Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2102: Golden palace

The area of ​​this taboo ancient land is too vast, and it is full of crises.

It is said that there have been several interface men and horses, and they have accidentally encountered ancient beasts of the fairy king level.

Fortunately, those ancient beasts didn't kill them all. They just glared at these alien creatures and disappeared.

There is also an interface crew who inadvertently broke into a lifeless and barren land, in which there is a terrible inexplicable mechanism.

Suddenly, half of the people lost their vitality for no reason, turned into skeletons, and died on the spot.

The remaining men and horses desperately escaped.

There was also a man and horse in the interface. They encountered a group of humanoid Yin soldiers covered with black hair. They marched in a neat line among the primitive dense forests. Wherever they passed, the wind was angry and murderous.

There were more than a dozen souls of souls in this interface. They were hooked away by the Yin soldiers alive and joined the Yin soldiers queue to become one of them.

In short, the taboo ancient land is very dangerous, anytime, anywhere, it may provoke a deadly existence.

Therefore, the many people who entered the ancient forbidden land were cautious and step by step. So far, they are still active in the outer area of ​​the ancient forbidden land, slowly advancing to the depths.

According to the demons in the third layer of the Demon Realm, the location of the grand tomb of the gods in the ancient land is not fixed, nor is it necessarily in the core area of ​​the ancient land, but will move around, sometimes hidden. Present.

At that time, these demons were stationed outside the ancient forbidden land and witnessed the manifestation of the **** tomb world several times. Therefore, the creatures on other interfaces used heavy golden bribes privately to inquire about these real news.

Now, all the creatures who enter the ancient forbidden land are trying to find that magnificent world of the tomb of the gods.

Because, this magnificent world of tombs of gods is very likely to be the burial site of gods in the legend!

Of course, everyone is rushing around and hitting luck.

Because no one has accurate clues.

However, what makes the people of all interfaces feel excited is that although there are many dangers in the ancient place of taboo, there are also many opportunities.

Rare Taoist medicines, peerless medicines rare in a century, semi-immortal medicines, if you are lucky, you may encounter them.

Some creatures inadvertently broke into a few caves that may be left over from ancient times, and found the precious pill that has long been extinct, and the secret technique of inheriting martial arts.

There are also a few people at the interface, who have discovered several special spar deposits, and have mined a large number of precious special spars.

Some people even got a few pieces of legendary fairy gold!

Immortal gold, that is the supreme treasure of the legendary refining tool. If immortal gold is added to the magic weapon, such a magic weapon, even a master of the fairy king level, is difficult to destroy.

Gradually, many people who broke into the ancient forbidden place discovered that even if there is no burial site for gods in this ancient forbidden place, it is a treasure place worth exploring and adventurous.

Because there are so many kinds of babies.

In the past few days, Lin Fei has been walking through the vast expanse of primitive dense forest, naturally also wanting to find the magnificent world of the tomb of God.

If it can really enter the burial site of the legendary god, it will be developed.

Inadvertently, Lin Fei entered a lonely land, the hard dark red land, silently.

There are countless bones on the ground, and I don't know how many years have passed since they died. They still glow with a crystal clear luster. Obviously, these bones may have been very powerful.

Lin Fei cautiously walked to the deepest part of the withered ancient land.

There is a lush mountain peak here, with celestial light and powerful aura.

On the mountain peak, it is very lively, growing, all of which are high-rank Tao medicines, seven-rank, eight-rank, and ninth-rank, everywhere.

There are many spiritual beings running around on the peaks and frolicking. These are psychic and semi-celestial medicine.

On the mountain peak, there is also a golden palace, classical and mysterious.

"There are a lot of psychic semi-immortal medicines, and, here, there won't be any fairy medicines..."

Lin Fei looked at the psychic and semi-immortal medicines on the mountain, and his saliva almost smashed.

"If there is a fairy medicine, you must live in that palace."

Lin Fei immediately accelerated and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Seeing that a stranger came, all the psychic half-immortals on the mountain had escaped, and they all rushed into the palace.

Lin Fei instantly rushed up the mountain and came to the palace.

"It's weird..."

Standing in front of the palace, Lin Fei muttered to himself.

This palace actually contains a mysterious avenue power.

The walls of the temple were pale gold, shining, and there was a sacred and peaceful atmosphere, which made people awe and dare not to be rude.

Lin Fei was wary. He felt that this place was very unusual, and he felt the palace carefully.

In the end, Lin Fei gritted his teeth and boldly pushed open the gate of this golden palace and walked in.

A golden light rushed toward the face, and the rich fairy family spirit filled the entire palace.

In the center of the palace, there is a golden pond, about five meters long and five meters wide.

In the pool, there was golden juice rippling, like the sun melted into juice, golden, peaceful and warm.

what is this? Contains endless vitality!

A breath of immortality that was as strong as the sun, permeated it, and instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

Suddenly, Lin Fei found that the solar golden sutra tactics in his body began to rotate rapidly.

Standing here, Lin Fei's soul and body were shaking.

"What baby is this!"

Lin Fei was agitated, breathing quickly, staring at the golden pool, very shocked.

Intuition tells Lin Fei that the golden juice in this pool is very extraordinary, and it has a tremendous effect on his own solar golden sutra technique!


Just when Lin Fei was extremely excited, two terrifying cold eyes suddenly landed on Lin Fei's body, causing Lin Fei to hit a sharp spirit, and his heart was chilling.

The golden pool in the center of the palace completely attracted Lin Fei's attention, so that Lin Fei did not have the first time to look at the situation in the palace.

At this moment, feeling two terrible eyes staring at him, Lin Fei woke up and quickly looked up.

In the entire palace, golden gleams, and hazy golden mist circulated everywhere.

Through the dim golden light, Lin Fei saw the blurry scene.

There is a chariot parked deep in the palace.

Very dilapidated and very old, as if falling apart.

On the chariot, there is a very short golden stone statue.

The stone statue was only the size of a fist, and it seemed that the whole body was plated with gold powder, emitting a faint golden light.

However, Lin Fei was surprised. At this moment, this stone statue was staring at him murderously with a pair of extremely cold eyes.

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