Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2082: I underestimate Xianling Realm

The ancient city, the fairy light was shining brightly out of the sky.

A long-lasting breath of mottled mulberry air filled this boundless star field.

This ancient city, during these long years, has been hidden in the void outside the Xianling Realm, guarding the safety of the Xianling Realm.

In the immortal tomb world, some ancient sects with long traditions, or some old creatures who have lived for a long time, have heard that in the ancient times, there was such a legendary city.

Unexpectedly, today, I saw this legendary ancient city with my own eyes.

Many old people couldn't help but burst into tears.

"The evil demon clowns outside the territory, today, this is your burial place!"

Above the huge ancient city, a soldier appeared, condescending, his eyes flashing like electricity.

Armor draped over his body, holding a sharp spear.

An aura of suppression of the world radiated from him.

"The ancient city is trapped!"

The soldier shouted.


In the distance, in the void in all directions, a tall and solid city wall constantly emerged, erupting with immeasurable light, like a long dragon, constantly spreading out.

These city walls are too tall and crowded with the entire star field. Each city wall seems to cut off a star field. It is estimated that even a master of the fairy king level cannot cross over.

In almost less than a breathing time, this star field was completely sealed off by the tall city walls that continued to emerge in all directions.

The continuous tall city walls are connected end to end.

Right in the middle is the ancient city.

At this moment, the whole ancient city was dazzling with celestial light, and there were terrifying laws of immortality.

That soldier, with perseverance, mighty and mighty, seems to be a man who is going to be a guard!

In this way, all the people and horses of the Immortal Ling Realm and the aliens were trapped in this star field.

"No, this is a huge trap!"

Among the aliens, the dozen or so of them are the strongest, and they all see that their heads are wrong.

This star field was cut off, and all the people were besieged.

However, when they reacted, it was too late.

Because, just now when the two sides fought fiercely, the ancient city had already arrived.

The soldiers in the ancient city pool only showed up after secretly laying down this ancient city trapped formation.

The ancient city trapped array is based on this ancient city.

The ancient city that the soldiers stayed behind was forged in the ancient times, and finally saved the peerless powerhouses in the Xianling Realm, using the means of sky-reaching.

The trapped ancient city was also left by the few peerless strong men. The power was terrifying, and ordinary fairy kings would definitely not be able to break through.

"What's the matter, are we surrounded!"

"Roar! Damn, these **** walls!"

Those alien creatures seemed to roar.

"Smash it!"

Among the aliens, the leader of the third layer of the demon world, Lord Blood Demon took the lead, trying to smash the walls.


In the turbulent black fog, a pitch-black scimitar flew around, encircling the rich magical law, constantly zooming in, tearing the sky apart, and slashing on a city wall.


Other foreign powerhouses also took action one after another, blasting at the disproportionately tall city walls.


The city wall shook slightly, and the fairy light burst out, easily resisting all attacks without any damage.

"How can these ghost city walls be so hard!"

After a round of violent attacks, those foreign powerhouses were a little desperate.

Any of their attacks would have no effect on the city walls besieged around the star field.

"The creatures of the fairy cemetery world, all leave and return to your homeland.

One person for one city is enough to deal with these extraterritorial demons! "

Suddenly, on the dazzling ancient city, the soldier spoke loudly.

A heroic air, shaking the sky.


As soon as the soldier's voice fell, celestial lights swept out of the ancient city. Each celestial light, wrapped in a creature from the immortal tomb world, disappeared.

After a while, hundreds of millions of people from the Immortal Ling Realm disappeared in this star field and returned to their own continent.

At this moment, the 34 continents within the Xianling Realm were whizzing and quickly approaching each other.

Suddenly, densely populated spots of light appeared in the sky above every continent.

Every spot of light is a figure.

These were sent back in the star field just now.

"we are back?!……"

"It's the legendary city, the senior who guards the city, sent us back!"

"That senior, intends to deal with the aliens alone!"

All the creatures were shocked and excited.

When thinking of that soldier, every creature in the Xianling realm felt full of pride.

One person per city is enough to deal with these extraterritorial demons!

This is a kind of shocking confidence and heroism.

At this moment, in this vast star field, almost all the people and horses in the Xianling Realm had disappeared, leaving only Zhen Cang Dao and Tian Chanzi.

Damn it!

Suddenly, a loud noise shook the sky.

The gate of that ancient city was actually slowly opened.

A strong feeling of years and years swept out.

Step on...

A peculiar rhythm of footsteps sounded, and a majestic tall figure came out from the opened city gate unhurriedly.

It was the soldier.

The spear in his hand was shining with a palpitating cold light, with a murderous intent.

Although, he just walked out of the ancient city by himself.

However, that kind of heroic aura, the terrifying power that exudes, and the shock of people's hearts, it seems to be leading a thousand troops, rushing out of the city to meet the enemy.


You strange demons and clowns, you underestimate our Xianling Realm!

However, our Xianling Realm, in these long years, has indeed been declining, and our strength has been greatly reduced.

However, our Xianling Realm is not too weak yet, and it can be destroyed by just sending thirteen powerful immortal kings. "

The cold voice of the soldier sounded in this star field.


Really old, and Tian Chanzi quickly greeted him.

The seniority of this soldier is astonishingly large, and even the real old Dao and Tian Chanzi, in front of him, have to call themselves juniors.

"Another master of the fairy king level!

Moreover, it is still very powerful! "

Those strong men in the foreign land looked at this soldier who slowly walked out of the city, with a look of fear on his face.

From their eyes, it was natural to see that the strength of this soldier was terrifying.

"Maybe, we really underestimate the Xianling Realm..."

At this moment, the strong among the aliens couldn't help thinking in secret.

Originally, I thought that among the immortal cemetery, the most powerful, that is, a remnant immortal.

Therefore, this time, their three great clans, the Evil Demon Race, the Bone Race, and the Sky Shadow Race of the third demon world, all sent only a few masters of the fairy king level.

I thought that with this kind of power, he could easily conquer the Xianling Realm.

However, Xianling Realm now suddenly has three masters of the Immortal King level.

Moreover, there is a terrible ancient city trapped.

In Qixia Mountain.


Lin Fei received the sound transmission sent back by the true Cang Lao Dao, and had a general understanding of the current battle situation, and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

"Haha, it seems that Xianling Realm can overcome the difficulties in front of me!"

Lin Fei felt a little relaxed.

At this moment, 34 continents in the vast starry sky of Xianling Jiexian were whizzing and merging rapidly.

Moreover, the distance is very close, looking at each other.

Successfully merged soon!

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