Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1987: It really is Lin leader

The first thousand and eighty-seven chapters are indeed the leader of Lin


Suddenly, layers of black light rushed out from the middle-aged man in a light blue robe, like raging flames.

Then, a black dragon composed of Yuanli, tearing the air, roared towards Lin Fei.

The master of the cave world made an amazing move, and the entire space was shaken rumblingly.

At the same time that the black dragon rushed over, the powerful pressure of a beginner's Celestial Cave Realm master also roared to suppress Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled faintly.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's body shook slightly.

The whole body was full of divine power, and a long dragon rushed out, and the whole person exuded a terrible aura that dominates the world. It was extremely fierce, and the entire high platform was shaken violently.


Lin Fei swung his right arm out, and instantly became infinitely larger, turning into a dragon-like size, and blasted out.


The black dragon of vitality that rushed over instantly annihilated and disappeared.


A huge fist that filled the sky, exuding dazzling golden light, blasted at the middle-aged man in the pale blue shirt.


The man in the light blue shirt roared out loudly. At this moment, he only felt a strong sense of death crisis, covering him tightly.

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen various magic weapons appeared in front of him, all being excited, a golden battle armor also appeared on his body in an instant, destroying his whole body.


A strong defense layer of elemental power was continuously formed around his body, forming a layered barrier.

At the same time, with a scream, a black spear appeared in his hand, drawing a mysterious trajectory, black light burst out, and a gun attacked Lin Fei.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had almost all his means, showing his most powerful combat power.

It has to be that the quality of this middle-aged man's vitality is very vigorous, his combat power is very strong, and there are many methods.

It is estimated that in the same rank, he can easily crush other warriors.

However, it is a pity that he met Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is now cultivating the Immortal Refining Artifact to the perfect state. The strength of his physical body is so strong that he can resist the extreme immortal soldiers.

Before Lin Fei's fist, all defenses of this middle-aged man were wasted.


With a crisp sound, the dozen or so magic weapons in front of the middle-aged man in the light blue shirt were all papery and smashed by Lin Fei's fist.


The black spear that pierced through, bumped into Lin Fei's fist, instantly exploded, and flew out into countless fragments.

Then, Lin Fei's fist, with a fierce posture, directly broke through all the vitality defense layers on the middle-aged man's body and landed on his body.

All this happened too fast.

That is, it was completed in only half of the breathing time.

The other two middle-aged men looked at this sudden scene and couldn't help being shocked, but even if they wanted to come forward and help, it was too late.

Lin Fei's fist hit the middle-aged man in the pale blue shirt, and his body moved forward half a step.

"You are right, I am indeed coming from Xianling Realm.

However, you can't scare me with your royal family.

Because even your third ancestor of the Wang family was almost killed by me. "

Lin Fei said slowly in the ear of the middle-aged man in the light blue shirt.

This middle-aged man was about to die. At this time, he returned to the picture and his face changed drastically after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Are you Lin Fei!"

The middle-aged man asked.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Why do you come to this small world to help these lowly people."

The man in the light blue shirt was still unwilling to ask.

"The reason is very simple, because this is my hometown, I just go out from here."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"you you!"

The middle-aged man in a light blue shirt was startled and could no longer speak.

next moment.


His body, like a watermelon that had been smashed, exploded, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere.


At this moment, the entire square, including the remaining two middle-aged men on the high platform, couldn't help but gasp at the same time.

Shocked eyes fell on Lin Fei's body.

Just now, Lin Fei almost killed the middle-aged man in the light blue shirt.

This is a master of the cave world.

Even the Yuanwu realm in the Southern Continent, although they don't know the specific realm of the man in the light blue shirt, he still knows that he is very strong and strong. Among these invaders, he should be the most powerful character.

However, now he was blown to pieces by a punch.

"The head of the **** machine, I just saw that this young man seems to be here with you.

Who is he? "

Immediately, in the square, beside Shenjizi, a head of another sect boldly asked Shenjizi.

Suddenly, the other nearby warriors in the Southern Continent listened, and they looked at the **** machine with questioning eyes.

"Haha, everyone, do you remember Commander Lin?"

The **** machine knew that now, there is no need to hide it.

Because he just saw Lin Fei's amazing combat power, combined with what Lin Fei had said to him before, knew that Lin Fei's strength could indeed crush these invaders.

Lin leader? !

Around, the people from the Southern Continent were stunned for a moment.


"Lin leader! The head of the **** machine, you mean, he is leader Lin!"

Immediately, some people couldn't control their emotions and even screamed out.

"Well, yes, he is Lin Fei, leader Lin!

Don't worry, everyone, with Lin leader, we are safe in Yuanwu circles. "

God machine smiled.

"Lin Commander, great, he is Commander Lin, we are saved!"

After getting the affirmation of the Divine Machine, the people in the Southern Continent in the square were so excited that their bodies trembled violently.

All the people looked excited, staring at Lin Fei on the high platform with extremely excited eyes.

On the high platform.

"Boy, who the **** are you, dare to kill our Kings of the Heavenly Realm!"

The remaining two middle-aged men shouted angrily to Lin Fei.

"Haha, Juntian Realm King Family, is that great?

Not only him, but all of your invaders are going to die! "

Lin Fei sneered first, and then suddenly became sharp.

The next moment, the avatar of the demon body appeared directly, and the forbidden method of the coming demon was displayed.

Suddenly, a series of strange runes appeared constantly, overwhelming the sky, like black snowflakes, flying all over the sky, instantly sealing the entire holy capital.

All the horses of the three great forces in the heavenly realm felt that their bodies were completely sealed by a wave of wicked and evil energy at this moment and could not move.

Including the two middle-aged men in the primary cave world on the high platform.

"No, my body can't move!"

"What happened."

All the people of the three great forces in Juntian Realm began to panic and yelled.

The magic forbidden method that the demon body clone is now displaying, even the magical power of the fairyland can be sealed for an instant.

What's more, these warriors below the strength of Dongtian realm.

"Haha, everyone, it's been a long time.

This is Lin Fei. "

In the center of the square, on the high platform, Lin Fei turned and smiled at the people from the southern continent.

At the same time, Lin Fei withdrew the Dao breath method and restored his original appearance.

"Look, it's Lin leader, and it really is Lin leader."

Suddenly, all the people recognized Lin Fei.

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