Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2027: Can you break through

"Look, Wang Feng from the Wang Family of Juntian Realm is about to break through!"

In the arena, almost everyone looked at Wang Feng one after another.

Because, in the first part of the arena, the performance of two players was the most prominent.

One is Lin Fei.

The other is Wang Feng.

Both have won 200 consecutive games.

In the end, no one dared to challenge them again.

Therefore, Wang Feng is now about to break through, attracting the attention of most viewers.

In the secret room where Wang Feng is.

The entire secret room has a hurricane-like violent force, constantly blowing.

The breath radiating from his body is rising steadily.

A roar like a tsunami sounded inside him.


At a certain moment.

Bang bang bang...

More than ten loud noises rang out in his body.

Every time there was a loud noise, there was a terrible energy in his body, which exploded instantly and spread rapidly.

Then, at the same time, more than ten light spots rushed out of his body and hovered above his head.

This means that he has developed more than a dozen caves in a row!

"Oh my God, it really is a wicked evildoer. Other people's development of the cave sky is taking their time one by one. This Wang Feng developed the cave sky, suddenly, even more than a dozen cave days have been developed!"

Looking at the situation of Wang Feng's breakthrough on the crystal screen, the whole arena was a sensation.

There were endless exclamations.

"Haha, good, great...

This is just the beginning.

Looking at this momentum, the number of caves that Feng'er finally developed must be astonishing.

We are in the Heavenly Realm King's family, and we have a wonderful unicorn! "

The third ancestor of the Wang family laughed.

The other members of the Wang family were also very happy.

The people around them cast enviable glances toward the Wang family.

After all, the emergence of such an enchanting junior is a great event for any power.

It is conceivable that when Wang Feng truly grows up in the future, he will definitely lead the Wang family to a more glorious end.

The strength of the children of the later generations often determines how long a big power can stand and survive in the long river of history.

"Well, it looks like this Wang Feng is indeed good.

The number of caves he developed is estimated to reach a new height. "

Soon, Wang Feng began a new round of development of the cave.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, there was a continuous explosion, like a series of firecrackers.

A series of dazzling light spots continuously rushed out of his body, floating above his head.

"Oh my God, a dozen or so caves were developed in a row!

The speed of Wang Feng's development of the cave sky is simply appalling! "

"Yes, this is the first time in my life that I have encountered such a thing.

When others develop Dongtian, they are slowly brewing and developing them one by one.

This Wang Feng unexpectedly developed more than a dozen caves all at once. "

"What is an evildoer?

This Wang Feng is a monster! "

The whole arena was completely noisy.


Okay, great...

Feng'er is the future hope of our Wang family! "

The three ancestors of the Wang family have been laughing.

"This Wang Feng is indeed very enchanting."

Even Ximen Road had to nod his head and secretly admired.

Bang bang bang...

Inside the crystal screen, bursts of noise came out again.

Light spots continued to rush out, floating above Wang Feng's head.

Wang Feng's new round of Dongtian development has begun again.

After a while.

"There are 55. The cave developed by Wang Feng has passed 50!"

"Another genius who has the opportunity to step into the fairyland in the future."

"It seems that Wang Feng is far from exhausted, and he will definitely continue to develop more caves."

When the number of cave days developed by Wang Feng exceeded 50, the mood of the audience in the arena set off another climax.

After half a stick of incense time passed.

"83 caves!"

"Oh my God, I didn't think that in my lifetime, I saw someone develop more than 80 caves and heavens!"

"This Wang Feng, he is not a monster, he is a monster!"


Another moment passed.

"95 cave days!"

"Wang Feng has developed 95 caves and sky!"

"is this real?!

Why do I feel so dreamy? "

"Damn, all the masters of the cave sky realm that Lao Tzu usually sees, and the developed cave sky, all are more than 10, more than 20.

Unexpectedly, there are people in this world who can develop more than 90 caves.

Really unheard of! "

When the number of cave days developed by Wang Feng reached 95, the emotions of the audience in the entire arena were completely detonated and reached a new climax that has never been seen before.

Because this is simply a miracle!

Even those great powers in the fairyland sighed one after another. It was the first time that he had lived such a long time to see someone able to develop such a large number of caves.

"Hehe, unexpectedly, this Wang Feng can actually do this step.

He has some potential to become a fairy king. "

That really old way also looked at Wang Feng appreciatively, and said in his heart.

Secret room.

After Wang Feng developed a total of 95 caves, the aura radiating from his body finally slowly subsided.

Really old Dao waved his sleeves.

Wang Feng's figure immediately rushed out of the cultivation tower and flew out to the area beyond Qixia Mountain.

Went to cross the thunder robbery.

"It's strange, Lin Fei, why hasn't there been any movement until now?"

"Yeah, this is the fifth day."

"Maybe he is still brewing.

His combat power is stronger than Wang Feng.

It is estimated that the number of caves he developed will not be less than that of Wang Feng.

We will wait and see and prepare to witness another miracle. "

When Wang Feng left Qixia Mountain and went to the outside area to cross the thunderstorm, the audience in the arena all looked at Lin Fei.

Because Wang Feng's performance was amazing.

Before, Wang Feng was defeated by Lin Fei.

Therefore, everyone was very curious as to how many caves and sky Lin Fei could develop.

"Huh, that Lin Fei is a brutal and murderous nature.

He could defeat Feng'er by relying on this.

Feng'er has been practicing in retreat for more than ten years, and has hardly experienced much actual combat. Therefore, she missed and lost to Lin Fei.

The most important thing about how many caves can be developed is to pay attention to natural aptitude.

In terms of natural aptitude and potential, even ten Lin Fei could not compare to one Feng'er.

Therefore, the number of caves that Lin Fei developed was impossible to compare with Feng'er. "

The third ancestor of the Wang family said coldly.

He looked at Lin Fei with endless killing intent.

"The three ancestors have a reasonable analysis!

Humph, speaking of natural qualifications, Lin Fei didn't even have the qualifications to lift Feng'er shoes. "

The middle-aged man beside the third ancestor of the Wang family also said.

"That Lin Fei, I think he has developed 50 caves, it is very difficult to do."

"Yes, it's really wishful thinking that he wants to compare with Master Feng of our Wang family."

The other people in the Wang family also said one after another.

The sixth day.

Hundreds of people broke through.

Among them, the number of caves developed by another player reached 50.

However, Lin Fei remained silent, sitting still in the secret room doing the exercises.

The seventh day, the eighth day, the ninth day, the tenth day...

Time passed day by day.

The vast majority of players have made breakthroughs.

It's the thirteenth day.

There are still more than ten players left without breakthrough.

"How is this going?

It's been more than ten days, how come these people haven't made a breakthrough yet. "

In the arena, everyone had waited for thirteen days, and was already a little bored.

"I give up the game.

Before I was doing the exercises, something went wrong.

It is estimated that this time there is no way to successfully break through. "

Suddenly, one of the players stood up in the secret room, stopped breaking through, and said to the real old man.

"Well, indeed, your cultivation is too eager for success, and there is indeed a big problem.

You have to consolidate the foundation.

Otherwise, let alone how many cave-skys have been developed, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you to break through to the cave-sky realm. "

The old man nodded and said to the player.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he was sent out of the training tower.


Could it be said that in the end these players who have not yet broken through, this time it was a bit difficult to successfully break through to the cave world? "

The other people were a little dazed.



That Lin Fei, I thought, how enchanting he is.

I think, this time, he didn't even know if he had a chance to successfully break into the cave world! "

The third ancestor of the Wang family laughed wildly.

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