Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2108: Treasure from palace

In the palace, Lin Fei came to the golden pond.

In the pool, the golden sap exuded the extremely rich laws of immortality, rushing towards the face, containing infinite vitality.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's body of the Sun Golden Sutra tactics began to operate autonomously, taking the initiative to absorb the essence floating up in the pool.

Lin Fei suddenly felt the exuberant essence of life, as well as a great atmosphere, permeating here.


These golden liquids have a great effect on the Sun's Golden Sutra.

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

The horse took out a jade bottle and sucked in the pool.


A strand of golden juice was sucked into the jade bottle.

In a moment, the pool bottomed out.

However, Lin Fei's eyes straightened suddenly.

At the bottom of the pool, the golden light was shining, too dazzling, too dazzling, Lin Fei almost couldn't adapt to it all at once, and the reflection of his eyes stung.

Gradually, Lin Fei could see clearly.

It turned out that at the bottom of the uneven pool was a golden bead the size of a fist.

"A star?!"

When Lin Fei looked closely, she couldn't help being startled.

Where is the bead, it is almost like a reduced version of the sun star, burning fiercely inside, lava on the surface is surging, blowing a terrible hot wind blowing fiercely.

"It won't be a great power, refine and shrink a sun and put it here!"

Lin Fei had a thrilling feeling of shock at a glance.

The pure yang energy contained in this sun-star-like orb was too terrifying, too large to imagine.

This should be a huge sun star hanging in the starry sky of the universe, and it is possible to give people this feeling.

However, what was in front of him was a gem the size of a fist.

Lin Fei knew that the origin of this gem must be astonishing.

So, after a moment of absent-mindedness, Lin Fei still sucked in the jade bottle.


The jade bottle shook violently, swayed, and seemed to explode.

The pale golden vitality in Lin Fei's body was like a great Yangtze River, rushing out, applied to the jade bottle, portraying the next secret techniques of imprisonment, and finally decided the jade bottle.

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief and carefully put the jade bottle away.

Then, Lin Fei's eyes fell on the dilapidated chariot deep in the palace.

It can be seen that this chariot must have gone through endless years of time, mottled, and the paint on it almost fell off.

This chariot is where the stone statue sits.

Lin Fei moved to the depths of the palace, next to the chariot, looking curiously.

The chariot is small, no more than three feet tall and no more than five feet long.

It is full of ancient meaning, and the strong breath of the years Cangsang hits his face.

"Huh? What is it?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

In the carriage of the chariot, there are two palm-sized stones.

The two stones are in the shape of long slates, with different shapes and dark and old colors.

What really attracted Lin Fei was that the two stones were engraved with many imprints, revealing bursts of mysterious aura.

"It seems to be a scripture!"

Lin Fei was shocked. Upon closer inspection, the imprints on the stones seemed to be telling a certain avenue rule, the order of the heavens and the earth, which made people feel very emotional.

"It must be an incredible scripture!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei reached into the carriage.


The entire tank began to tremble, glowing fiercely, and a terrible pressure rushed out of the tank and rushed towards Lin Fei.

It turned out that the stone statue had a means in the chariot to prevent people from approaching.

At the same moment.

Hundreds of miles away, in a battlefield where the fighting space was constantly cracking, the stone statue was riding on a stone horse, holding a golden war spear, and majestic.


The spear in the hand of the stone statue was brilliantly golden and pierced out of the sky, like a punishment from heaven. With a click, it pierced a master of the fairyland and picked it up on the spear.

Blood stained the sky, war horses neighed!

A large number of creatures around were shuddering.

This is impossible to fight at all, the battle power of this stone statue is too terrible, it has the strength to kill a master in the fairyland, and its energy is surging, and it seems that it will never be exhausted.

After the fierce battle for most of the day, this stone statue did not show the slightest fatigue.

People from all walks of life and races have dispatched masters one after another, wanting to round up this stone statue and the stone horse on which it is riding, because these are two holy spirits in the stone, and they are of infinite value.

It is a pity that the combat power of this stone statue is terrible.

Basically, you die as much as you come.

After the trouble, among the people from all walks of life and races, the top masters who had led the team to sit in the base camp were also ready to dispatch to deal with this stone statue.

The golden war spear in the hand of the stone statue volleyed the corpse of a master of the fairyland realm, and shook the corpse into pieces.

Then, the stone statue stepped off the horse, and was about to kill another fairyland master.

Suddenly, the face of the stone statue changed drastically, and he turned around, looking at his own territory, the direction of the dry land.

That chariot was banned by it, and once a creature approaches, it will issue a warning.

No matter where it is, it can be sensed for the first time.

It was majestic and majestic outside, killing its enemies aggressively, and suppressing a large number of people trembling, but someone behind it actually got into its nest!

This is really bold!


The stone statue was furious and furious.

The huge sound waves, like raging waves, washed away from a distance, and the whole land rang out with rumbling echoes.

If it weren't in the ancient land, a mysterious chain of white laws was immediately set up to freeze this area. I don't know how many dense forests will be destroyed by these noises.

"not good!

The Holy Spirit in this stone seems to be going crazy! "

"Everyone, be careful, focus on fighting, and try to avoid fighting it head-on!"

"The seniors in my interface are coming, now hold this beast!"

The creatures around, one by one, were afraid, backing away, where they were willing to face the stone statue.

However, the next moment, a scene that made everyone dumbfounded happened.

The stone statue turned into a golden glow as soon as it lifted the war horse, and disappeared instantly.

In the palace, Lin Fei released a demon body clone, with a large flame stone stele bursting with dazzling golden light on his head, and the Chaos Cauldron was also taken out and blocked in front of him. The physical power and vitality power were all exerted without reservation.

Then, resisting the terrible pressure from the chariot, he reached into the compartment and took out the two stones.

At this moment, a roar that shook the earth came from far away.

"not good!

The stone statue found me! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

call out!

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei rushed out of the palace, without looking back, facing the other direction and fleeing far.

The combat power of this stone statue is terrifying.

Lin Fei knew that once he was blocked by it, it was estimated that he would only die.

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