Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1997: Are all great heroes

"So powerful, so terrible!"

Lin Fei did not listen to the middle-aged man's laughter at all.

Because, Lin Fei's attention at this time was all on his own demon body clone and the ten thousand devil heaven-killing evil needle.

After absorbing the remnant soul of the last extraterritorial evil demon, the demon body clone stood there quietly, motionless, and the whole body was shrouded in dark thick fog.

The evil needle is constantly extending and getting thicker.

In a moment, the evil needle became a giant needle supporting the sky, and the upper part of it had been inserted outside the sky.

After a while, its volume continued to shrink, until it became a vellus hair, which seemed to blow it away with a single breath.

Become bigger and hold out of the sky.

Shrink and become a vellus hair.

The size of the evil needle is constantly changing rapidly, making people dazzling.

At the same time, a terrible world of evil spirits spread out in the space around this evil needle.

Endless evil ghost shadows, wandering and whistling in that evil world.

In that demonic world, all the buildings are made of Bai Sensen's skeleton, and the ghosts who have died unjustly are attached to the buildings made of white bones, sometimes weeping and smiling sometimes.

The surging black mist filled this terrible world.

Gradually, the demon body clone, as well as the evil needle, slowly melted into the scalp-numbing evil world.

"It seems that the evil energy absorbed by this evil needle is too much and is being digested.

Your demon body clone seems to have reached a certain level, and is breaking through. "

The middle-aged man also noticed this strange scene.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei and his own demon body clone are connected with their thoughts, and they are one body.

Therefore, Lin Fei can naturally feel the state of the demon body clone at this time.

It is in a state of impending breakthrough.

Once it breaks through, it is estimated that the strength of the demon body clone will have a qualitative leap!

"It seems that you have to be patient and have been waiting for a while."

Said the middle-aged man.

As a result, the middle-aged man waved his hand, and a white road appeared underneath, supporting the two of them, and backing instantly.

It stopped at the top of a tall mountain until tens of thousands of meters away.

Next, the middle-aged man asked Lin Fei about the current situation in Xianling Realm.

For so many years, he has been suppressing the Triangle Land and guarding the safety of the Xianling Realm, and he is naturally very concerned about the safety of this realm.

Lin Fei told the middle-aged man in detail about the current situation of the Xianling Realm, including the traitors who have emerged from the Xianling Realm, and the enemies outside the realm who are trying to break the seal and prepare to attack the Xianling Realm.

"It seems that those clowns from outside the territories still don't give up.

It's a sigh that our Xianling Realm is weak, and we are not yet ready at all. "

The middle-aged man seemed worried.

"A great catastrophe is coming.

I hope we Xianling Realm can survive. "

The middle-aged man sighed.

"Senior, how is the seal here, can it be sustained?"

Lin Fei asked concerned.

"Haha, don't be afraid of the seal here.

The remnants of those extraterritorial powerhouses buried in the burial ground have now been solved.

Next, I can concentrate and guard the seal of this place.

Even if the demon ancestor came again, he couldn't break the seal here. "

The middle-aged man sneered, looking very confident.

"That's great."

Lin Fei was naturally very happy.

"By the way, Senior, Yuan Wu Realm is also part of Xian Ling Realm?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Not bad.

This small world used to be a part of Xianling Continent.

Later, the boundary wall of this place was blasted through a gap before it was sealed and became an independent small boundary.

Speaking of it, every creature in this Yuanwu Realm is a great hero in the Xianling Realm, and has made great contributions to the Xianling Realm. "

The middle-aged man said, his tone was a bit heavy.


Senior, what do you say? "

Lin Fei was taken aback and asked.

"Do you know why the aura between heaven and earth is so thin in this Yuanwu world?

In addition, the creatures in this Yuanwu realm, including humans and monsters, can only reach the half-emperor realm at the highest realm. "

The middle-aged man said.


Lin Fei's heart moved.

"Because, in the entire Yuanwu Realm, during these long years, almost 90% of all the auras that were born were absorbed by the town boundary monument and used to suppress the broken boundary wall here.

In addition, all creatures in the Yuan Wu realm, the source of life they acquired in the process of growth, and the vitality energy they obtained in the process of cultivation, will be invisible, and a certain amount will be extracted and gathered. This area has formed the amount of pressure to suppress the gap in the boundary here.

It can be said that the entire Yuanwu Realm, all the creatures, as soon as they are born, they are destined to have the most important role in their lives, which is to help suppress the gap in the boundary here and protect the safety of the entire Xianling Realm.

Because of this, all the creatures living in the Yuanwu realm are destined to be very weak in their cultivation. "

The middle-aged man sighed and said something like this.

"It turned out to be like this!"

When Lin Fei heard it, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. There was a roar in his mind, and he couldn't believe it.

The entire Yuanwu world’s creatures have been contributing to suppressing the gap in the boundary here in their entire lives!

"Not bad!

Therefore, in this realm, all the creatures are the great heroes of our Xianling realm. "

The middle-aged man looked out of the triangle, looking out from a distance, as if he was staring at every living creature in the Yuanwu world.

His eyes are full of gratitude and respect.

For the next three days, Lin Fei and the middle-aged man stayed chatting on the top of this mountain.

Lin Fei also learned the middle-aged man's name, Yi Xutian.

After Yi Xutian checked the level of the Sun Jinjing tactics in Lin Fei's body, he suggested that Lin Fei go to a special place in the immortal tomb realm, and that place might have great opportunities.

"The extreme flames in Juntian Realm?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

The place Yi Xutian said was actually within the realm of Juntian.

"Yes, Extreme Flame Land was the place of the fellow Yan Yang Zhenjun back then. Since you are cultivating his Sun Golden Scripture, you might as well go to Extreme Flame Land and find opportunities.

Perhaps it will be good for your breakthrough in the Sun Golden Sutra. "

Yi Xutian said.

The owner of the Sun Jinjing and the Great Yan Stone Tablet is called Yan Yang Zhenjun.

In ancient times, there was a famous immortal king in the immortal tomb world with shocking power!

"Okay, thank you senior for your advice."

Lin Fei immediately decided to find time to go to the extremely hot land of Juntian Realm.


At this moment, Lin Fei's expression suddenly changed and he was overjoyed.

The demon body clone actually moved.

Then, a black light flashed and appeared directly beside Lin Fei.


When the demon body clone fell, this piece of heaven and earth shook slightly.

A violent evil aura quietly spread.

The space of hundreds of thousands of miles, at this moment, is all controlled by this evil aura.

The demon body clone seems to have become the master of this world!

"It looks like it's pretty good to have [youyou reading]."

Lin Fei could feel that the demon body clone at this moment was much stronger than before.

"It seems that this clone of yours can fight against the fairyland."

The middle-aged man looked at the avatar of the demon body, also surprised and said.

"Battle into a fairyland!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

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