Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2126: From the Fairy Snake Gang again

Deep in the huge city, on a huge island.

Lin Fei saw Tang Qianfan's grandfather and father in a seemingly ordinary house, in a huge practice secret room.

An old man with a wrinkled face and vicissitudes of life, his body exuded bursts of scent that seemed to be rotten, his body withered, as if skin and bones, with a weak breath, as if he could die at any time.

A middle-aged man, with an old face and gray hair, seemed to have air intake and no breath, and it was very difficult to sit up. I don't know how long he has survived, his breath is extremely weak.

The two of them each occupy a corner in the cultivation chamber, sitting cross-legged, and their bodies are covered with thick dust. They don't know how many years they have not moved their bodies.

Lin Fei discovered that there was a very clever gathering array in this secret room.

A burst of dense to the extreme fairy qi, transformed into layers of water patterns, flowing slowly in the secret room.

Standing in this secret room is like standing on the bottom of a clean lake. It feels very special.

Moreover, under the perception of Lin Fei's divine consciousness, he also discovered that in this secret room, in addition to the clever spirit gathering array, piles of precious and rare heaven and earth treasures were piled up, like a hill.

Lin Fei carefully looked at the treasures of heaven and earth, secretly surprised, and could see that many of them were priceless.

In such an environment, the fairy qi in the secret room reached an astonishing level.

"Grandpa, father, I'm back!"

Brother and sister Tang Qianfan, very excited, rushed in front of these two people who described withered.

The two of them reluctantly opened their eyes and looked at the two brothers and sisters of Tang Qianfan, showing kindness.

"Over the years, you two brothers and sisters have worked hard..."

The old man's voice was very weak, as if he was about to die at any time.

There are years of vicissitudes on his face and his body is weak, but in that body, there seems to be a will to support him.

Perhaps, it was this unyielding will that supported him, allowing him to survive the sickness.

"Grandpa, father, you are saved!"

Tang Xiaochan was the most outspoken, rushed forward and said to the old man.


The old man, as well as the middle-aged man, opened their eyes at the same time, looking at Tang Xiaochan, with a faintly expectant light flashing in their eyes.

"This time, my brother and I found the immortal medicine inner pill!

All the materials for refining the Nine Turns Condensation Pill are already available! "

Tang Xiaochan exclaimed happily.


The old man, and the middle-aged man both trembled at the same time, the eyes shot sharply, and there was a shocking aura on his body, suddenly burst out.

Lin Fei was taken aback, and quickly took a few steps back.

These two people who seemed to be dying at any time had such terrible energy in their bodies.

"Xiaochan, Qianfan, is this true?

Did you really get the inner pill of the immortal medicine? "

The old man took a deep breath slowly, and the old bark-like face was constantly shaking, obviously extremely excited.

"Back to Grandpa, this is true.

This is Brother Lin Fei, he has two immortal medicine inner pills on his body.

He agreed to give us an immortal medicine inner pill. "

Tang Qianfan stepped forward and replied respectfully.

"Hahaha, well, with the inner pill of immortal medicine, it is indeed possible to refine the Nine Turns Condensation Pill!

With the Rank Nine Condensation Pill, the injuries in my two father and son's bodies can be wiped out, regaining the strength of the previous realm.

Hahaha, great, it seems that God treats me Tang Tiansheng quite well! "

On the old man's originally rotten, withered, and dying body, at this moment, a terrifying wave of energy burst out.

It's like the old tree in spring, the dead wood germinates, regenerating amazing vitality.

"Little brother, what do you want? Just talk about it.

You agree to hand over the immortal medicine inner pill, and I will never let you suffer. "

The old man smiled heartily, sweeping away the dying state just now.

An inner pill of immortal medicine is a rare treasure in this star field.

It can be difficult to find. It is estimated that for thousands of years, it is difficult to find an immortal medicine, let alone the inner pill condensed from the immortal medicine.

"Grandpa, I have already negotiated the terms of exchange with Brother Lin Fei."

Tang Qianfan said, telling the old man about the terms of the exchange.

After the old man regained his power, he personally guided Lin Fei to cultivate the precious Eucharist.

As for the two precious sacred fruits, Tang Qianfan gave them to Lin Fei long ago as a sign of sincerity.

"Good! I agree."

After listening to the old man, he pondered for a while, without much hesitation, he just nodded.

After all, for his two fathers and sons, the most important thing is to use the inner pill of the immortal medicine to refine the nine-turn condensed elixir and restore the state of strength.

All other treasures are things outside the body.

If his two fathers and sons can restore their previous realm strength, they can once again become the big men in the Thai king realm, and they don't need any treasures.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, and finally completely relieved.

In fact, Lin Fei was always not at ease when he came to the Kingdom of Thailand, and he always felt a little adventurous.

If Tang Qianfan's grandfather tears his face and refuses to admit it, and grabs the immortal medicine inner pill, Lin Fei's situation will be very troublesome.

And now, seeing the old man's statement before him, Lin Fei was finally relieved.

Because Lin Fei felt that the old man in front of him was not a wicked person, and since he agreed, he should not regret it.

So Lin Fei immediately took out an immortal medicine inner pill and handed it to Tang Qianfan's grandfather.

"Good, good, great..."

The old man held the fascinating medicine inner pill in his palm, shaking his whole body with excitement, saying goodbye again and again.

"Qianfan, during this time, you ordered people to guard the city well.

I want to leave the Thai King Realm with your father to go to a secret space to refine the Nine Turns Condensation Pill.

After Dancheng, when we recover our strength, we will be back immediately.

Before and after, it takes about a day. "

The old man collected the immortal medicine inner pill and said to Tang Qianfan.

"Oh, grandpa, aren't you here to refine the Nine Turns Condensation Pill?"

Tang Qianfan was taken aback.

"It cannot be refined here.

In the headquarters of our Tang family, I don't know how many old guys have been staring at me in secret.

Once I found out that I had obtained the inner pill of immortality and was refining the Nine-turn Condensation Pill, I was afraid that it would come and fight me desperately to prevent me from refining the pill.

In short, everything is careful. "

The old man said.

"I understand.

Grandpa can rest assured that no one else should know about this. "

Tang Qianfan said.

Inside the secret room, Tang Qianfan's grandfather waved his hand and summoned a teleportation altar, suspended in the secret room.

Then, Tang Qianfan's grandfather and father both stepped on the altar and directly teleported away.

"Haha, Brother Lin Fei, I'll walk around with you first, and relax.

Let's talk about everything when my grandfather and father refine the Nine-turn Condensation Pill and restore the realm strength. "

Brother and sister Tang Qianfan took Lin Fei out of the secret room and walked around the city at will.

So Tang Xiaochan's attitude towards Lin Fei now is much better than before.

It's not pleasing to look at Lin Fei everywhere anymore.

After half an hour.


The three of them moved their faces at the same time and looked up at the distant sky, with surprises in their eyes.

I saw that thousands of miles away, there were thousands of figures in the sky, with monstrous evil spirits and murderous intent, roaring.

The leader is actually five or six immortal king realm-level powerhouses, each of them exudes extremely terrifying power of the power, like a huge wave of raging waves, far away, they rumbling over here. Come.

"Little thief Lin Fei from Xianling Realm, get out immediately to get the crime!"

"Little thief Lin Fei, you kill the people of my Fairy Snake Gang, the crime is terrible, come out and die!"

Several violent roars came from far away.

In a moment, a large group of people, murderous, came before the city.

"Oh, from the Fairy Snake Gang again?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

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