Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2055: Confession

This woman with white hair is Qing Luo.

At this time, Qing Luo was sitting behind a table of white jade spar, his eyes cold and thoughtful.

Although the appearance is beautiful, it also looks cold, as if the whole person was carved out of thousands of years of ice under the sea.

Next to Qingluo, there was a girl and a boy.

The girl's hands are like catkins, her skin is gelatinous, her delicate and small face, her nose is pretty, her lips are exhaled like blue, it's Ah Zi!

The young man was dressed in a light yellow shirt, slender and handsome.

In fact, this young man is a goblin.

In addition to Qingluo, Azi, and the goblin, dozens of young men and women gathered here.

These people are relatively well-known students in Xianling Academy.

Gathering here is a small gathering called Lundaohui.

Xianling Academy encourages more exchanges among the students instead of practicing behind closed doors.

Therefore, from time to time, students will spontaneously hold gatherings to exchange their cultivation experience.

Of course, this kind of gathering, in addition to communicating the gains and losses in practice, is also an important way for these young people to connect with each other and increase their relationship.

At this time, among the students, there is a lively discussion.

"Senior Brother Xue, I heard that you have cultivated the Star Sword Technique to the realm of Dacheng.

It seems that three months ago, Senior Brother Xue had just started practicing the Star Sword Technique, and in just three months he had actually cultivated this sword technique to the realm of great achievement.

Brother Xue's talent is really rare in the world! "

A young man with a strong body and strong muscles said loudly, with a clear compliment in his tone.

"The Star Sword Technique, I heard that it is the most difficult sword technique in our Xianling Academy.

This sword technique seems to involve the power of the law. "

"Yes, the power of law, for us younger generations, it is difficult to touch the threshold.

Brother Xue actually cultivated the star swordsmanship to the realm of Dacheng in three months. Could it be that Brother Xue started to step into the realm of law power! "

Law power!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were all looking at a young man in white shirt.

This young man in white shirt has eyebrows like swords and full of heaven. He is about twenty-two or three years old. He has a very sharp and sharp aura.

Although this young man in white shirt always had a smile on his face, occasionally he would show a very conceited look.

This man in white shirt is called Xue Jianfeng, a man of the world in Xianling Academy.

He is not only strong, but more importantly, his background is huge.

The eldest young master of the Xue family of Xuan Tianjie.

The Xue family of the Xuantian Realm is said to have had an ancestor of the Immortal King in ancient times, and inherited a profound history. In the entire Immortal Ling Realm, there are not many great sects that can be compared.

Moreover, now in the Xue family, there are a total of four magic fairyland powers.

In a family, there are four elders of the hidden clan, who are capable of transforming fairyland, and it is the kind of old-style fairyland with terrible combat power.

This made the Xue Family's strength rank in the forefront of the entire Xianling Realm, even if it was the King of the Heaven Realm Family, it was not as good as the Xue Family.

Such an identity background made Xue Jianfeng very enjoyable.

Soon after entering Xianling Academy, he had a large number of loyal followers.

After all, there are many people who tend to be inflamed.

"It goes without saying that Young Master Xue's aptitude and talent are definitely ranked in the top five in our Xianling Academy."

"Young Master Xue began to comprehend the power of the law at a young age. He is definitely a rare wizard in the world!"

A large group of students, especially those of Xue Jianfeng's attendants, babbled and praised.

"Sister Qingluo, this **** discussion meeting is really boring, I would not come if I knew this."

A Zixian stroked Zhu's lips with her hand, yawned, and whispered to Qing Luo beside her.

Although she is a first-class beauty, she doesn't have so many scruples when speaking.

"Well, get ready to go."

Qing Luo nodded.

"Hmph, it's a wizard at every turn, it's hilarious.

If Lin Fei is here, who would dare to be called a wizard! "

The goblin was also triumphant.

"Yes, if the master is here, it is estimated that in Xianling Academy, absolutely no one would dare to call a genius!"

Zi agrees greatly.

"I wonder if Lin Fei..."

When Azi and the goblin mentioned Lin Fei, Qing Luo's expression was very worried and deeply concerned.

"Sister Qingluo, don't worry, the master has always been lucky and he will be fine."

Azi comforted.

"Okay, Azi, let's go."

Qing Luo thought of Lin Fei, and was even more disinterested, so she continued to stay here to participate in this forum.

"Yes, Xue Jianfeng, you have long been wrong to Sister Qingluo, let's not stay here, listen to his group of attendants bragging.

Zi nodded.

It turned out that Xue Jianfeng had long been attracted to Qing Luo, and he had shown his favor to Qing Luo many times in private.

It's just that Qing Luo has always been cold to him and ignored him.

"Brother Xue, you are such an outstanding young talent. I don't know, what kind of woman is worthy of you?"

At this moment, suddenly, a young man said loudly.

"Yes, since ancient times, beauties are worthy of heroes. I think only true beauties are worthy of young heroes like Brother Xue."

"Senior Brother Xue, take this opportunity to reveal it."

Several people followed suit.

"Oh? Do you really want to know?

In fact, let’s tell everyone, I really have a girl I like. "

At this time, Xue Jianfeng had a decent smile on his face.

"Wow! Brother Xue, you really have a favorite.

Tell me quickly, which girl is so lucky! "

Several male and female students shouted exaggeratedly.

The atmosphere suddenly became noisy.

"Hehe, in fact, that girl, she is here too."

Xue Jianfeng smiled.

Then, his eyes turned to Qing Luo.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on Qing Luo's body.

"Senior Brother Xue, it turns out that the girl you like is Qing Luo!"

A student screamed loudly.

In fact, this forum was carefully planned by Xue Jianfeng and a group of his followers.

The purpose is to show love to Qingluo in public.

He had confessed to Qingluo several times in private, but Qingluo's eyes have been greeted.

However, he did not give up.

He felt that with his talent and family status, he fell in love with that woman, and he couldn't catch up with it.

The harder it is to chase, the more interested he is.

Because, in the past, he had relied on this stalker method to chase several beautiful women.

At this time, Xue Jianfeng was slowly walking towards Qingluo, his eyes looked affectionate.

At the same time, in this sky, colorful flowers all appeared in the sky suddenly, one after another.

The flood of flowers and rain makes this world seem very romantic.

At the same time, waves of moving and tactful music of Qin Xiao sounded in this world.

The content of the playing is exactly Feng Qiuhuang.

"Qing Luo, you should understand my intentions.

I hope you can accept it. "

Xue Jianfeng said.


Qing Luo said coldly, showing an expression of disgust.

In an instant, the whole scene fell silent.

"Qingluo, you are so unfeeling."

Xue Jianfeng didn't expect Qing Luo to say such things in public without giving him any face.

Even deep in his eyes, a trace of anger flashed.

In his capacity, how has anyone ever been scolded in public like this.

The other students were also stunned.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.


Let us go, Master Xue, you are not yet qualified!

You woman, don't know anything! "

Suddenly, an old man showed his figure above the void of the mountain, and shouted at Qing Luo in a condescending tone.

At the same time, a terrible force of Yuan force suppressed Qingluo overwhelmingly.

This is an advanced master of the cave world!

In Xianling Academy, most of the students are still in the Mahayana realm.

Only a small part of the students have broken through to the elementary cave heaven.

Therefore, a high-level cave world is still very stressful for these students.

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