Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2113: misfortune

Lin Fei was in the shape of electricity, spotted a white sacred fruit, and rushed up.

However, at this same moment, at least a dozen creatures rushed towards this white holy fruit at the same time.

There is a fairyland, and there is a fairyland. Every creature condenses a Yuanli palm and grabs the white sacred fruit, trying to grab it first.

A huge vitality palm collided in the air and exploded.


An old man bathed in the bright light roared and was killed in a diagonal stabbing. He was tall and majestic, holding a huge mace in both hands and swept away.

Lin Fei was also one of the targets of the attack. In a hurry, he quickly took out the Chaos Cauldron and stood in front of him.

With a sudden sound, Lin Fei's figure was shocked and flew backwards several kilometers away. The blood in his body surged, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, the Chaos Cauldron was very hard. Although it was hit by a mace, it did not suffer any damage.


On the spot, the bodies of four or five powerful creatures in the fairyland were blown apart and turned into masses of blood mist.

This old man, from the Guangming clan, turned out to be a master of the fairy king level.

Lin Fei couldn't help but groan secretly in his heart, and even the master of the fairy king realm came, how could he grab it.


What kind of tripod is this, it can actually stop my stick. "

The old man of the Guangming tribe looked at the Chaos Cauldron in front of Lin Fei in surprise, a little strange.

You know, he is a fairy king, able to withstand a blow from the fairy king, without the slightest damage, at least the magic weapon of the fairy king level.

Fortunately, the old man of the Guangming clan did not come to grab Lin Fei's Chaos Cauldron, but turned around, ready to pick the white sacred fruit.

This is what he needs most.

However, at this time.


The entire Zunbao Sacred Tree began to tremble violently, shining brightly, and a horrible breath swept out of the tree.

This terrifying aura suddenly forced all the creatures away for a certain distance.

Even the masters of the Immortal King level changed their expressions and couldn't help taking a few steps away.

Puff puff……

Above the giant tree, black and white sacred fruits all bounced off in an instant.

The sacred fruits all turned into meteors, flying away in all directions, dragging black and white trajectories in the void.

In the blink of an eye, there was no holy fruit left on the giant tree.

Ten black and ten white fruits were scattered all over the Forbidden Valley in an irregular manner.

How can this be?

Suddenly, all the creatures who participated in the robbing of the holy fruit were a little dumbfounded.

"Roar, damn, I almost grabbed a holy fruit!"

Especially those masters of the Immortal King level, they were originally the most promising to grab the sacred fruit. Unexpectedly, all of the sacred fruit was shot out.

"Many natural treasures have a sense of self-protection.

These precious sacred fruits did not want to be picked by us in vain, so they chose to escape. "

An old man guessed.

However, no one knows the specific reasons.

Perhaps, just like what the old man said, those precious fruits may have escaped from the tree body out of a sense of self-protection.

"what happened?!

The world of the tomb of the gods turned out to be illusory, not real. "

"It seems to be just a projection, isn't this the burial place of the gods?

Did we misunderstand? "

At this time, on the top of the giant tree, there were unwilling roars and doubts suddenly sounded.

Just now, some of the creatures did not participate in the robbing of the precious sacred fruit, but directly rushed to the world of the tomb of the gods above the canopy, wanting to enter the world of the tombs of the gods.

However, when these creatures reached the world of the tomb of the gods above the canopy of the giant tree, they discovered that the world of the tombs of the gods was actually illusory, not real.

It is just a world of images that are intertwined with light and shadow.

"No way.

We threw ourselves into this forbidden ancient land and searched for it for two or three months.

Even many people were killed and injured.

What was found, turned out to be a false world outlined by light and shadow? "

Many creatures have a feeling of vomiting blood.

I thought it was the most mysterious and precious burial place of the gods in this star field, but it was unexpected, but now it has been confirmed that it is just an illusory world of light and shadow.

Many creatures are very disappointed.

"The demons clan, the news came from your clan.

What exactly is going on?

Is the world of the tomb of the gods that you saw on the edge of the ancient taboo really this illusory world of light and shadow? "

Some creatures even questioned the people of the evil demon clan, and in their voices, they were a bit blamed.

"Hmph, our demons have never announced anything about the world of the tomb of God.

It's just news that you heard from nowhere, and spontaneously ran into this ancient land. "

Immediately, there was a master of the evil demon clan, and replied in an angry voice.

"Look, there are moving pictures, which seem to indicate something!"

Suddenly, a creature pointed at the illusory world of the tomb of the gods of light and shadow above the canopy, and roared in surprise.

Suddenly, all the creatures stared up at them.

I saw twelve treasure trees suddenly appeared in the illusory world of the tomb of the gods, each of which had a different shape and its own magic.

There are a total of twelve treasure trees suspended in mid-air, dazzling and dazzling.

Then, the twelve treasure trees began to approach slowly.

When the twelve treasure trees gathered together, they even began to merge, and finally, turned into a key that shone with divine light.

Then, a very old and huge heavenly gate appeared in the void.

On the plaque of the gate that day, there was written two words, God's Domain.

The key was slowly inserted into the keyhole on the door, and with a light twist, the door slowly opened.

Behind the Tianmen, a strange, unpredictable world of gods appeared!

The scene of the activity, at this point, suddenly trembled a few times.

Then, almost instantly, all the pictures disappeared.

Even the magnificent illusory world of light and shadow supported by the tree canopy was suddenly annihilated.

Between the sky and the earth, there is only one giant tree standing there.

All the creatures were watching the moving scenes just now.

All around, there was dead silence, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Everyone is thinking about the meaning of those moving pictures just now.

"Twelve treasure trees, fused into a key, open a heavenly gate, behind the heavenly gate is a world called God's Domain?"

The creatures with active thinking quickly connected the scenes of the activities just now, guessing.

"Yes, the twelve treasure trees merge into a key.

This is implying that we need to find twelve treasure trees and merge them together to open a heavenly gate!

Behind that heavenly gate is a world called God's Domain! "

Cried a creature.

"The god's realm world behind the sky gate, could it be the real burial place of the gods?"

"The realm of God does not necessarily refer to the burial place of the gods, but can also refer to the world where the real gods inhabit, the realm of God!"

There are some living guesses that are bolder.

"What?! God Realm!"

When the rest of the creatures heard it, they couldn't help but gasp.

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