Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2024: The requirements of Wonderland

Lin Fei won. ()

The entire arena was dead for a moment.

Everyone is still thinking about the battle just now.

Both young men showed amazing combat effectiveness.

Both of them are far ahead of the same generation.

However, in the end, Lin Fei still won.

So far, Lin Fei has won 200 consecutive games!

"This kid is too tough.

200 consecutive victories! "

"However, this time, he should choose to rest."

"Yes, especially in the battle with Wang Feng just now. I guess that although he won, the cost was huge."

Many people in the surrounding audience were talking quietly.

Lin Fei at this moment is undoubtedly the focus of everyone's attention.

"Senior, can I continue to fight?"

Lin Fei looked at the old man and asked.


Really old Dao couldn't help but was taken aback.

"Oh, yes."

Immediately, the old man nodded with a smile.

He also wanted to see how enchanting Lin Fei was.

what? !

Is this kid going to fight again?

In the entire arena, everyone was shocked, petrified.

"This Lin Fei is too fierce.

Does he want to win three hundred games in a row? "

"Damn, he's considered a wicked evildoer, but he has played 200 games in a row. Is it true that he is really an iron man, and there is no consumption?"


Everyone thinks that this kid is too vigorous, he is simply an iron man.

"Thank you senior for your completion."

In the ring, Lin Fei said to the real old man.

Then, Lin Fei stood, waiting for the next challenger.


Until most of the time, no one challenged him.

After half an hour.

An hour later.

Until two hours later, there was still no challenge.

"How is this going……"

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile, looking around, looking at the arena and the other contestants.

"Well, it seems that many contestants are very afraid of Lin Fei's combat power and dare not take the stage.

And those who are powerful and capable of fighting, at this time, they don't want to challenge Taiwan.

Because this Lin Fei has won 200 consecutive games.

In this situation, the Taiwan challenge, if it fails, will make Lin Fei even more powerful and add to his glory.

Defeating Lin Fei is not worth showing off, because this is how Lin Fei beat him when he played 200 games in a row with huge consumption.

Therefore, the weak dare not, and the strong do not want to. "

Someone whispered.

"Well, this is indeed the truth."

Aside, someone immediately agreed.

"Okay, Lin Fei, go down.

You have proven your strength, and your game is over. "

In the end, after two hours in the cold, the old man spoke.


Lin Fei had no choice but to give up, her figure flashed, left the ring, and returned to sit down beside Ximen Dao.

"Hehe, kid, you really are.

It seems that my original vision was very accurate. "

Ximen Dao was very happy and said to Lin Fei.

Previously in the Eastern Region, it was he who discovered Lin Fei's aptitude evildoer, and strongly advocated that Lin Fei should become a new student in the four colleges.

Next, the game continues.

The other defenders took the stage to fight.

Soon after, there were a few enchanting players who won 100 games in a row.

However, those players all chose to rest after winning 100 games in a row.

No one can squander vitality without limit like Lin Fei, not afraid of loss.

What surprised Lin Fei was.

A few hours later.

That Wang Feng seemed to be healed.

He actually asked the real old man again for a chance to go on stage and fight again.

The old man nodded in agreement.

After all, the strength of this Wang Feng is obvious to all. He can fight Lin Fei for hundreds of rounds, and belongs to the leader of the younger generation in the fairy ling world.

Therefore, Wang Feng re-entered the stage, and finally, he won 200 consecutive games!

Tied the record set by Lin Fei.

Finally, like Lin Fei's situation before, no one dared to challenge Wang Feng again.

As a result, everyone knew that Wang Feng's strength was only slightly weaker than Lin Fei, but he had to be strong from all other players.

This time, a total of 3,000 apostle candidates participated in the competition.

The number is not small.

It was not until two days later that the first part of the game was finally over.

After the first part of the game, no ranking was announced.

Because, for the final ranking, also refer to the second part.

"Well, let's take a good rest for two days.

Two days later, the second part of the game began, breaking through to the cave world.

Remember, this is not only a competition, but also the most important breakthrough in your life for all the participants.

During the breakthrough, how many caves and sky can be developed, in a sense, almost determines the height you can reach in the future.

Especially young people who are interested in entering the fairyland in the future, must remember.

If the number of developed caves does not reach 50 or more, then it is destined to be connected to the fairyland for life. "

In the arena, the old man said loudly.

"What? The number of caves, not more than 50, is destined to miss the fairyland for life?"

"True old senior, what you said is true?"

Hearing the words of the real old man, the whole arena suddenly became a sensation.

Including the great powers of transforming the fairyland, all of them stared at the real old way, wondering if what he said was true.

Because this news is too shocking.

Moreover, it is the first time to hear such a statement, including those who transform into wonderland.

In the entire fairy tomb world, since the great war in ancient times, most of the immortals in the world have fallen.

It is said that there are still two or three remnant immortals, dragging the surviving body, and survived.

And the only one who is really well-known by everyone is the real old man.

In the fairy cemetery, no fairy has been born since ancient times and in the long years.

The most powerful state can only reach the fairyland.

Therefore, regarding the mysteries of the legendary realm of immortals, the warriors of the immortal cemetery, including those who transform into the immortal realm, although they are very yearning, they are unfamiliar and do not know at all.

Now, the true Clan Dao suddenly revealed such a secret, and naturally it caused a thousand waves of waves.

"Not bad.

In our Xianling realm, in ancient times, generally speaking, only those geniuses who have developed more than 50 caves in the sky will finally have the chance to become the fairyland.

However, no matter how hard they work, the people who don't reach 50 in the cave are destined to miss the fairyland.

This seems to be a law of heaven. "

Really old Dao nodded and said.

"How can this be……"

Suddenly, most of the people in the field were depressed for an instant.

Because the vast majority of people have developed less than 50 caves.


So, in my life, is it destined to be hopeless with the fairyland? "

On the spot, someone snarled in pain, very unwilling.

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