Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2076: merge

At the moment when the six great powers of Transforming Wonderland were shocked, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the hundreds of meters high divine consciousness treasure tripod attacked the head of another great power of Transforming Wonderland at an astonishing speed.

The terrible divine consciousness coercion immediately enveloped this transforming fairyland power.

This god-conscious treasure tripod was made by combining Lin Fei's powerful god-consciousness and a large amount of grand qi, plus the secret technique.

Hongmeng's heavy aura naturally restrains the martial artist's consciousness, and Lin Fei's divine consciousness is far more powerful than the general fairyland.

This treasured tripod of divine consciousness is simply not something that these ordinary transforming wonderland powers can resist.

"How is it possible, Lin Fei, how could you attack the Secret Art with such a terrible consciousness!"

The great power of this fairyland felt the treasure tripod of divine consciousness, and couldn't help but lose his color in amazement, and screamed.

Then, his divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness rushed out of his head regardless of cost, turned into a huge treasure seal, and blasted towards Lin Fei's divine consciousness treasure tripod.

It turned out that the cultivation level reached the level of the fairyland, and because of the very powerful divine consciousness, it could already be transformed into a divine consciousness.

That is, the divine consciousness can easily simulate various forms and attack.


That huge treasure seal, just hit the treasure tripod of divine consciousness, was crushed like paper.

Then, all the defenses of Baoding of God's Consciousness, the great power of the fairyland, attacked his sea of ​​knowledge.


Suddenly, the great power of the fairyland screamed.

Lin Fei waved his hand, forming a mysterious sword formation with five sword auras, strangling it out.


This mighty body of the fairyland blasted to pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

Another magical fairyland has fallen.

There was a moment of silence in the cave.

No one can predict this consequence.

The remaining five great powers of the fairyland looked at Lin Fei blankly.

This kid, when did he have such terrible combat power? !

At this time, the battle between the demon body clone and the five demons also progressed to a feverish degree.

The avatar of the demon body tightly held the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle in both hands, wiping it so tightly that the water could not enter.

Those five demons mastered all kinds of terrifying magical secrets, and the five demons attacked together, and their strength was quite terrifying.

However, it is a pity that what they encountered was the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle.

Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle is one of the three holy artifacts of the Abyss Realm. It has a strong restraint effect on all kinds of evil spirits and magic.

Not only restraint, but the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle also exudes terrible suction power from time to time, faintly trying to **** in these five demons.

Therefore, the five demons surrounded Lin Fei's demon body clone for a long time, and there was no way.

"Damn it, this holy thing must have absorbed a lot of magic source energy, and there are already some signs of awakening!"

One of the demons said angrily.

They originally thought that even if this evil needle fell into the hands of a human race kid, there was nothing terrifying.

Because this evil needle can be stimulated even though [笔趣阁] has a large amount of magic source energy.

What can a human kid know, and where to find a lot of magic source energy.

However, they didn't expect that Lin Fei had discovered this a long time ago, and the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle had absorbed a large amount of demon source energy.

This made this evil needle's strength more and more terrifying.

"Speed ​​up the merger!"

Lin Fei roared and sprayed another mouthful of blood onto the mainland origin above his head.

At this time, Lin Fei's main attention was still on summoning eleven continents.

In the vast void within the immortal tomb boundary, eleven continents were roaring and approaching each other, faster and faster.

The merge is about to succeed!

"No, stop him!

Those continents are about to merge successfully! "

A Wonderland can shout loudly.

The five great abilities of the fairyland were all fighting, and they rushed towards Lin Fei with all their strength.

"Can't drag anymore!

Kill this human race kid first, and you can't let him succeed! "

The five demons also roared, trying to bypass the demon body clone, planning to kill Lin Fei first.

"Haha... it's too late!"

Lin Fei suddenly laughed.

Eleven continents are already in sight of each other, and they will merge successfully immediately!

"Speed ​​up!"

Lin Fei roared, as the master of the mainland, his thoughts passed away and gave orders to eleven continents.


At the same time, Lin Fei bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, spraying out more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood.

In an instant, Lin Fei's body was thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye, and most of the flesh and blood under the skin seemed to disappear.

The whole person looks like only a piece of leather is left, covering the skeleton.

Lin Fei at this time looked pale, with a wilting breath, and extremely weak.

"Boy, are you going to die!"

A great power in the fairyland was shocked and angry, and rushed into the altar.

He understood that Lin Fei was urging the eleven continents to accelerate the merger at any cost.


Do you still want to stop? Unfortunately, it's too late! "

At the moment when the Great Power of Transforming Wonderland stepped into the altar, Lin Fei had been sitting cross-legged, but suddenly stood up and laughed wildly.


At this moment, in the vast star field within the Xianling Realm, eleven continents crashed together at a very fast speed, making a loud noise that shocked the entire Xianling Realm.

Eleven continents shook at the same time.

The ground in each continent shook like a turbulent sea.

Strong wind and showers, lightning and thunder.

Mountains and rivers move horizontally and rivers flow backward.

The topography of the eleven continents began to undergo tremendous changes.

Especially the border areas of the eleven continents that meet each other are colliding, fusing, and accepting each other.

Huge mountains, peaks, rift valleys, oceans, and oceans continue to appear.


In Xianling Realm, all the people who participated in this plan, the real old way, and those who transformed the fairyland, mumbled to themselves at this moment.

On their faces, there are excitement, excitement, ecstasy, unwillingness, loss, resentment.

"Lin Fei, he succeeded!"

Really old, muttered to himself, at this moment, he was lost.

For this day, he did not know how many long years he planned, how much effort and sweat he put in.

"Hehe, this kid, when I first saw him, I knew he was a man of creation.

It's really good to start things. "

The monk from the place of life and death, Tian Chanzi, also showed a knowing smile on his face at this moment.

Outside the fairy tomb boundary, in the vast starry sky.

In an ancient city.

A soldier was standing on the wall, watching the coalition forces of the three big clans nervously.

Suddenly, his body shook.

"In the fairy tomb world, it seems that some incredible changes have occurred...?!"

The soldier muttered to himself.

At this moment, all that was hidden in the fairy cemetery world, including some masters who had never shown their faces, looked sideways.

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