Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2062: The development of Cangyan Holy Land

Originally, Qing Luo, A Zi and the goblin wanted to leave with Lin Fei.

However, under Lin Fei's persuasion, the three of them eventually stayed in Xianling Academy, focusing on cultivation.

Because, in Xianling Academy, after all, there are some veteran transforming fairyland powers who personally guide the students in their cultivation. Such an opportunity is very rare.

More importantly, the environment is very quiet.

If you follow Lin Fei, there must be no such quiet practice environment.

As for Rong'er and Wan'er, Lin Fei originally wanted them to stay with Qingluo in Xianling Academy.

However, the two sisters insisted on returning to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land and staying there to practice.

Because, Uncle Huang is there now.

The two sisters hadn't seen Uncle Huang for a long time, so they missed it very much.

Lin Fei had to agree to them and take them back to the Eastern Region.

When Lin Fei left Xianling College, the deputy dean of Xianling College chased him out and sent Lin Fei off.

Intentionally or unconsciously, the deputy dean revealed to Lin Fei that the senior management of the academy had ordered the elders and deacons in the academy to focus on protecting the safety of Qingluo, Azi, and the goblin.

Because, those high-level figures in Xianling Academy were originally the confidants of True Clan Dao, and Lin Fei is now the young man that True Clan Dao values ​​most.

Speaking of which, everyone is considered their own.

Therefore, after Xue Jianfeng's affairs, the senior figures of Xianling Academy decided to protect the Qingluo trio.

Lin Fei is naturally happy to see such a result. It is estimated that the Qingluo three will be very safe in Xianling Academy in the future.

After leaving Xianling Academy, Lin Fei decided to return to the Saint Venerable Continent, first sending Rong'er and Wan'er back to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei can now freely cross between the different interfaces of the Xianling Realm, which is very convenient.

A day later, Lin Fei crossed several different interfaces, and finally returned to the Holy Venerable Continent.

As the master of Saint Venerable Continent, Lin Fei could go to any corner of Saint Venerable Continent with a single thought.

Therefore, within a few steps, Lin Fei returned to the Eastern Region, outside the headquarters of the Cangyan Holy Land.

The headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land is already very large now, and compared with the past, it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Looking at the Cangyan Holy Land headquarters in front of him, Lin Fei couldn't help but think of the past days when Cangyan Holy Land was rebuilt.

Now, the hard work has finally paid off. The Cangyan Holy Land has not only been successfully rebuilt, but it has also developed into the most powerful sect in the Eastern Region.

In the entire Eastern Region, all other sectarian forces, whether they like it or not, must now respect the Cangyan Holy Land as their head!

"Lin Fei, it's you!"

Lin Fei's figure just appeared in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, and three figures appeared immediately, coming towards Lin Fei.

"Elder Nie, it's you!

When did you come back! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed and exclaimed.

It turned out that these three people were Elder Nie of Cangyan Holy Land and two hidden elders.

These three hidden elders, last time Lin Fei personally sent them to the ancient city outside the region.

After Lin Fei left, the three hidden elders stayed in the ancient city to practice.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be back now.

"Elder Nie, you have all broken through into the fairyland!"

Then Lin Fei cried out in surprise and joy.

It turned out that Lin Fei sensed that the current strength of these three hidden elders turned out to be the strength of the fairyland.

"Haha, yes, the three of us were previously limited to the laws of heaven and earth in Xianling Realm and could not break through.

Unexpectedly, this time when I went to an environment outside the territory, all of them broke through.

Moreover, now Elder Tong and the three of them are also going to the ancient city.

Elder Tong and the three of them are not inferior to me.

I estimate that the breakthrough of the three elders Tong will be quite smooth. "

Elder Nie said.

"That's great!

Doesn't this mean that our Cangyan Holy Land will have six transforming fairyland powers in the near future! "

Lin Fei said in surprise.

"Not bad!"

Elder Nie, and the other two hidden elders nodded excitedly at the same time.

One sect has six fairyland.

Such strength is absolutely in the forefront of the entire Xianling Realm!

This means that the future strength of Cangyan Holy Land will no longer be limited to the Eastern Region, or even within the Holy Venerable Continent, but will become the top power in the entire Immortal Ling Realm.

"It seems that our Cangyan Holy Land has truly risen!"

Lin Fei was very happy.

"Yes, our Cangyan Holy Land is truly emerging within the immortal tomb realm.

However, now the enemies outside the territory are always preparing to invade our Xianling Realm.

The old man in the city is right, and fighting against enemies outside the territory is the most important thing. "

Elder Nie sighed.

In that ancient city, Elder Nie was influenced by the soldiers who guarded the city, and his vision seemed to be much wider.

It was no longer limited to the rise and fall of a sect in Cangyan Holy Land, but was concerned about the safety of the entire Immortal Ling Realm.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei also nodded.

Soon, learning that Lin Fei was back, a large number of acquaintances in the Cangyan Holy Land rushed to meet Lin Fei.

After Uncle Huang came to the Eastern Region, he stayed in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land to practice, and when he learned that Lin Fei had returned, he naturally arrived at the first time.

Lin Fei teleported Rong'er and Wan'er from the slave tower.

Uncle Huang, Rong'er and Wan'er met with each other, and they were naturally excited.

In addition to Uncle Huang, there were also a large group of people from Yuanwu Realm who gathered around Lin Fei, very lively.

There are An Lao, Shen Ji Zi, Meng Shan, Chang Hao and other people.

After all, the aura of heaven and earth in the Yuan Wu realm, and the soundness of the laws of heaven and earth, are far inferior to the Holy Venerable Continent.

Everyone chose to cultivate in the Eastern Region, and the effect was much better than in the Yuanwu Realm.

Moreover, the spatial passage in the Black Wind Beast Realm will no longer be closed.

It is very convenient for everyone to go back and come when they want to do whatever they want.

Yuan Wu Realm was already completely controlled by Cangyan Holy Land.

Cangyan Holy Land now has three magical powers, plus the surname above, if the other three hermit elders also break through, there will be a total of seven magical magical powers.

This kind of strength made Lin Fei feel very at ease about the safety of the Cangyan Holy Land and Yuanwu Realm.

Lin Fei took out a large amount of cultivation resources and handed them to Elder Nie as the foundation of Cangyan Holy Land.

These resources accounted for almost half of Lin Fei's net worth, no matter the amount or value, they were amazing.

Naturally, these resources were collected by Lin Fei from the headquarters of the great sect forces that took refuge in the evil demons outside the territory.

With this huge amount of training resources, plus a few hidden elders with the strength of the fairyland, the strength of the Cangyan Holy Land, it can be regarded as a first-class power that truly squeezes into the fairyland.

A day later, Lin Fei received a urging message from the true Clan Dao, so he said goodbye to everyone, left the Eastern Region, and went to Zhu Tianjie.

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