Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 202: Test the power of the flesh

Lin Fei hit the inner disciple Chai Brother Chai one ear, and successfully angered Senior Brother Chai. Senior Brother Chai displayed the Five Yin Claws of the Devil Bone to kill Lin Fei under his claws. Ω .ん.

Lin Fei just wanted to verify the second level of the Overlord Calcining Body Art that he had just practiced. Therefore, without dodge, the strength agitated, the whole body, the muscles bulged up like a hill, and kept squirming, as if there were countless hidden under the skin. Just like a frog.

And that Senior Brother Chai's devil bones and five Yin Claws also attacked Lin Fei in an instant. The huge momentum locked Lin Fei's body firmly, and the dark demon energy rolled and stunned.

"Oh, everyone, this Lin Fei really has a vain reputation. In front of Senior Brother Chai's stunts and the power of the devil bones and five Yin claws, he has been completely locked and cannot be dodged. I estimate that one move is the winner, this Lin Fei Recently, his reputation in Huayang faction is so high that he unexpectedly died in the hands of Senior Brother Chai."

"Hmph, look at him, in a hurry, he actually poses, wanting to resist Brother Chai's devil bones and five yin claws with pure strength. It is really a stupid thing."

The remaining four inner disciples talked a lot.


Lin Fei didn't dodge, letting all the tricks of the Devil Bone and Five Yin Claws hit his chest.

After a dull sound, Lin Fei's chest was struck by lightning, his clothes turned into dust, and a black palm print was clearly visible.

Lin Fei only felt a huge force hitting his body and couldn't help but kick back two steps.

It hurts, it hurts!

Lin Fei's eyes were splitting with pain, and she gasped.

However, as far as this is concerned, apart from the pain, Lin Fei felt that his body was not hurt in other ways.

This Senior Brother Chai is a cultivation base of the Ninth Level of Qi Condensation. This devil bone and five Yin claws are even more devilish, with extraordinary aura, which is clearly a very powerful trick.

However, Lin Fei did not evade, and received a bombardment abruptly, but did not suffer any harm at all!

Lin Fei reached out and touched his chest. Everything was normal except that the clothes were crushed and there was a palm-shaped muscle that was slightly black.


Lin Fei laughed. It seems that the second layer of this Overlord Forging Body Art can directly withstand the attack of a condensing Qi realm martial artist, even a condensing Qi martial artist.



What kind of perverted power is this!

The five inner disciples, including Senior Brother Chai, thought that Lin Fei would definitely die under this devil bone and five yin claws. Who knows, Lin Fei didn’t hurt except two steps back. On the contrary, After being slapped, he laughed with joy.

In astonishment, everyone gasped.

Especially Senior Brother Chai, he knows the power of the Five Yin Claws of the Devil Bone better than anyone else. Once, a warrior at a junior level was also injured under his Devil Bone Five Yin Claws.

But the Lin Fei in front of him, according to rumors, was the strength of the Ninth Condensing Qi, but his strength was so strong.

"I do not believe."

Senior Brother Chai originally said that he would take Lin Fei's life, but now, it seems that he can't damage even a single hair of his family. He couldn't help but feel frightened and angry, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

There was an angry shout, the whole body's vitality was unreserved, poured out, and passed to the palm of the hand, a large group of black magic energy, surging out, turned into a black magic claw, once again ruthlessly Blasted to Lin Fei's chest fiercely.

If just now, Senior Brother Chai didn't try his best, this time, Senior Brother Chai really did his best!

"Okay, then try again!"

Lin Fei did not retreat but moved forward, stepping forward, just to meet the black claw.


A dull sound of bamboo blows sounded, and a dark palm print appeared on Lin Fei's chest again.

A huge force came, and Lin Fei stepped back several steps!


It hurts too much!

Good guy, this kind of devil bone five yin claws is really a powerful martial skill.

At the same time when Lin Fei was so painful that his canthus and his teeth were cracked, his five inner disciples, such as Brother Chai and Brother He, had their heads directly rigid for a while.

For an instant, there was silence, and no one said a word.

Because this Lin Fei is indeed true, and he can accept Brother Chai's full blow by himself, without injury!

"This..., how is this possible!"

"This Lin Fei, how tough is like a monster, it's really terrible."

However, Lin Fei, after two consecutive tests, found that this Overlord Forging Body Art really could withstand the full blow of a condensing energy realm martial artist.

Haha, it seems that the one million yuan spar is too worthwhile.

With the current toughness and toughness, not only can it resist the attack of the condensing air martial artist, even if the body is attacked by the earth martial artist, it will not be easily killed.

"Everyone go together, this Lin Fei Rouben's toughness is really terrible!"

Brother Na He is the one with the highest cultivation level among the five inner disciples, and is also the leader of the five-person group.

At this time, seeing the degree of Lin Fei's abnormality, I knew that Brother Chai alone could not defeat Lin Fei anyway.

