Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2008: It must be Lin Fei

Ziyue faction headquarters.

The three ancestors of the Wang family stood in the air, and the vast sense of consciousness that he transformed into a fairyland was endless. The tide usually rushed out of the head, permeating and permeating every inch of the space in all directions.

After a while, within a radius of more than 100,000 miles, all of them were felt by his spiritual sense.

"Well, thousands of people in our Wang family have all been mutilated here."

The third ancestor of the Wang family muttered to himself, and there was a terrifying chill in his eyes.

In the Juntian Realm, the power of the Wang Family is terrifying.

After long years of careful management, the Wang Family has almost controlled most of the Universe Realm.

Now, in Juntian Realm, there are people who dare to behead the king's people on such a large scale, it is simply unimaginable.

This third ancestor of the Wang family, on the surface, although it is still calm, but in his heart, the intense murderous intent is already boiling.

"The law of rules, reproduce!"

Suddenly, the third ancestor of the Wang family shouted, bursts of dark energy burst out of his body, and he kept pinching his hands with his hands, and continuously infiltrating the surrounding space.

After a few breaths.

The time in this space was faintly, and some disorder occurred.

Then, a figure that kept shaking and turbulent appeared.

This figure is very unstable and will break at any time.

I saw this figure, an ordinary-looking young man.

What the third ancestor of the Wang family displayed was a very clever time rule, allowing this space to reproduce what happened not long ago.

When this constantly swaying figure appeared, the eyes and spiritual sense of the third ancestor of the Wang family immediately locked on this figure.

"This kind of breath is a bit familiar, could it be... him?!"

The third ancestor of the Wang family suddenly shouted.


The next moment, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood, his face instantly turned pale.

At the same time, his breath has also wilted a lot.

"Three ancestors, how are you."

The people from the royal family around were shocked.

"It's nothing serious.

The law of time was enforced just now, and I received some backlash. "

The third ancestor of the Wang family shook his head slowly.

The law of time is a very deep law.

In particular, it is even more difficult to reproduce certain pictures in the long river of time.

The third ancestor of the Wang family learned the last fine art, and his understanding of the law of time was actually quite superficial. He just forcibly used his half-knowledge of the law of time to reproduce the past scenes.

As a result, he was immediately backlashed.

"It seems that you can't go wrong, it must be Lin Fei.

Hmph, unexpectedly, he actually ran to Juntian Realm.

Also shot against our royal family.

He is disgusting his life. "

The third ancestor of the Wang family muttered to himself, his eyes radiated a strong hatred and resentment.

at this time.

In the depths of the extremely hot land, in the flame world.

Lin Fei was still sitting cross-legged on the grass.

In the body, nine suns are running rumblingly.

Nine Suns quenching the body is still not over.

Lin Fei felt that the quality of vitality in his body had increased by at least a thousand times!

Although Lin Fei's current vitality realm was still a high-level Mahayana realm.

However, the strength of Lin Fei's current release is equivalent to the strength of hundreds or even thousands of ordinary high-level Mahayana martial artists at the same time.

In terms of the solidity of the vitality quality, it can be said that there is absolutely no second high-level Mahayana warrior in the entire Xianling Realm, which can be compared with Lin Fei.

Five days later.

Nine Yang's body tempering is finally over.

The nine suns in Lin Fei's body rushed up from above Lin Fei's head and returned to the sky.


Lin Fei stood up and felt the quality of the vitality in his body, even he was secretly surprised.

Such an incredible quality of vitality is estimated to be rare in the world.

Lin Fei returned to the palace.

"Well, your current vitality quality, if you go to break through the cave world, you will definitely have a surprise.

Remember, when breaking through the cave world, you must go all out.

How many caves and sky can be developed is directly related to whether you can achieve the fairyland in the future. "

True Monarch Yan Yang felt the quality of vitality in Lin Fei's body and said.

"I will remember Master's teachings."

Lin Fei nodded.

Next, Lin Fei stayed here for more than a day.

During this day, the master and the apprentice chatted.

Lin Fei talked to True Monarch Yanyang about the beautiful woman uncle he encountered in the Fallen Immortal Realm, and the Yi Xutian he encountered in the triangle.

It turned out that these two people were friends of the former True Monarch Yan Yang.

Especially the beautiful female teacher in Luoxian Realm, when Lin Fei mentioned her, a touch of gentleness suddenly appeared in the expression of Yan Yang True Group.

This gentle touch, in Lin Fei's view, has profound meaning.

Lin Fei confirmed that Zhenjun Yanyang and the beautiful woman teacher must have had some ambiguous relationships that were constantly cutting and arguing.

The two masters and apprentices also talked about the epic battle in the ancient times when the extraterritorial coalition invaded the Xianling realm.

Also talked about the grim overall situation in the immortal tomb world.

Lin Fei told True Monarch Yan Yang almost everything he had known during this period of time.

And Lin Fei also learned about his current state from True Monarch Yan Yang.

It's a strand of clone, and it's also a remnant soul.

It turned out that the foreign army invaded the Xianling realm.

True Monarch Yan Yang left a strand of clone to sit here, while the deity went to fight against the alien race, and died in that battle.

And what Lin Fei had encountered before in the Izumo Empire and in the ancient city outside the boundaries were two clones of True Monarch Yanyang.

That place is very important.

True Monarch Yanyang, as one of the most powerful immortal kings in the immortal cemetery at the time, separated into two clones to guard those two places.

Lin Fei was secretly shocked.

The immortal king is much more powerful than ordinary immortals.

The avatar that has been separated, has the strength, is also very amazing.

More than a day later, Lin Fei bid farewell to True Monarch Yanyang and left.

Although, Lin Fei still wanted to stay for a while.

However, Lin Fei knew that it was an eventful time, and there were still many things waiting to be done by himself.

Lin Fei has been going out towards the outer area of ​​the extremely hot land.

In the outer area, there are still many warriors who are practicing here.

"Look, there seems to be a figure coming out of it.

I am not mistaken, am I? "

Suddenly, one of the warriors inadvertently looked into the depths of the extreme flames and couldn't help but yelled on the spot.

Suddenly, other warriors looked at the inner surrounding area of ​​the fire ground one after another.

Sure enough, there was a figure in the inner circle, rushing out of the outer area through the terrifying sea of ​​flames.

"Could it be that the kid who broke in five or six days ago?"

"It's impossible, that kid, it seems that he is only in the high-level Mahayana realm, he can actually come out of it?

Is he a monster? "

All the warriors were shocked, staring at the figure that was speeding out.

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