Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2032: Great feat

"Xianling Realm was once a very prosperous and powerful realm in ancient times.

At that time, the Xianling boundary was a whole continent, and the area of ​​the continent was endless.

Even a person with the ability to transform into a fairyland, flying at full speed for decades, can't travel a whole continent. "

Said really old.

"So big!"

All the young people couldn't help but listen.

"At that time, in the immortal tomb realm, the immortal aura was strong, and the laws between heaven and earth were complete and powerful. It was a continent very suitable for cultivation.

In the mainland, the strength of the martial artists is very powerful.

The fairyland is like a cow.

There are also many fairyland.

There are even a lot of powers of the fairy king level.

It was a prosperous world, with masters like forests, and strong people coming out in large numbers.

It can be said that in ancient times, our Xianling Realm belonged to a very powerful interface in the entire universe of stars. "

Really old Dao continued.

While he was speaking, his gaze seemed to look into the distant time and space, and his thoughts seemed to be returning to the prosperous age of distant time and space.

Forty-four young people also heard their heads flying away.

The strength of the fairyland is already a leader in every small world.

However, in the ancient times, there were so many people who transformed into a fairyland.

Fairyland, Fairy Kingsland, these legendary realms, for these young people, it is even more exciting to hear them.

"But then everything changed.

Outside the territories, several great realms formed a joint army and suddenly invaded the Xianling realm.

Those great realms outside the territory have been planning for a long time, and they have secretly prepared for a long time.

But our Xianling Realm is not prepared at all.

The coalition forces of several large circles outside the territory suddenly and strongly invaded, and the Xianling Realm passively challenged.

The consequences can be imagined.

The battle was fought very tragically.

In the entire fairy cemetery, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into the sea.

We in the Xianling Realm have been retreating steadily and suffered heavy casualties.

Under the intention of the extraterritorial coalition forces to target and kill, our immortal king, immortal, was almost completely besieged!

At the end of the war, even the entire Xianling Realm was shattered, torn apart, and turned into countless pieces, scattered in this star field.

Among them, the largest 44 fragments are the current Eighth Heaven, Thirty-Six Small World.

In addition, there are countless small fragments of continents, which have long been scattered in the endless star field, or collapsed into the boundless chaotic void.

Since then, our Xianling Realm has completely begun to decline. "

The tone of Zhen Cang Dao was very heavy, speaking of this dark history of Xianling Realm.

"How can this be……"

These young people were also very angry at hearing, with their fists clenched tightly.

A great world was destroyed like this.

"Senior True Cang, later, how did our Xianling Realm escape death and survive, and evolve into what it is now."

A young man asked.

"Later, just when our Xianling realm was about to be destroyed, suddenly several powerful men appeared.

Those strong men helped each other and drove away all the coalition forces outside the territory.

Moreover, he also started to seal up the 44 largest continental fragments remaining in the Xianling Realm to form a closed space.

From then on, the creatures of our Xianling Realm lived and multiplied in this enclosed space.

This is our current Xianling Realm. "

Said really old.

"Senior True Cang, who are those strong men?

Are they still in Xianling Realm now? "

Another young man asked.

"The origins and identities of those strong men are very mysterious.

In the world of Xianling, no one knows where they come from and why they want to help.

Moreover, after those strong men started to seal the Xianling Realm, they left.

Since then, they never came back to Xianling Realm. "

Zhen Cang Dao was very patient, telling these young people the past history of Xianling Realm in detail.

It can be seen that he values ​​these 44 young people very much.

Before Lin Fei, he had actually heard the soldier talk about this dark history of Xianling Realm.

This time, it was the second time I listened.

"Now, the enemies outside the territory are eyeing and wanting to invade our Xianling Realm again.

And the current strength of our Xianling Realm, compared to the past, is too far behind.

If the enemy outside the territory really attacked again.

Believe that our Xianling Realm will be destroyed in an instant.

Therefore, we cannot wait any longer.

Changes must be made to increase our strength.

This time, I chose you to be the protectors mainly for a great feat.

If this feat can succeed.

Then, it must greatly enhance the strength of our Xianling Realm.

Moreover, from now on, you people will also be the big people in the entire fairy cemetery world, sitting on one side and calling for the rain. "

Really old Dao glanced at these young people and said slowly.

"Great feat?"

All the young people were taken aback.

"Senior True Cang, what exactly does this great feat mean?"

A young man asked.

"Now, you don't need to know for now.

Then I will arrange specific tasks for each of you.

You can just follow my arrangement. "

The old way is very mysterious.

"All right.

From now on, I will take you out one by one and arrange specific tasks for you.

Those who have not yet had their turn rest in this palace.

Remember, from now on, you have to cut off all contact with the outside world.

It is not allowed to contact anyone without permission.

Including your family, teachers, friends,... etc.

You will not be able to contact the outside world until things are completely successful.

do you understand? "

When the really old way said this, his expression suddenly became serious, and his eyes were a bit sharp, scanning the young people.

Those young people were stared at by the real old-fashioned gaze, only feeling that the might of the sky was overwhelming, and they were almost out of breath.

So, they nodded and agreed one by one.

Then, Zhen Cang Dao waved his hand and sent out a burst of vitality, leading Lin Fei and left the palace directly.

Lin Fei's body was carried by the real old Tao, and he teleported extremely fast.

I just feel that the world is spinning, and the speed of advancement is so fast that I can't distinguish the surrounding scenery at all.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

With his own divine consciousness, he could not perceive the specific situation in the surrounding space. One can imagine how terrifying the speed of the real old way is.

After just a breath time.

Lin Fei felt his body stop.

I quickly looked around and found that I had come to a huge underground cave.

Really old, right beside him.

"Senior, what is this place?"

Lin Fei was very curious.

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