Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1985: Holy capital

The first thousand nine hundred and eighty-five chapters

Tianlong holy country, holy capital.

The Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom is one of the three sacred countries in the southern mainland of Yuanwu Realm.

Among all the countries in the Southern Continent, it is considered the most powerful.

However, three days ago, all the members of the royal family of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, from the emperor of the Holy Kingdom to the soldiers guarding the Holy Capital, were slaughtered by the invaders, and none were left behind.

Now, the holy capital of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom is already occupied by the invaders.

On this day, in the entire Southern Continent, there are many warriors, one after another towards the holy capital of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

These warriors are all high-level figures of famous sect forces in the Southern Continent.

They all received a message from the invaders a day ago. Today, they must come to the holy capital of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, collectively surrender, and perform the gift of master and servant.

Otherwise, they would wait to be slaughtered and punish the end of the Nine Clan.

In these two or three days, the strength displayed by those invaders was terrifying.

That is so strong that all the warriors in the Yuanwu world are desperate.

There are almost no sect forces that really dare not come!

Because the high-level figures of those sect forces, even if they don't think about themselves, they have to think about their relatives, teachers, and friends.

Therefore, on this day, the holy capital of the Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom is very lively here, and groups of warriors come from time to time.

At this moment, the group of people stopped in the high air thirty miles away from the holy capital, and the figures of Lin Fei and Shenjizi appeared.

Lin Fei looked at the holy capital from a distance.

"It seems that there are many people here today."

Looking at the batches of people entering the holy capital, Lin Fei said.

"Those invaders are too powerful. There are few who dare to resist."

Shenjizi sighed.


Lin Fei nodded.

It is also true that the three major forces of Juntian Realm can send out a disciple at random, and it is estimated that they can sweep the entire Yuanwu Realm, not to mention that now a large number of people have arrived. People in the Yuanwu Realm are powerless even if they want to resist.

The sorrow of the weak is sometimes helpless.

"Go, let's go into the city and have a look."

Lin Fei waved.

The six people displayed their starting method and headed towards the gate of the holy capital.

Before entering the city gate, Lin Fei used the avenue breath method to completely change his appearance into a tall and thin stranger.

After all, the members of the Heavenly Realm King's family had once chased and killed himself in the Windless Realm. If Lin Fei entered in his true colors, he might be recognized.

In the holy capital, all the people from the southern continent were ordered to gather in a huge square and wait.

This square was originally used by the royal family to hold some major events.

Around the square, there are people from the three major forces in the universe, monitoring these warriors in the southern continent.

At this time, the square was very crowded, and almost all the high-level figures of sectarian forces gathered in the entire southern continent.

However, at this time, these big men who usually dominate one side, at this moment, are all cautious and very apprehensive, and even when they speak, they try to keep the volume to a minimum.

"Senior Shenjizi, I didn't expect that you people from the Heavenly Jizong have also come!"

Lin Fei and Shenjizong had just walked into the square, and many high-level figures from other sects recognized the four hermit elders of Shenjizi and Tianjizong.

Tianjizong is the most powerful sect in the Southern Continent. The prestige of Shenji and the four hermit elders is naturally known to everyone.

"Senior Shenji, what do you plan to do with today's matter?"

Immediately, some heads of other sects or hermit elders from other sects who usually had friendship with the Heavenly Secret Sect, quietly approached the Divine Secret Machine and asked.

Although many people have discovered Lin Fei standing beside the **** machine.

However, no one paid attention to him, thinking that this young man was just a disciple of the Tianji Sect.

"Hehe, don't worry, everyone today will be resolved.

Don't panic, just wait for the development of things. "

Shenjizi's expression was relaxed, and she quietly spoke to those who asked.


The people around, looking at the relaxed expression on the face of God Machine, couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Today's events can be said to determine the survival of the Southern Continent, but the head of the first sect in the Southern Continent seems so relaxed and careless.

Everyone was a little confused.

The surrounding location of the square.

"Haha, look, people in this small world are really **** weak.

I can kill a large number of heads with a single finger. "

"Yes, with our strength, in this small **** world, we can be a king and an ancestor."

The men and horses of the three major forces in Juntian Realm laughed and joked one by one, pointing at the warriors of the Southern Continent in the square, and constantly ridiculing them, their eyes were full of jokes.

Lin Fei stood silently among the crowd, staring at the people around the square who equalize the three great forces of the heavens, and sneered in his heart.

The strength of these people is not very strong, the realm ranges from the Divine Bridge realm to the Mahayana realm.

Moreover, most of them are based on the Divine Bridge State and The Hinayana State.

For Lin Fei, this kind of strength is as weak as an ant, and it can be crushed by the movement of his mind.

Lin Fei guessed in his mind that it might be because the warriors in the Yuanwu world were too weak.

Therefore, the three powers of Juntian Realm did not pay attention at all, but just randomly sent some ordinary men and horses to conquer this realm.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and when he looked not far away, he saw three middle-aged men in that direction, volleyed in the air, with a proud expression, and exuding an invincible air, as if the emperor was lucky.

"Are you three primary caves?

However, this kind of strength is indeed like an immortal in the high heavens to Yuanwu Realm. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Master Wang, Elder Luo, Elder Zeng is here!"

With the appearance of the three middle-aged men, a huge shout sounded, shaking the people in the southern mainland in the square, their bodies shaking, their blood trembling, and their vitality floating.

Some of them were nearly as capable, even injured on the spot, bloodshots constantly oozing from their mouths.

Three middle-aged men fell in the center of the square, on a high platform ten meters above the ground.

The three of them slowly scanned the southern mainland people in the square with condescending and dismissive gazes.

"Well, your ability to be here today shows that you are very sensible and cherish your life.

As for those who dare not come, they will soon be annihilated.

Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense. The purpose of letting everyone here is to tell you that from now on, all of you have become slaves!

Specifically, it is to become a slave to the three powers of Juntian Realm King Family, Tongtian Sect, and Ancient Immortal Sect. At that time, you will be randomly assigned to our three powers.

As slaves, the only thing you have to do in the future is to follow orders.

If you don’t obey the order, you will die! "

One of the middle-aged men said coldly.

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