Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2118: Deal

Seeing that two great ancestors were fighting for the sacred tree, all the creatures rushed out desperately.

Lin Fei naturally escaped far away.

"Watch Lin Fei, don't let him run away!"

In the panic, there were still a large group of creatures, staring at Lin Fei, and chasing them from behind.


In the rear, two great ancestor-level figures finally started to do their work. They collided, and the terrifying energy shock wave, like a sea tide, ups and downs, spreading out in all directions.

Then, one by one, the body was lifted in the air involuntarily and thrown into the distance.

The bodies of the creatures are densely packed, like locusts crossing the border, throwing them out in all directions at the same time.

Fortunately, the two big men didn't want to kill them, and they deliberately controlled their power. Their original intention was just to sweep out these insignificant creatures.

Lin Fei's body was also involuntarily tossed high, like a kite on the line, his body was floating, and he didn't know how many miles away he flew.

After a long time, it hit the ground heavily.

"it hurts!"

Lin Fei struggled to get up, only to feel pain all over her body, as if she fell apart.

"Hey? It seems to get rid of the pursuit!"

The next moment, Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

After being so shocked by the two great ancestors, all the chasing soldiers didn't know which corner to throw to.

Lin Fei immediately used the Dao breath technique to change his appearance to the spirit breath.


Great, it seems that this time, I got rid of those chasing soldiers.

His sister, chased me for a long time! "

Lin Fei was very happy.

However, at this time.

"Little brother Lin Fei!

You are here, and almost lost you! "

A voice sounded, and then a purple-gold warship, like flying, came swiftly and stopped beside Lin Fei.

Two figures appeared on the battleship.

It is Tang Qianfan and Tang Xiaochan two brothers and sisters.

"It's you again!"

Lin Fei was surprised and helpless.

"Haha, little brother Lin Fei, my purple-gold warship is one of the highest-ranking warships in our family.

With a very clever tracking array, even a fairy king, I can track it. "

Tang Qianfan smiled.

"Brother Lin Fei, please get on the boat and talk."

Tang Qianfan said.

"Not interested in."

Lin Fei was not angry. The two brothers and sisters followed themselves like cowhide plasters, naturally for the purpose of that fairy medicine.

Lin Fei now only wants to find a quiet place to eat the sacred fruit of the precious treasure to see if he can make the body of the precious treasure.

"You, why are you doing this!"

Tang Xiaochan was immediately unhappy, her pretty face cold.

"Brother Lin Fei, your current situation is a bit dangerous.

Now there are two great figures at the ancestor level appearing to **** the precious tree.

And those masters of the fairy king level are already slowing down, and they will definitely come to chase you.

Brother Lin Fei, I know that your secret technique of disguise is very good, but you can't escape the tracking of the master of the fairy king.

And this warship of mine is equipped with a very clever concealment formation, and it is very fast, even if it is discovered by those immortal king level masters, it can escape. "

Tang Qianfan said patiently.

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised when he heard it.

Because Tang Qianfan really made sense.

He has immortal medicine in his body, and more than a dozen precious sacred fruits. After those immortal king-level masters know about it, they will never let them go.

"Thank you Brother Tang for reminding me, I will be careful."

Lin Fei gave Tang Qianfan a fist and turned to leave.

Suddenly, in the distance high in the sky, the golden light was dazzling, the horses neighed, and an old chariot rose into the air and came towards this area.

Vaguely, Lin Fei discovered that in the carriage, there was a terrifying sense of consciousness that shot at him.

"The Holy Spirit in the Rock!"

Lin Fei's face changed.

Lin Fei had broken into the palace of the holy spirit in the stone before and took away its treasures. If he was discovered by it, he would definitely fight desperately.

More importantly, this statue of the Holy Spirit in the stone, there are comrades!

Before, people from all walks of life and races wanted to round up this holy spirit in the stone, but it unexpectedly called out four or five equally terrifying holy spirits in the stone. Each of them had the power of the immortal king to kill all the people. Shocking and chilling.

Later, no one dared to make his mind.


At the moment when Lin Fei was surprised, the dilapidated chariot suddenly accelerated and locked Lin Fei's position tightly in the distance.

