Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2092: Into the taboo ancient land

"However, the Xianling Realm has just merged into a complete continent, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

Moreover, if an outside training base is established, various arrangements are made.

I am afraid that a few of us, in a short period of time, will not be able to spare time to travel to that ancient forbidden land. "

Said the soldier.

"Not bad.

There are indeed many things that need to be dealt with within the fairy ling world.

Three years later, the Demon Ancestor of the third Demon Realm will come personally.

We in Xianling Realm must seize these three years and do everything possible to grow our strength.

At that time, there will be a fight. "

Really old way nodded too.

"Three seniors, let me go.

I am now the master of the Xianling Realm. In the Xianling Realm, although I can use the power of heaven and earth far beyond my own strength.

However, I feel that if I continue to stay in the fairy cemetery realm to practice, it seems that I will not make much progress.

Therefore, I need to take a good experience in the outside world.

It is estimated that only in this way can greater progress be achieved. "

Lin Fei said suddenly.

In fact, Lin Fei has never been a person who guards himself. After hearing about the burial site of the god, he was eager to explore it.

If the burial place of that **** is really in this forbidden ancient land nearby, in case, I will find it again.

Then it's developed!

The soldier, really old, and Tian Chanzi were all taken aback.

"Well, what you said makes sense.

Within the immortal tomb world, you can freely use the heaven and earth energy of the entire interface to unleash the battle power of the immortal king.

However, that is always an external force, not a force that you can cultivate yourself.

Once your will is not firm enough and you are addicted to it, it is indeed easy to become a shackle, limiting your future cultivation and the height you can reach.

OK then. "

The soldier thought about Lin Fei's words, nodded and said.

Then, he took out a shabby parchment map and gave it to Lin Fei.

This is the last time a soldier snatched it from the hands of a foreign leader in that ancient land.

"I've studied this map, and it may be a map in the Forbidden Ancient Land.

Take it, it might be useful. "

Said the soldier.

Lin Fei quickly put away.

"Lin Fei, if you really want to enter the Forbidden Ancient Land, you have to leave the origin of the continent of the Xianling Realm in the Xianling Realm.

In that taboo ancient land, there are crises everywhere, even if the fairy king enters, it may fall. "

The true Cang Dao suddenly said to Lin Fei, his meaning was obvious, he was afraid that Lin Fei would suddenly have an accident in the ancient land of taboo.

In the eyes of the real old Tao, the safety of the Xianling Realm is above all else.


Lin Fei understood naturally, so his mind moved.

call out!

The flaming mainland origin of gray light flew out of Lin Fei's body, suspended in front of the real old Dao.

The really old Taoist squeezed the technique and hid the mainland origin.

Lin Fei's various secret techniques for refining the origin of the mainland were all from the real old Taoism.

Zhen Cang Dao's understanding of the origin of the mainland is much deeper than that of Lin Fei, so it is naturally a trivial matter to keep a group of the origin of the mainland.

"be careful."

Really old road exhorted.

"I have three high-level shifting charms here, take them with you.

Your strength is still weak, everything is adequate. "

Tian Chanzi took out three old yellow talisman papers and handed them to Lin Fei.

Move the symbol!

Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

This kind of talisman is very mysterious, Lin Fei has never heard of it. Who in the world can refine this kind of shifting talisman.

According to legend, it is a product that is not known how many epochs ago, but now it can only be obtained by luck and occasionally in some abandoned ancient cave ruins.

This shifting talisman, once activated, can tear the void instantly and teleport a long distance.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Feizhen intensively collected the three high-level shifting symbols.

"I will see you there myself."

The soldiers could tell that Lin Fei had made up his mind.

"Okay, trouble senior."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Take care!

After we deal with the affairs in the fairy ling world, we may also enter the ancient taboo land to find out. "

Zhen Cang Dao and Tian Chanzi exhorted again.

The soldiers played a few tricks, and a teleportation altar appeared in front of them.

In this continent, the few ancient top experts who rescued the Xianling realm have many long-distance teleportation arrays.

You can reach any nearby starry sky at any time.

The soldiers took Lin Fei and stepped onto the teleportation altar.

A celestial light burst out, wrapped the two of them, and directly sent away.

After a while.

Lin Fei and the soldiers appeared in a mountain range.

The mountains are vast and lush.

"Be careful about yourself!

I will leave a teleportation altar on your body, and you can teleport back to the continent just now.

However, I estimate that teleportation altars are only effective at the edge of this forbidden ancient land.

In the ancient land of taboo, there is a special mysterious power, and the teleportation altar may not be used. "

The soldier said, with a wave of his hand, he sent a fist-sized miniature altar to Lin Fei's body, and also told Lin Fei how to activate the transmission altar.

Then, the soldiers teleported away directly.

Lin Fei turned around and walked into the Forbidden Ancient Land.

The current position here is just the edge of the taboo ancient land.

Lin Fei traveled on foot, walking through the mountains.

This is what the soldiers especially told Lin Fei before leaving.

In the ancient land of taboos, don't fly furiously.

If you are not careful, you will cause great trouble.

Even if the immortal king comes in, he has to be careful.

Although it was on foot, Lin Fei's physical strength was amazing. With one step, he could easily traverse thousands of meters, even tens of thousands of meters, just like walking without any effort.

After going forward for a long time in the primitive jungle, Lin Fei took out the parchment map given by the soldiers and conducted some research.

Finally, it was confirmed that this map really is about the ancient land of taboo.

Moreover, from the markings on the map, Lin Fei estimated that he should have entered the Forbidden Ancient Land, and was no longer a marginal position.

"This ancient land seems to be very vast.

However, fortunately, it is not as dangerous as the legend says. "

Lin Fei murmured as he moved forward.

"A lot of psychic half-immortals!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei's eyes straightened, staring blankly at the distant mountains.

The mountains and ridges are lush and green, and there are more than a dozen creatures running around.

There are small white rabbits all over the body, big tortoises that look like jade carved out of light, and a few naughty children haunt at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Fei's saliva was almost flowing out, even if they were far apart, but Lin Fei could see very clearly that these lovely creatures were all made of psychic semi-immortal medicine.

In the fairy-ling world, although half-immortal medicine is rare, it can also be found.

However, the psychic half-immortal medicine is even rarer.

Lin Fei had only seen it once in that fairy world.

"Haha, it's hard to say whether there is a huge crisis in this taboo ancient land, but there are many opportunities."

The psychic half-immortal medicine is too precious, so Lin Fei naturally didn't want to let it go easily.

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