Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2068: End of practice

Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​knowledge, studying in detail the explanation of the golden law in the interpretation of the world law.

"Well, this secret method is really extraordinary, and the explanation of the golden rule is too detailed."

Lin Fei secretly admired.

This interpretation of the laws of the world seems to use the simplest and simplest primitive runes to construct the ultimate meaning of the laws of the world.

There is no specific tactics, martial skills, only the simple Dao, using the most simple runes in the world to outline the various origin laws between the world and the earth to explain the essence of the Dao.

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Fei closed his eyes, slowly contemplating in the sea of ​​knowledge, benefiting greatly.

A few days later, Lin Fei had already studied the part about the golden rule in this secret law dozens of times.

"Metallicity, the golden rule...

A form of energy..."

Lin Fei repeatedly deduced the law of gold in the sea of ​​knowledge.

As if suddenly, Lin Fei realized that he seemed to have come into a misty world constructed by the law of gold.

The world is open and closed, chaos permeates.

The vast universe and star field, the law of gold, constantly evolve, becoming all things and everything in the world, and in the end, it is actually constructed into an ancient big world composed of the laws of gold.

One big world, from small to large, from prosperity to decline, is constantly changing in front of Lin Fei's eyes.

"It turns out that a single metallic law can also evolve into such a diverse and complex world.

Could it be that every attribute law, when deduced to the extreme, can build the world?

Lin Fei couldn't help but remember a word he had heard when he was still on the earth in the previous life.

Dao produces one, one life two, two produces three, three produces all things.

This sentence was spoken by Lao Tzu, a great sage in the pre-Qin period on earth.

At this time, Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​knowledge, confirming Lao Tzu's words and the secret method of world law interpretation.

"The order, the laws, and the power of the laws in the world seem to be profound and profound, but they are broken, so simple..."

In the end, Lin Fei seemed to have a clear mind.

There is a kind of enlightenment, the taste of epiphany!

In this way, Lin Fei devoted himself to comprehension in this metallic enlightenment room.

Five days later.

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly.

There was a sudden tremor in the entire secret room.

In the void, all the floating white talisman seals stopped moving at this moment.

Lin Fei slowly stretched out his hand, the space solidified.

The entire space seemed to be controlled by Lin Fei.

Freeze the void!

This is a manifestation of the power of law.

Then, Lin Fei waved his hand gently.

In the entire enlightenment room, billowing white light was tumbling, and the endless power of the law of gold continued to condense in front of Lin Fei.

In a moment, a white giant sword appeared in front of Lin Fei.

This white giant sword is purely composed of the power of the law of gold.


With a light swing of the white giant sword, the space inside the room, like tofu, was cut in the middle and divided into two.

A crack in the dark space divided the entire enlightenment room into two spaces.

After a long time, this pitch-black space crack slowly disappeared.

The two spaces in the interior slowly merge and become one space again.

This white giant sword is a five-element hegemony sword that Lin Fei used the power of the law of gold to display. Its power was at least a thousand times greater than before.

"The interpretation of the laws of the world is really mysterious. I only have been able to use the power of the laws for five days."

Lin Fei sighed.

Finally, I knew how awesome the world law released from Hongmeng Ding was.

"With this interpretation of the laws of the world, I have realized the power of the laws and it seems to be very simple."

Lin Fei was surprised.

"Okay, next, change to a wood-attributed enlightenment room and learn about the laws of wood."

Lin Fei's divine sense found the location of a wood-attributed enlightenment room in the jade slip, tap it gently.

next moment.

Lin Fei appeared in a wood-attributed enlightenment room.

Then, began to comprehend the law of wood.

The days of cultivation do not know how fast or slow.

Finally, a month passed.

Before Xiantu practiced the tower.

Really old, there are more than a dozen fairyland, all standing in front of the tower.

"I don't know, how much have they gained after practicing for three months."

Really old way is a little expectant.

"Okay, let them all come out."

Really old Dao flicked his sleeves toward the tall pagoda in front of him.


In the next moment, streamers rushed out of the pagoda.

It is a protector.

Soon, all the Taoist protectors were teleported out and stood in the open space in front of the real old Tao.

"Well, yes, one by one is full of energy, it seems that you have gained a lot in these three months."

How terrifying is the perception ability of the real old way.

With a light sweep of his spiritual knowledge, he understood the situation of these protectors clearly.

Almost all of the more than thirty guardians have broken through. Among them, more than half have reached the strength of the high-level cave world.

Each of these Taoist protectors was carefully selected by the real old Taoist in the entire fairy tomb world.

Naturally all of them are geniuses among geniuses.

Genius, the breakthrough speed is naturally much faster than ordinary warriors.

In addition, there are a variety of secret realms and high-level cultivation chambers in the Xiantu cultivation tower. Everyone can find a cultivation place that is very suitable for them.

"Haha, well, you have all made progress, and in all aspects, the state is very good.

Conducive to our next plan! "

Really old Taoist spiritual sense, one by one perceives those young Taoist protectors, very satisfied.

"Sure enough, all of them are talented young people with good qualifications..."

Around, the dozens of great powers in the fairyland also nodded in approval.


The gods of this kid..."

However, when his spiritual sense felt Lin Fei's body, he couldn't help being surprised.

Because, he discovered that Lin Fei's divine consciousness seemed to be much stronger than before, and faintly, there was an astonishing force of divine consciousness exuding.

However, the true Clan Dao found that he could not accurately perceive the strength of Lin Fei's divine consciousness at all.

His divine sense perception had just reached Lin Fei's surroundings and was isolated by a terrifying breath.

"Even I can't accurately perceive it, is there any magic weapon of god-consciousness in this kid's sea of ​​consciousness?"

Really old Dao couldn't help but secretly guess, and he was extremely surprised.

This is the first time for the real old man. He couldn't help but want to spy on Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, but unexpectedly, he encountered such a situation.

Now, in Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, the soul tree has grown to a height of two kilometers, and it has truly become a towering tree.

Possess a strong self-protection ability, even a Canxian cannot easily detect it.

Of course, if you really want to use a tough method to forcefully penetrate Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge and perceive it, you can still do it.

However, this would definitely cause huge damage to Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness and Soul Body.

Really old way would naturally not do this.

"This kid, I can't see him more and more."

Really old Tao secretly sighed.

"Well, everyone, the next thing is the most important thing!"

The really old Dao said slowly, his expression was very serious, and at the same time, deep in his eyes, there was uncontrollable expectation and excitement.

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