Because, how to fight in this situation.

Even if this Lin Fei stood still and let Senior Brother Chai bombard him, he would not be harmed and he was invincible.

Even Brother He himself, asking himself, couldn't hurt Lin Fei.

Because, although, apart from the martial arts that Senior Brother He cultivates, the skills in the application of vitality, and the relatively rich experience in combat, the strength of vitality is not much different from Senior Brother Chai.

At this moment, these five inner disciples suddenly realized why Lin Fei, the kid, had clearly seen his five surrounding him just now, and instead of fleeing, he swaggered to greet him.

Obviously, people are confident and don't put their five people in their eyes.

"Yes, let's do it together. I don't believe this kid can withstand the joint attack of the five of us."

Senior Brother Chai looked at Lin Fei with a very solemn gaze. His strongest stunt was the Devil Bone and Five Yin Claws, but it didn’t have any effect on Lin Fei. This meant that even if Lin Fei didn’t have to take action, he stood still. He couldn't win if he was bombarded.

This level of perversion, such an embarrassing situation, this is the first time Senior Brother Chai has met.

At the moment, the five inner disciples, who were in the wrong shape, formed an encirclement, and they were actually planning to attack Lin Fei at the same time.

"Well, you all go on together."

Lin Fei had already calmed down from the overjoyed mood at this time.

Looking at the five inner disciples in front of him, these five people are Su Zhongnian's confidantes. This time, they came to chase and kill himself.

Lin Fei didn't mind those people who wanted to kill him. To keep these people alive was to bury hidden dangers and would attack him at any time.

"Do it!"

After Lin Xi was surrounded by the center, Brother He shouted.

Suddenly, the five inner disciples shot at the same time, each of them whistling and vigorously, with all their tricks, in all directions, with dignity and murderous intent, like a storm.

A fair-faced disciple took the lead and shot out with one palm. The palms and fingers were as hard as iron, containing dangerous evil spirits. Moreover, among the waves of evil spirits, there were countless rolling yellow sands.

Every grain of yellow sand contains vitality and can hurt people.

This is a martial art called Huang Shazhang.

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and the Heaven and Earth Sunda Wind Art unfolded, stepping out in a short half step, so fast that there was only an afterimage. Everyone felt that there was a flower in front of them, and Lin Fei was already standing face to face in front of the disciple.

The chest is already in the palm of the disciple.

The yellow sand palm of this disciple had just finished gaining momentum, and before he had time to strike it out, Lin Fei's chest was imprinted, and the power of this martial art was not even half displayed.

Lin Fei only felt a slight pain in his chest, and nothing happened.

Then, Lin Fei shook his right arm. Five thousand jin of power burst out. The whole body's strength was condensed. In the musculoskeletal area, there seemed to be thousands of giant beasts lurking, ready to move, choosing people to eat, majestic and powerful. Piyi.

Then, Lin Fei lifted his right fist, his divine power bloomed, without any fancy moves, nor any tricks, directly hit the disciple's chest with a punch!


Even the air seemed to be exploded in an instant, the sound was broken, hoarse and obscure, terrifying!

Right in the chest!

After a loud bang, the sternal cracking sound followed like firecrackers. With a fist of 50 jin, the disciple’s internal organs were beaten to pieces, and the sternum was severed. The sack is generally thrown ten meters, smashed on the ground, and smashed into a shallow human-shaped hole. I can't die again!


The other four people were all horrified and gasped.

This Lin Fei, strength, really is too abnormal, not only can resist a bombardment of the nine-layer condensing martial artist.

At the same time, he killed the martial artist of the eighth layer of condensing energy with one punch!

Extremely incredible!

Even those warriors in the realm dare not directly use their own to resist the full attack of the martial artists of the eighth and ninth layers of condensing energy. At the same time, most of the beginners and intermediate masters of the realm are not so easy to kill the condensing realm directly. Warriors of the eighth and ninth floors.

"Shoot together and attack Lin Fei at the same time, or else, it is not him who died today, but us!"

An inner disciple yelled out in a hurry, and the other three also deeply agreed.

Almost at the same time, he did his best to perform his best stunt in his life and bombard Lin Fei.

Brother He’s martial arts is a magical fist of the ocean. With a punch, the momentum will instantly produce visible ripples in the air, just like sea water is sweeping around, filling the ring, and ocean storms, tyranny rolled out, everywhere. The wind tears.

Senior Brother Chai, also used the Devil Bone and Five Yin Claws to attack Lin Fei.

Although, just now, his stunt did not work, but now, Lin Fei has to deal with the attacks of four people at the same time, strength, maybe, this time it will be effective.

A disciple, holding a long sword, his eyes like two sharp swords, shot straight out, the sword intent was diffuse, the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and he realized the two-point sword intent.

There was also a disciple, holding a simple sword, the light of the sword, going straight, opening and closing, opening mountains and cutting stones, containing violent vitality.

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