Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2085: The power of the lord of the fairy cemetery


Today is a great day!

I want to kill happily! "

Really old Dao burst into laughter suddenly.

At this time, the laws of immortality in the fairy cemetery were constantly improving, and the laws of heaven and earth turned into large nets, and they were overwhelming the dozens of foreign powers.

Let the combat power of these foreign powerhouses continue to decline.

As a person in the realm of Immortal Tomb, the true old Dao is constantly nourished by the laws of immortal Dao, and his strength is constantly increasing.

In this state of prolonged and diminished, the true old Dao is naturally magnificent!


True Clan Dao stepped forward, wrapped his right fist in the shining fairy light, pushed the three thousand great worlds horizontally, and blasted towards a foreign powerhouse.

The tsunami-like energy rolled over the sky, the world trembled, and the terrifying aura spread over the sky.


The body of that foreign powerhouse was blown upside down by the real old Taoist body, his face was shocked.

"Just relying on your characters, you want to destroy my immortal tomb realm. You value yourself too much.

Since it's here, save your life! "

Tian Chanzi also looked up to the sky and laughed, and the endless waves of black energy spread violently and boiled violently.

Boom boom boom...

With a wave of his hand, a string of pitch-black Buddhist beads were thrown out. Each bead turned into a huge, pitch-black star, and the sky was filled with **** stars, rumbling over it.


The sharp spear in the soldier's hand pierced the ground.

A strong killing intent, rising around his body, like a flame, burning madly.

At this moment, the three powerhouses of Xianling Realm broke out completely.

One by one looked majestic and majestic, marching forward bravely, vowing to kill those invading foreign enemies!

On the contrary, those strong in the foreign lands, but their faces are blue and morale is low.

"Haha, yes, since it's here, let's save your life."

Lin Fei also suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. As the master of the fairy cemetery, it is naturally impossible to stand by.

In fact, as soon as Lin Fei came to the court, his blazing gaze fixed on those large numbers of foreign troops.

It can be seen that the creatures of the Evil Demon Race, Bone Race, and Sky Shadow Race, the energy systems cultivated by these three races are all biased toward evil energy.

And what the Ten Thousand Demons Zhutian Evil Needle needs is these evil energy.

"Now or never.

Today, let the strength of Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle and Demon Body clone rise to the next level! "

Lin Fei was no longer hesitant, with his hands on his back and a sneer on his face, he rushed to the dense and surprisingly large number of foreign troops in one step.


At this moment, all eyes were staring at Lin Fei in shock.

Could it be that this guy wants to single out so many troops?

Although, the three powerhouses of Xianling Realm, as well as the dozens of powerhouses in Foreign Land, knew that Lin Fei was now the master of Xianling Realm.

However, the young man in front of him seemed to be around twenty years old.

The figure is slender, thin, and the face is beautiful.

Actually he was alone, with his hands on his back, and rushed toward the army without fear.

Moreover, that posture seemed aggressive, as if he was the strong one.

"court death!"

"A stinky boy, dare to provoke our tribes like this!"

"This demon crushed him to death with a finger!"

The army of the three races in the foreign land was also provoked by this human race boy, and became angry with riots.

There were alien creatures on the spot, showing their starting methods, shouting to welcome Lin Fei.

In an instant, the distance between the two parties narrowed.

"Dead! The arrogant human kid!"

"Don't fight with me, I will squeeze this little bug from the fairy tomb world with my own hands!"

In the clamor, hundreds of violent attacks burst out terrible energy fluctuations, like a vast ocean, flooding towards Lin Fei.

Every alien creature wanted to kill Lin Fei first.

"Lin Fei, don't be too impulsive.

Avoid it first.

There are too many opponents! "

Tian Chanzi couldn't help but said to Lin Fei.

The old man and the soldier are also ready to teleport over to save people at any time.

After all, in the eyes of these three powerhouses, Lin Fei was just a younger generation.

They were afraid of Lin Fei's accident.

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

As the owner of the mainland, Lin Fei felt the power in his body at this moment could destroy the world, and he just had this opportunity to verify where he would retreat.

next moment.

Lin Fei stretched out one hand and grabbed forward suddenly!


The wind was violent, the heavens and the earth roared, the ten thousand realms trembled, and the entire star field was boiling.

I saw huge energy dragons burst out of nothingness, densely packed, and the number was too large to calculate.

Every energy dragon burst out with dazzling fairy lights, which are tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of feet long.

These energy dragons are all manifested by the heaven and earth energy of the immortal tomb world.

Then, as Lin Fei grabbed forward, these terrifying energy dragons directly condensed into a huge and boundless giant palm.

This giant palm almost filled this star field, exuding a terrifying force of immortality.


This can only measure the huge palm, quickly move forward, and pinch.

Puff puff……

At least thousands of alien creatures were directly crushed to pieces.

Flesh and bone residues of various colors splashed everywhere, filling the starry sky.

At the same time, the demon body clone was holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, swept forward, whirring, huge suction burst, absorbing all the flesh and bones.

This change happened extremely quickly.

Coherent, natural, all in one go.

what? !

All the aliens are dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this human race kid has such terrible combat power.


The lord of Xianling Realm is truly extraordinary.

The combat power he possesses is not even under me.

I was worrying too much! "

The old way laughed.

Tian Chanzi, and the soldier were also very surprised.


Faced with so many alien creatures with evil energy, Lin Fei was so excited, where would he stop.

As soon as his body moved, Lin Fei rushed towards the location with the most dense foreign army.

Infinite [悠悠读] The endless dragon of heaven and earth energy, rushing out of the void continuously, all followed around Lin Fei, constantly wandering and roaring.

Looking up, this star field is completely occupied by these energy dragons.

And Lin Fei is the master of these energy dragons, wherever Lin Fei's figure goes, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of energy dragons will swarm in immediately.

Puff puff……

Where Lin Fei's figure was, the aliens were exploded one by one, turning into a cloud of blood.

And the demon body clone is holding the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven-killing Demon, quickly absorbing the flesh and bones of the aliens after their deaths.

At this time, Lin Fei's combat power was equivalent to a fairy king!

At this time, even if the power of the fairyland transformation came, Lin Fei could also raise his hand and kill a large area.

Therefore, these aliens, facing Lin Fei's attack, how much ability to resist.

You must know that when the gap in strength reaches a certain level, it can be compensated not by quantity.

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