Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2035: Successful refining

At this moment, these ten Taoist protectors were refining the origin of the mainland among the ten interfaces of the immortal tomb world.

In front of them, there is a huge light.

That group of light naturally represented the origin of the continent on which they were located.

Suddenly, these ten young protectors all felt something.

"Meet the Lord Demon Envoy."

Ten young protectors on different continents sent out a transmission in the sea of ​​consciousness at the same time.

In the hidden underground chamber of Juntian Realm.

From the ten screens in front of the evil demon outside the territory, the voice of ten guardians came out at the same time.

"Well, you guys did a great job.

Next, you must cooperate well, and you must not make the plan of the really old guy succeed.

Understood. "

The demon outside the territory said to the ten guardians.


The ten protectors replied, sending a voice transmission again.

That extraterritorial evil demon seemed very satisfied, nodded, and waved, the ten screens in front of him disappeared.

"Last time I asked you to conduct a thorough investigation, did you find out where the gap in the boundary is?

Asked the evil demon outside the territory.

"Master Huijinshi.

The interface where that boundary gap is located is the Holy Venerable Continent.

We are preparing to send troops to enter the Continent of the Lord and seize control of that small world. "

In the secret room, a magical fairyland replied.

"Well, that gap in the boundary wall is one of the ways for us to join forces to enter the Immortal Ling Realm.

You must try to control that small world and fully cooperate with the actions of our coalition army. "

The evil demon said.


In the secret room, the great powers of transforming the fairyland all nodded at the same time.

"Ah, very good."

That extraterritorial evil spirit expressed satisfaction.

Of course, he waved his hand.


One by one, black space rings flew out of his hand.

Respectively fell in front of every great power of the fairyland.

"There are the techniques of Immortal Realm, Immortal Pills, and Immortal Rank Magic Treasures, each of which has extremely high ranks. It is not comparable to those garbage resources in the Immortal Ling Realm."

The evil demon said.

"Thank you, Lord Magic Envoy."

Those great powers in the fairyland were all overjoyed, and quickly shut down the space in front of them.

And the evil demon outside the territory also turned around, walked into the space-time passage on the altar, and disappeared directly.

"Do we really take action?"

After that extraterritorial evil demon left, in the secret room, those great powers in the fairyland, you look at me, I look at you, they are silent for a moment.

Because these people all know that if action is taken this time, the impact will be very significant.

This means that they will officially betray the Xianling Realm.

Not secretly betrayal like in the past, but publicly!

"Hmph, in my opinion, with the current weak strength of the Xianling Realm, if it continues to be consumed like this, its destruction is inevitable.

Now, it is time for us to make a choice. "

After a while, an old man gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, I don't do it, I don't stop. I take this opportunity to create an opportunity to let the army from outside the territory invade the immortal tomb world."

"Well, I have the same view.

Xianling Realm needs to change the sky.

Maybe our approach is the most correct way to save the Xianling Realm. "

Soon, the other old men in the secret room all said one after another.

"Well, since everyone's opinions are unified.

So, it's so decided.

Take action officially! "

Among them, one of the most powerful Huaxian realm powers said.

As a result, more than a dozen fairyland, left this secret room one after another, began to arrange.

Zhu Tianjie.

In a cave under Qixia Mountain.

Lin Fei was concentrating, refining the mainland origin.

Ten days later, Lin Fei discovered that there seemed to be more and more feelings between himself and the mainland origin.

In these ten days, Lin Fei didn't know how many runes of divine consciousness had been sketched out and blended into that group of origin.

And these runes of divine consciousness are the main medium through which Lin Fei colludes with this group of origin.

The twelfth day.

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

That group of mainland origin seemed to transmit something to him.

Lin Fei quickly felt carefully.

It turned out to be a continuous picture.

Then, Lin Fei found that he seemed to be taken into a strange space.

I saw in the vast star field, darkness is boundless, there is no light, this seems to be an age without light and life, this is an extremely old age that cannot be traced back.

Lin Fei lifted his eyes and looked around, unable to see anything, even his own existence.

Time is spent little by little in this desolation and loneliness.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. In the dark and boundless star field, a small light suddenly burst out. The light was initially small, but soon it became larger and larger.

Gradually, this little light became a small continent floating in the star field.

This is a newly-born continent, and it drifts with the flow, like a helpless child wandering in the vast star field, without end, and forgetting where he came from.

Millions of years have passed, and it suddenly came to a bright world, this world has many bright stars, exuding gentle and full of heat light all the time.

It stopped and stationed in this bright world.

Gradually, this continent became larger and larger, and developed into one of the largest continents in this star region.

On the mainland, everything began to recover. On its ground, some green plants and flowers grew.

After millions of years of evolution, finally, some sapient creatures began to appear on this continent. They are the oldest group of creatures and the oldest race.

They branched out, and different races were born.

Humans, monsters, demons, and even many strange races.

They figured out a way to make themselves stronger, and they began to practice.

Hundreds of millions of creatures live on this continent, endlessly.

In the end, this continent became one of the most powerful cultivation continents in this star region.

Until one day, many creatures from other cultivation continents formed an army and invaded this continent.

A fierce battle started.

In the end, the entire continent was smashed to pieces, shattered into countless pieces, and fell apart.

Among them, the 44 continental fragments with the largest area were sealed in a fixed space by a few strong men and isolated from the outside world.

So gradually, these 44 continental fragments began to decline.

It began to become barren, the ancient prosperity and prosperity gradually faded, and the aura of heaven and earth became thinner day by day.

The cultivation realm of the warriors has also become lower and lower over time.

No one can find a higher martial art realm.

44 pieces of continental fragments are lingering, waiting for the day of extinction.

When the picture arrived here, it suddenly disappeared.

Lin Fei also woke up from that mysterious state, his eyes vicissitudes of life.

He witnessed the birth of a cultivation continent, its prosperity, its decline, and its beginning to perish.

During that period of time just now, Lin Fei seemed to be with Xianling Continent, spending that long time, and witnessing the past ups and downs of Xianling Continent.

Suddenly an indescribable feeling surged inexplicably.

"This group of mainland origin is telling me its past history!"

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted.

At this time, Lin Fei felt that he had established an indescribable connection with this group of mainland origin.

He seems to have successfully refined it!

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