Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2049: Demon

Lin Fei swept the four major sects, it only took a long time.

This is mainly because Lin Fei belongs to the owner of this continent and can borrow the energy of this world infinitely.

Even if the great power of the fairyland came, Lin Fei could easily win it.

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was released.

It was discovered that the battle between True Clan Dao and that extraterritorial evil demon was still going on.

Moreover, the two had already hit the ground from the mainland to the sky, fighting fiercely in the boundless universe.

At the same time, Ximen Dao equalized the great power of the fairyland, and followed along, helping the real old Dao by the side, and from time to time sneak attacks on that extraterritorial evil.

Lin Fei moved out, strode out, and instantly came to the depths of the sky.

Here, the vast expanse is densely covered with huge stars and infinite meteorites.

Nowadays, in this heaven, a fierce battle is taking place.

The terrifying force surged and shook the universe, and fierce collisions destroyed many huge stars.

Looking around, the void kept exploding, the chaotic air churned, and the scene was terrifying.

Under the combined attack of True Clan Dao and Seven or Eight Transformation Wonderland Powers, that extraterritorial evil demon was already at a disadvantage and was suppressed and beaten.

However, he mastered all kinds of very strange demons and demons, which was very difficult.

Moreover, as an evil demon, he is born with very tenacious vitality and is extremely difficult to kill.


I saw the real old man chased behind the evil demon outside the territory a few steps, waved his fist, and slammed forward directly.

The whole fist is shining like a jade glass. Although the moves are simple and domineering, they contain various laws and principles.

This is his fist imprint from the fusion of the Immortal Dao Secret Technique.

I saw in this star field, the stars of the heavens appeared, around the real old way, in his fist, the galaxy was lingering, as if following his actions, the sun, moon and stars were rolling along.

This scene is terrifying!


The tall demon body of the evil demon outside the territories was hit by a punch, and its limbs were torn apart, and then it continued to explode into blood mist.

Even his primordial spirit was blown to pieces, turned into a little bit of black light, wrapped in the dark demon blood, scattered and splashed out.

However, a surprising scene happened.

Those demon blood, flesh, and bone **** that had splashed out in all directions suddenly gathered in the distance quickly, and at an incredible speed, recondensed into an evil demon body.


Really old fellow, I have the Demon Blood Rebirth Technique in my practice.

Even if there is only a drop of blood or a piece of flesh left, it can be reborn.

You want to kill this clone of me, it is not so easy. "

The demon laughed triumphantly.

Really old way could not help but frown.

The hardships of these extraterritorial demons have actually been seen in the fierce battle in the ancient times.

Those who are strong in evil spirits all practice all kinds of weird and extremely rebirth techniques. Coupled with the inherent vitality and toughness of the evil spirit family, they are very difficult to kill.

This is also one of the reasons why the creatures of the Xianling Realm were so defeated in the First World War.

"This extraterritorial demon is too difficult to kill.

It's simply immortal! "

Ximen Road equalized the mighty power of Wonderland, and couldn't help but sigh.

Over the past half day, the body of this demon has been shattered many times.

However, being reborn again and again makes people very helpless.

"This extraterritorial evil demon possesses a lot of evil power..."

Lin Fei stood in the distance, looking at the evil demon who was laughing triumphantly, her eyes could not help but feel hot.

This evil demon is definitely the kind of prestigious powerhouse outside the territory.

This time, although it was just a clone, the strength was compared with the body, not one in ten.

However, even so, the strength of this evil demon clone is far from what the Great Power of the Fairyland can fight against.

Only the real old Dao, the remnant immortal, could barely suppress him.

"True old senior, you smash his demons to pieces again, and I will deal with him!"

Lin Fei spoke to the real old Taoist.

He was really old for a moment, but then he seemed to think of something, he couldn't help but smiled and nodded lightly.


The majestic celestial energy radiating from the real old Dao's body directly impacted Xiao Han, rushed out in one step, proactively attacked, squeezed his fist, and blasted the evil demon.


A black lacquered magic knife was sacrificed from the body of the evil demon, with black light gleaming all over it, and various magical laws lingering on it.


The sky fell apart, and chaos emerged.

In this celestial realm, the stars kept breaking apart and disappearing in smoke. All existence in this space was destroyed and turned into a dead starry sky.

This is the collision of the strongest!

However, the strength of the real old way is obviously stronger.


After the fierce battle, there was another punch, and the evil demon was knocked upside down, its body exploded, and turned into a sky full of blood and bones.

"The opportunity is here!"

Lin Fei could feel that although this demon could reorganize his flesh and blood, he could be reborn.

However, the moment when his body was shattered and the demon body was reorganized, it was obviously his weakest moment.

call out!

Lin Fei's demon clone rushed out and teleported like lightning to the large pool of flesh and bones that exploded into the starry sky.


Wan Mo Zhutian Evil Needle swept out, sweeping towards some dark flesh and blood stumps.

"My domain holy relic!

roll! "

Finally, a horrified roar came out of the dark flesh and blood.

Naturally, this extraterritorial evil demon knows deeply the terrible aspect of this holy thing in the Abyss Territory.

call out!

All the pitch-black flesh and blood stumps were wrapped in a mass of black light, and they wanted to shoot away into the distant starry sky.

"Hmph, can you escape!"

Really old Dao let out a cold snort, and a huge palm reached out, the fairy light was radiant and the power was surging, blocking the front.

All of a sudden, the path of the evil demon was blocked.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Devil's Heaven-killing Evil Needle had already smashed into the dark pool of flesh and bones, and a huge suction force was immediately transmitted from the evil needle.

The evil needle seemed to turn into a black hole, pulling the evil demon's fleshy limbs forcefully.

"Damn it, how could my domain sacred object fall into the hands of a human kid!"

Really old fellow, you are waiting, and soon, our coalition forces will surely attack the Xianling Realm.

With the strength of your Xianling Realm, I see how you can resist.

Immortal Ling Realm will die! "

Finally, before the demon's flesh and blood residue was completely absorbed, there was a roar.

Finally, everything about this evil demon, including its body and soul, was absorbed by the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle.

An extraterritorial evil spirit powerhouse was also absorbed, showing the horror of this evil needle.


"The strength of this evil needle and the demon body clone seems to have increased a lot!"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

At this point, the crisis in the Holy Venerable Continent was finally resolved.

However, there was no sense of joy in everyone's hearts.

On the contrary, the mood is very heavy.

Because, at this time, in the entire Immortal Ling Realm, forty-four continents, nine continents have fallen under the control of extraterritorial demons.

It is conceivable that at this moment, great changes are taking place on the nine continents.

All creatures will be forced to land.

Moreover, on these nine continents, regardless of whether the creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm surrender or not, they will definitely suffer a round of massacre first.

Because the evil spirit is bloodthirsty, this is the essence of the evil demon outside the territory.

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