Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2091: Burial place of gods

With a wave of the soldier's sleeve, a smooth bronze mirror floated in front of him.

This bronze mirror was originally placed on the wall of the ancient city, to look at the enemy.

The ancient city was facing the magic tree in the starry sky within the fairy mausoleum, and the soldiers brought out the bronze mirror.

Soon, in the bronze mirror, a picture was reflected on the mirror surface.

Lin Fei took a closer look and found it a bit familiar.

It is a vast expanse of boundless lofty mountains, full of wildness.

There are many terrifying and rare beasts that move in the dense mountains, and the breath they give out is amazing.

It was the last time, the ancient place forbidden to go with the soldiers.

I saw that in the ancient place of taboo at this time, there really were teams of people, quietly walking among the tall mountains, seeming to be looking for something.

"Is this the mysterious forbidden ancient land in the legend?"

Dao Chang Zhen Cang and Tian Chanzi also came together to take a look, a little surprised.

Both of them were immortal kings in ancient times.

Before the Xianling realm was completely sealed off, the two of them often went outside the Xianling realm, so they had already heard of this ancient forbidden land.

"Not bad.

Here is the ancient taboo land in the legend. "

The soldier nodded and said, pointing to the picture reflected in the bronze mirror at this moment.

"It is said that the ancient place of taboo is not only very mysterious, full of many unsolved mysteries, but also a very dangerous place.

Even if the fairy king enters, there is a danger of falling.

These aliens even risked their lives to break in.

From this point of view, what they are looking for must be extraordinary. "

Said really old.

"In the past few years, this ancient place of taboo has become more and more lively, batch after batch of people continue to break in, one after another.

Moreover, these people come from many different interfaces.

It seems that there are many interfaces that are focused on this ancient taboo land.

What is attracting them in this ancient place of taboo? "

The soldier said, also a little puzzled.

"It is certainly not easy to attract so many people with different interfaces to come to the ancient taboo.

Could it be that it is the myth that has been passed down through the ages, what new discoveries have been made? "

Tian Chanzi guessed first, then his face was startled.


The myth that has been circulating forever! "

Really old Dao and soldiers, their emotions fluctuated greatly, and their expressions showed shock at the same time.

"No wonder, if it is related to that myth, all the interfaces in this star field will go crazy.

Moreover, it is estimated that all the great ancestors in this star field can't calm down.

After all, it involves the hope of longevity. "

Really old sigh.

The myth of eternity spread?

Only Lin Fei didn't know what they were talking about, so he was confused.

"In the legend, in our universe and starry sky, there exists a very mysterious place called the burial site of the gods.

In the burial ground of the gods, the remains of the gods are buried.

In addition to the remains of the gods, there are also hidden treasures that the gods have accumulated throughout their lives.

According to legend, if anyone can find the burial ground of this god, enter it and obtain the treasure of the god.

Then, it might become the most powerful existence in this universe.

Even, it is possible to reach the ultimate state, immortality! "

Really old Tao saw Lin Fei's doubts and explained to him in detail.

"The burial place of the gods?

Are there gods in the world?

Does the **** represent a realm of cultivation, or a group of supreme beings? "

Lin Fei was more curious and continued to ask.

"I can't explain your question clearly.

It is estimated that only the oldest, most powerful, and ancestor-level old antiques in this universe and starry sky can know some inside information.

According to legend, gods may be the creators of everything in the world.

Countless cosmic stars, three thousand big worlds, three thousand small worlds, all the sun, moon and stars, and even the earth, mountains and rivers in every interface, all living beings, and even various orders and laws, whether there is life or not, Everything comes from the will of the gods.

Of course, there are more legends about gods.

There are legends that the **** is actually a living body, but he has cultivated to the ultimate state and can dominate everything in the world.

There are also legends that gods actually refer to a group of supreme beings who live in another, more advanced universe, the realm of God.

There are also legends that gods are in fact lifeless and refer to the most original order and the general term of the laws of the universe. "

Said really old.

"So complicated."

Lin Fei was a little dizzy.

It seems that the world has no unified view of gods.

"However, one thing seems to be true.

That is, in this cosmic sky of ours, there is indeed a burial place for gods.

This is the result of repeated deductions by some great figures at the ancestor level among many big interfaces. "

Really Old Road continued.

"Is there really a burial place for gods?

If the gods are really as powerful as the legend, why would they die? "

Lin Fei was even more curious.

"No one can tell this.

The most important point is that there was once a strong man who accidentally broke into the burial ground of the gods. Although he had just entered, he stepped on a teleportation formation by mistake and was teleported out.

Although the strong man stayed inside for a short time, he still got a great opportunity.

From then on, that strong man has become one of the most powerful and terrifying figures in the universe.

Therefore, since then, the burial place of the gods has become the holy place that everyone yearns for.

Countless creatures are eager to find this mysterious place, enter it, and gain fate. "

Tian Chanzi also explained to Lin Fei next to him.

"So, what's the matter with the ultimate state of immortality?

Isn’t the fairy king realm the highest realm? "

Lin Fei asked after breaking the casserole.

"Hehe, say so.

The so-called Immortal Realm and the Immortal King Realm only represent the two realms that a warrior can reach.

In fact, these two realms both use a fairy character, which is somewhat like putting gold on one's face, which is an exaggeration.

A martial artist cultivates to the realm of an immortal, and his life span can reach more than one million years, but it will never exceed two million years.

And the fairy king realm can generally live for two to three million years, but never more than five million years.

And the true fairy in the legend, the true fairy, at least can live for tens of millions of years, or even over a billion years.

The real immortal is the gods!

It is said that the gods will never die.

Even if the heavens and the earth are extinct, the sun and the moon will decay, but the gods will still not be extinct.

Because even if the heavens and the earth are destroyed, the sun and the moon are decayed, the gods can still create new heavens and earth, new sun and moon. "

The soldier also explained to Lin Fei in detail.

So that's the case.

It was the first time that Lin Fei heard such a new secret. It was novel and shocking.

I finally understood why the burial place of the gods had such a big temptation.

"This ancient taboo land, if it is really related to the burial site of the gods, we should not miss it.

There was a little eagerness in the eyes of the really old way.

"Well, that's fine.

In case, the burial place of the gods is in this forbidden ancient land. We are so close, we can't miss it. "

Even the soldier nodded.

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