"It's miserable, it looks like it found me."

Lin Fei was shocked.

Although Lin Fei used the Dao breath method to change his appearance and conceal the true spirit aura, he could not hide from a fairy king.

"Brother Lin Fei, here!

Otherwise, it's too late! "

Not far away, Tang Qianfan shouted.

Then Tang Xiaochan also looked at Lin Fei proudly.


In desperation, Lin Fei had no choice but to move and rushed into the Zijin warship.

call out!

The Zijin warship quivered slightly, and the purple glow burst out, completely activated.

Then, it just disappeared.


Soon, a chariot galloped over and stopped in this area.

Above the chariot, it was the stone statue. Although it was not three feet high, it spread out with awe-inspiring pressure.

"Huh, it really is him!

Take my things and want to escape, not so easy! "

On the chariot, the stone statue snorted coldly.

Then, amidst the roar, the chariot chased in a certain direction.

At this time, in the Zijin battleship.

"Haha, brother Lin Fei, don't worry.

This warship of mine is the most powerful in tracking and concealment.

Even a master of the fairy king, it is not so easy to track us. "

Tang Qianfan said with a smile.

"Thank you Brother Tang."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, do you agree with the deal we talked to you before?"

Tang Xiaochan didn't see her elder brother talking nonsense with Lin Fei the most, so he asked directly.

"You really need this fairy medicine? Can you talk about its use."

Lin Fei was silent for a while and said.

Although these two brothers and sisters are annoying, they don't seem to be wicked people.

When Tang Qianfan and Tang Xiaochan heard Lin Fei's tone, there seemed to be signs of loosening, they couldn't help being overjoyed.

"It's true, little brother Lin Fei, I want this elixir to save my grandfather and father."

Tang Qianfan said immediately.

Next, Tang Qianfan briefly told Lin Fei the matter.

It turned out that Tang Qianfan's grandfather was the patriarch of a long-standing ancient family in the kingdom of Thai kings.

Moreover, he is one of the top masters in the kingdom of Thailand.

However, he was suddenly severely injured and almost fell.

Moreover, Tang Qianfan's father was injured together.

From then on, Tang Qianfan's grandfather and father both lost their cultivation skills and almost became useless.

If the two of them want to restore their previous realm, they must take the Nine Turns Condensation Pill.

But to refine the Nine Turns Condensation Pill, one must find the Immortal Medicine.

Therefore, the two brothers and sisters of Tang Qianfan ventured into the ancient forbidden land, looking for the elixir.

Because there have been legends since ancient times, and there are immortals in the ancient land of taboos.

Unexpectedly, the immortal medicine was actually discovered, but it was a pity that it fell into Lin Fei's hands.

Therefore, these two siblings, like cowhide plasters, entangled Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

After Lin Fei listened, he nodded gently.

"Brother Lin Fei, if you are willing to exchange immortal medicines with me, I will not only give you the King of Thai magic.

Moreover, after my grandfather recovers his realm, I will ask him to give you a batch of top warships in our Thai king realm.

The third layer of the Demon Realm of the Abyss Realm, isn't it looking at your Xianling Realm, wanting to swallow your Xianling Realm?

If you own a batch of top warships in our Thai King Realm, it can be said that the strength of the Immortal Ling Realm will increase by a big margin. "

Tang Qianfan said.

"The top warship in the Kingdom of Thailand..."

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved.

"Also, Brother Lin Fei, you have robbed so many precious sacred fruits, I guess, you must have made the sacred body of the precious treasure.

Here I happen to have two Sacred Fruits of the Treasure, and they will be given to you together.

Moreover, Brother Lin Fei, don't think it is so easy to condense the exalted body.

The sacred fruit of Zunbao is very powerful. Once taken improperly, it will burst and die easily.

My grandfather used to be the most powerful ancestor-level figure in the kingdom of Thailand. If he is willing to guide you, it is estimated that you will be able to successfully condense the precious Eucharist. "

Tang Qianfan said.

For the immortal medicine, he has paid a lot of money.

"Good! Deal!"

Lin Fei thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.


Tang Qianfan's two brothers and sisters are overjoyed.

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