Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2045: Enemy meet

At the same time that the protector died, the mainland origin in his body rushed out.

Then, directly beside Lin Fei, that group of Zhu Tianjie's mainland origin rushed over.

With a squeak, the two groups of mainland origins turned out to be directly fused together.

Then, Lin Fei had a wonderful feeling.

The heaven and earth, mountains, rivers and earth, vegetation, sky, wind, clouds, air, space...

Everything is under my own clear perception.

Moreover, he can command this world.

Lin Fei has become the master of Saint Venerable Continent!


Lin Fei finally relaxed completely in his heart.

As long as oneself becomes the master of this continent, then the magic circle cannot take shape.

The distress of the Holy Venerable Continent is equal to already solved.

"According to my order, order the entire continent to fight against the magic formation, and always be the enemy of the magic way!"

Lin Fei shouted immediately.

Suddenly, the wind was roaring, the thunder was roaring, the world was shaking, the mountains and rivers were screaming, and the plants and beings were drinking!

In the entire Saint Venerable Continent, everything that exists is a strong rejection of the magical formation that is about to take shape in the sky.

The power of the entire heaven and earth roared to the sky, transforming into a huge energy dragon tens of thousands of meters long, densely dense, covering the sky, and violently attacking the magic array.

At the same time, under Lin Fei's divine consciousness perception, he had already discovered thousands of pitch-black altars distributed in various locations in this Holy Venerable Continent.

These dark altars are actually the base of the magic array.

As long as these thousands of pitch-black altars were destroyed, the entire magic formation would completely disappear.

"Destroy everything for me!"

Lin Fei went to the ground below his feet and issued orders.

Suddenly, on the ground, a series of earth-yellow energy dragons rushed up and bombarded the pitch-black altars scattered on the ground.

The earth-yellow energy is actually the earth's air beneath the earth.

Before Lin Fei practiced Xiangdi Jue, he already knew the existence of these geoqis.

Earth Qi is also a kind of heaven and earth energy.


The entire Saint Venerable Continent was shaking, and the pitch-black altars, although they were all exploding with blazing black lights, resisted desperately.

But how could it be an enemy of the entire continent.

In a moment, the thousands of pitch-black altars scattered on the ground were all blasted into pieces.

High in the sky, the huge magic array that was being constructed was also annihilated instantly.

"It's over, how could this be..."

That extraterritorial evil demon was killing him with the old man surnamed Fang, the devil body clone, seeing this scene, couldn't help but snarled in despair.

"Lin Fei! You sabotage my plan, you deserve to die, I remember you!"

The outside evil demon stared at Lin Fei, exuding a strong killing intent.

Then, he turned around and stepped out, already hundreds of thousands of miles away.

This extraterritorial evil demon, knowing that the situation is over, obviously intends to escape.

Holy Land, Central Shengzhou.

In the Central Saint State, there is a huge pitch-black time and space altar in the headquarters of the Cleanroom Sect.

This extraterritorial evil demon, at this moment, fled towards the location of the time and space altar in the headquarters of the Cleanroom Sect.

Because before, he had descended to the Holy Venerable Continent through this time and space altar.

"Hmph, we Xianling Realm, are you outside demons who come and leave if they want!"

At this moment, suddenly, a dazzling figure of celestial light suddenly appeared above the Zhongshengzhou Wuchen Sect, blocking the path of the evil demon outside the territory.

"True old senior!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

This old man finally arrived!

Before, Lin Fei had sent several transmissions to the true old Dao before entering the Holy Venerable Continent.

Unexpectedly, until now, he has come.

"Sorry, I'm late.

Lin Fei, you did a great job. "

The really old way smiled at Lin Fei, his gaze couldn't hide his appreciation for Lin Fei.

"True Cang, it's you old fellow!"

The evil demon outside the territory finally changed his complexion when he saw the real old Dao appear.

Because he is just a clone of the strong outside the territory.

And this old way of life in front of him was a real master of the immortal king before.

Although the immortal body is damaged now, dragging a remnant body, but it is always the main body of the immortal king, and the combat power is higher than him.

"Lin Fei, this demon clown, just leave it to me.

Me and him were old enemies before. "

Really old said to Lin Fei.

Zhen Cang Lao Dao used to be a famous immortal king powerhouse in the immortal tomb world.

In ancient times, when extraterritorial evil spirits invaded the immortal tomb world, the real old Dao killed a large number of extraterritorial powerhouses.

In addition, he forged a deep feud with a large number of powerful evil demons outside the territory.

Now, the enemies have met.


Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei naturally believed in the strength of the real old way.

"Well, now, it's time to deal with you traitors.

All betrayers will die!

Including your sects, one by one, all must be rooted! "

Lin Fei's gaze coldly looked at the elder Chu of the Wuchen Sect, as well as the magical powers of other sects such as Mingjiao.

"Lin Fei, what do you want!

We are the ancient great religion of Zhongshengzhou, representing the ancient heritage of the entire continent.

Don't mess around! "

The elder Chu of the Wuchen Sect, as well as the other wonderland abilities beside him, were all pale, knowing that the big things were not good.

"Sorry, in my eyes, you traitors are no longer from the Holy Venerable Continent.

Since you have taken refuge in the evil demons outside the territory, then you belong to the evil spirits outside the territory.

There is no mercy for the evil spirits outside the territory! "

Lin Fei shouted.

Kill kill kill...

Suddenly, as Lin Fei's will passed out, the entire world of the Saint Venerable Continent seemed to roar loudly.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you are right. You must not be merciful to these traitors, you must kill them all!

Because of them, the Sovereign Continent, almost fell into a situation where it was impossible to recover! "

Ximen Road also laughed.

Dean Xiao, as well as six or seven other magical abilities of the fairyland who are loyal to the immortal tomb realm, also drank loudly.


The elder Chu of the Wuchen faction knew that the general situation was over, and the most important thing to flee for now, he moved quickly towards the headquarters of the Wuchen faction.

The other magical powers beside Elder Chu also fled.

"Huh, want to escape!"

Lin Fei let out a cold snort.



Between the heaven and the earth, endless power is roaring.

A series of substantial energy dragons, densely packed, are like locusts crossing the border, attacking those who are fleeing from the fairyland.


Those who turned to wonderland turned pale in fright.

Although they are Huaxianjing in strength, but now the entire world is attacking them.

Faintly, a terrifying heavenly might also locked them, as if vowing to kill them.

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