Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2005: Flame world

Chapter Two Thousand Five

After a long time.

"Before, it should be extremely hot."

Lin Fei's figure stopped.

At this time, Lin Fei felt that the temperature in the air had become hot. Looking around, the landform in front was gradually barren, and the ground was full of reddish brown sand.

In the distance, at the junction of heaven and earth, endless flames filled the space between the heavens and the earth. It was all red, as if the heavens and the earth were all red, and huge heat radiated from there, distorting the vision.

That is a fiery world.

Lin Fei discovered that in that sea of ​​fire world, there are actually many martial artists practicing there, or sitting cross-legged, or performing various secret techniques to absorb the endless golden flames that fill the world.

Perceived by his divine consciousness, Lin Fei knew that the tactics or martial arts cultivated by these warriors were all related to the fire attribute, so he came here to practice and absorb the fire attribute energy here.

However, those warriors stayed in the outer area of ​​Extreme Flame Land, and no one dared to enter the inner surrounding area of ​​Extreme Flame Land.

In the inner surrounding area, the temperature is very terrifying, and it is said that there are still various dangers that are unknown.

Extremely Scorching Fire is one of the famous forbidden places in Juntian Realm.

Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he broke into the outer area of ​​the extremely hot land.

Those warriors who stayed in the outer area to cultivate, all looked at Lin Fei with their eyes, and looked at the young man who had just broken in.

However, those warriors soon lost interest in Lin Fei, and each went busy with their own practice.

After all, this extremely hot land is very famous in Juntian Realm.

Most martial artists, as long as they practice tactics or martial skills related to the fire attribute, they will come here and absorb the fire attribute energy here.

Entering the outer area, Lin Fei found that he was already in an extremely hot environment.

In all directions, a wave of heat rushed forward one after another.

The ground on which I stood was also a kind of ground that had become reddish-brown due to the high temperature baking all the year round, with spider web-like cracks cracked.

These cracks are big or small, as big as a ravine, and as wide as a canyon. They are as wide as a canyon, and there is no grass growing. Many rocky hills and soil slopes hinder the extension of sight.


The heat waves, like rising tides, kept surrounding Lin Fei.

For these heat waves, Lin Fei did not have the slightest discomfort.

Instead, I feel a sense of comfort from head to toe to the extreme.

Because this is the breath of the Sun Golden Sutra!

Other warriors, or fear the terrible heat wave and temperature here.

However, for Lin Fei, there is a natural sense of intimacy.


Lin Fei sighed softly.

Lin Fei knew that he had come to the right place.

Not to mention anything else, you have already benefited a lot by practicing in this environment for a period of time.

Lin Fei stood in the outer area and felt it for a moment. When he moved, he rushed into the inner area.

what? !

Suddenly, the warriors who were cultivating in the outer area stared at Lin Fei's back with shocked eyes.

"That kid, don't want to live anymore?!"

"The inner surrounding area is said to be able to break into the Fairyland, so you have to be cautious and may fall.

This kid, it seems, is only an advanced Mahayana realm.

He dared to break into the inner enclosure. Could it be that he was stimulated by something and wanted to commit suicide? "

All the warriors are talking about it.

After a while, Lin Fei had already entered the inner surrounding area of ​​extremely hot land.

"So hot!"

As soon as he entered the inner surrounding area, the heat wave rushed over and immediately surrounded Lin Fei.

Even though these heat waves are the same as the vitality attribute cultivated by the Sun's Golden Scriptures, but the temperature is still amazing, from the inside to the outside, burning Lin Fei's **.

Lin Fei released his vitality and continued to deepen against the heat wave.

After the layers of vitality wrapped up his body, Lin Fei felt that those terrifying heat waves had become more docile.

In a blink of an eye, after Lin Fei went deep for a long distance, the color of the flame changed, from crimson to light blue, and the temperature became even hotter. Even with the vitality body protection, bursts of heat could be felt.

After that, Lin Fei continued to run deep for a few more miles, and the color of the flame changed again, and the light blue turned into milky white, as if lotion was flowing, misty.

Lin Fei felt dry and dry, and if this continued, she would really be cooked.

Next, Lin Fei bit his scalp again, and after a few more miles, the heat wave became more and more alarming and the temperature got higher and higher.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that his body could no longer support.

The skin was in danger of cracking, as if it was about to burn, and he felt that it was about to turn to ashes.

"Could it be that when I came here, it was a failure."

Lin Fei frowned.

At this position, the temperature of those fiery seas made Lin Fei's **** and vitality a bit unbearable, reaching a limit.

If you just rush inside.

It is very likely that it will be destroyed.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the big flame stone stele in his dantian, at this time, actually faintly spread a will.

That is a will to cheer.

It's like a wandering away, finally returning home.

Moreover, faintly, in the deepest part of the fire ground, there seemed to be a kind of will that faintly echoed the great flame stone stele in Lin Fei's Dantian.

"Will you still get in?"

Lin Fei hesitated.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei could feel that the will to cheer from the big flame stone stele in the dantian became stronger and stronger.

This kind of will seems to faintly urge Lin Fei to continue walking inside.

"Fine, the Great Flame Stone Tablet has saved my life many times.

Think about it, it will not harm me. "

Finally, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and rushed into the deeper area regardless.

Suddenly, the extremely terrifying hot air waves, like crimson magma overwhelming the sky, completely surrounded Lin Fei.

A fatal threat flooded Lin Fei's heart.

However, at this moment.


The great flame stone stele in the dantian finally reacted and shook violently.

Then, he rushed out of Lin Fei's dantian and hovered above Lin Fei's head.

next moment.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that the terrible heat waves around had become very mild.

The terrifying temperature is still there, but it has no harm to Lin Fei, but has a kind of closeness to Lin Fei's body.

There is no intention to attack.

"Sure enough, nothing will happen."

Lin Fei relaxed.

Then, Lin Fei didn't slow down anymore, with the big flame stone stele on his head, he rushed into the deepest part of the fire.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, Lin Fei was taken aback.

A strange crimson world appeared ahead.

In this world, there are mountains, water, buildings, trees, flowers, and even many kind little animals running on the ground, and many chirping birds flying in the sky.

In those rivers, there are also many fishes swimming slowly.

In this crimson world, there is also a large red palace complex.

What shocked Lin Fei the most was that all things in this world, including mountains, water, trees, flowers, birds, and beasts, were all made of flames!

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