Realm.

Lin Fei estimates that there are actually a few people who are no worse than Lu Qi.

And Lu Qi, a single person can single out dozens of ordinary-strength Dongtian realms.

It seems that the Yuwen family can be a big family in Chengzhong Shengzhou. In addition to having an ancestor of the fairyland, these powerful and old masters of the cave world are also a reason.

"Everyone just stop here, don't step outside the gate!"

An old man in a black yellow shirt rushed to the front, his figure gathered in the door.

Those other people also stopped one after another.

What happened outside the gate was very strange.

A junior boy with high-level Mahayana realm strength can actually single-handedly deal with these many people of the Yuwen family, including those of the Celestial Cave realm. They are also helpless, standing still, let Lin Fei beat him.

This scene made these veteran masters of the cave world vigilant, knowing that there must be something weird in it.

"It really is Lin Fei!"

The veteran masters of the Yuwen family in the cave world, their eyes all fell on Lin Fei, all of them were shocked.

"Immediately use the secret method in the family to send the message to the ancestors, saying that Lin Fei has returned to the Holy Venerable Continent!"

Immediately, there was an old man in a mysterious yellow shirt who secretly transmitted a voice and ordered to go down.

"Hmph, it's no wonder that we dared to come to our Yuwen's house to go wild, because it turned out to be relying on this clone."

A tall and thin old man in the Yuwen family stared at the demon body clone and said with a cold snort, but there was some fear in his eyes.

He could naturally see that this demon body clone was terrifying and contained unimaginable evil energy.

"Clan elder, this clone is very weird. I saw it with my own eyes. With a finger, those masters of the cave world in our family were frozen and unable to move."

Next to him, a member of the Yuwen family stepped forward and said to the tall and thin old man.

"Well, it seems that it is some kind of secret technique that can confine space."

The tall and thin old man nodded, guessing.

The other veteran masters of the Yuwen family also nodded.

"This clone of him seems a bit scary. Let's try not to get close and use the extreme immortal soldiers to attack!"

The old man in the black yellow shirt said.

These veteran masters of the cave world have very powerful perception capabilities.

They were all able to perceive that Lin Fei's demon body clone was very terrifying, and in fear, he dared not rush out of the gate and approach Lin Fei.

Inside the gate, there are many smart defensive formations, which can be activated at any time to resist foreign enemies.

As a result, there were five elders with the strength of the Cave Heaven Realm, and each took out an extremely immortal soldier.

A family has five extremely immortal soldiers. It has to be said that these big families and big sects in Zhongsheng State are indeed very profound.

Boom boom boom boom!

Five extremely immortal soldiers were activated at the same time, and five terrifying long energy dragons erupted, mighty, violently tearing apart the void, all of them were bombarded at Lin Fei.

call out!

Lu Qi appeared next to Lin Fei, holding the Sky-Swallowing Gourd in his hand, instantly activated, blocking the past.

The demon body clone took out the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, turned it into a thick and dark iron rod, and swept it out.


Fierce fighting broke out, and the two sides were evenly matched for a while, regardless of the outcome.

Because those in the Yuwen family stood inside the gate, fearful and refused to come out.

And of course Lin Fei didn't want to break into the Yuwen family headquarters casually, a big family with a long heritage, who knows if there are any powerful means of confrontation in it.

Therefore, the two sides are completely confrontational.

Terrible energy constantly tears this space apart.

"Damn, what's the fun in going on like this."

After the two sides banged for a while, Lin Fei felt dull.

"Haha..., is this the so-called big family of Zhongshengzhou, it's ridiculous to hide in the gate to meet the enemy.

Humph, what happened today is just a warning.

If in the future, your Yuwen family, there is anything against me, Lin Fei, I don't mind killing your Yuwen family people! "

In the end, Lin Fei laughed, taking Lu Qi and the devil body and walking away.

Today's matter, Lin Fei has achieved Liwei's goal.

It is estimated that the other big sects and big families in Zhongsheng State will have to weigh them if they want to deal with themselves.

Lin Fei now has a hole card to challenge them.

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