Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2129: get away


With a roar of anger, Qiu Xing rushed towards Lin Fei, the terrifying power of the fairy king realm broke out, the earth collapsed, all the nearby city buildings were blown up, and the bricks rushed into the night.

An extremely huge python head leaned towards Lin Fei from a distance, aggressively, and immediately attacked Lin Fei.

Although Lin Fei was also backing desperately, the enemy star was already in a state of rampage, and he had no reservations at this moment. It was very terrifying that a strong person in the Immortal King realm would work hard.

Moreover, his body speed is even higher than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the Chaos Cauldron rushed out and turned into a great heavenly cauldron, blocking him.

The demon body clone is also holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, blasting forward, and at the same time displaying the magic forbidden method, flying all over the sky with mysterious runes.

"Huh, do you really think that a mere clone can resist me!"

Qiu Xing's entire body was bursting out with a terrible force of strength, shaking the space violently.

He tried his best to display all kinds of powerful secret techniques to attack Lin Fei.

After a few moves, Lin Fei was blasted out.

And after being injured, blood coughed out from the corner of his mouth, and blood surged in his body.

"Brother Lin Fei, get on the battleship!"

Suddenly, a sound transmission was transmitted to Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then, in the city, the ground at a certain location burst into pieces, and dozens of warships rushed out of the ground.

The clansmen of Tang Qianfan's faction rushed onto the battleship.

"Hold them and kill them all!"

In the high air in the distance, Tang Haoyue carried her hands on her back and shouted coldly. He was not participating in the fierce battle, but was protected by an old man in black, watching.


The fighting is fierce.

The clansmen of Tang Qianfan's faction desperately killed each other and boarded the battleship.

call out!

A Zijin warship came to Lin Fei's side.

"Brother Lin Fei, get on board immediately!"

Tang Qianfan's voice resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

At this time, Lin Fei was already seriously injured under the violent attack of the enemy star. There were several shocking blood holes on his body, and his clothes were also stained with blood.

That Qiu Xing was the leader of the Immortal Snake Gang and a master of the Immortal King Realm. Lin Fei knew that if he continued to fight like this, his situation would only get worse.

So, with a move, he rushed up on the purple-gold battleship.

"Don't think about it!"

The enemy star roared, Lin Fei killed so many members of the Immortal Snake Gang, where he was willing to let Lin Fei leave.

"Snake changes!"

In the rage, his body shone brightly, and patches of golden python skin appeared strangely on his skin.

Then, his body began to deform, and in the end, it turned into a golden python, calling for clouds and rain, roaring toward Lin Fei.

At this moment, the combat power displayed by Qiu Xing was much stronger than just now, and his terrifying aura instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

At this moment, Tang Qianfan activated the attack system of the Zijin battleship. From the lower part of the battleship, a neat row of crystal cannon tubes stretched out to aim at the golden python that the enemy star had turned into.

Boom boom boom...

A thick beam of energy beams shot out, and wherever it passed, the space instantly collapsed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Fei had already rushed into the Zijin battleship while his figure was flashing, and he was relieved.

This was the first time that Lin Fei used his own strength to play against a master of the fairy king realm.

Although he was defeated, he was injured.

However, this time experience is also very precious to Lin Fei.

At this time, the deepest part of the city.

"Tang Tiansheng, where did you hide!

Get out of me.

Otherwise, I will kill all your Tang clan members! "

An earth-shattering roar sounded, and a huge sound wave rumblingly crushed the world.

In the entire city, most of the buildings were shattered in this huge roar.

The whole world is shaking like crazy.


Tang Qianfan's face changed drastically.

Because this roar came from the giant pale golden hand.

This pale golden giant hand rushed into the deepest part of the city just now, looking for the whereabouts of Grandpa Tang Qianfan.

However, after looking around, there was no trace of Grandpa Tang Qianfan. Now this giant pale golden hand was finally angry.

"Go fast, everyone, immediately withdraw at the fastest speed!"

Tang Qianfan used divine consciousness to transmit sound and gave orders.

Because this giant pale golden hand is too terrifying.

If it kills, no one will be its opponent.


Suddenly, the warships turned into streamers and rushed out toward the distance.


The pale golden giant hand rushed out from the depths of the city and grabbed it in the air. There were five or six warships on the spot, squeezed by the invisible huge force and blasted to pieces.

All the people in the warship were naturally killed.

The Zijin warship that Lin Fei was in was under the control of Tang Qianfan, with full energy and an astonishing speed. It only took a breath of time to escape dozens of miles away.

"Well, I feel the breath of Tang Tiansheng's grandchildren."

The pale golden giant hand directly locked onto the purple golden battleship dozens of miles away, and whispered to himself.

Then, I saw it move slightly, ignoring the distance of the space, and appeared directly in front of the Zijin warship, blocking the way.


The pale golden giant hand volleyed into the air.

The Zijin warship couldn't move immediately, and flew towards the pale golden giant hand uncontrollably.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked, and groaned inwardly.

Being watched by this big man, it is estimated that it is extremely difficult to get out.

At this moment, on the hull of the battleship, a faint figure suddenly appeared, an old man, who looked like Tang Qianfan's grandfather!

"Who hurt my grandson!"

Grandpa Tang Qianfan shouted angrily.

"It turned out to be Tang Tiansheng's imprint of divine consciousness."

The giant pale golden hand sneered.

"A mark can also kill you!"

Tang Qianfan's grandfather shouted angrily, dashed and smashed with his fist, instantly fighting with the pale golden giant hand.

call out!

The Zijin battleship took this opportunity to escape in another direction.

"This is a mark of divine consciousness left by my grandfather in his heyday. On the warship that is usually sealed, it can manifest and protect me when necessary."

Tang Qianfan said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei suddenly felt.

The Zijin warship kept advancing at full speed, and after most of the day, it finally escaped hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Brother Lin Fei, please rest assured, we are now out of danger.

Let's find a secret place to hide first, and wait for my grandfather and father to refine the Nine Turns Condensation Pill and restore our strength.

Hmph, once my grandfather recovers his previous cultivation strength, he won't have to be afraid of them anymore! "

Tang Qianfan said.

"Your grandfather, what kind of cultivation was it before?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"My grandfather used to be a famous ancestor-level figure in the kingdom of Thailand.

In the entire Thai kings world, the combat power ranks among the top five. "

Tang Qianfan said.


Although Lin Fei had already guessed, but still very shocked.

Every one of the great figures at the ancestor level is powerful, powerful and terrifying, and belongs to the most powerful group of figures in this starry sky.

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