Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2131: Get a warship

In the Kingdom of Thailand, deep in the headquarters of the Tang family, there is a special space opened up.

This space is very wide, and it is hidden by the clever concealment formations, so outsiders can't find it at all.

In the high sky of this space, huge ships with fascinating light hovered slowly, moving slowly in the void.

The colorful fairy lights fell from the sky, like a barrier, covering every giant ship, looking very mysterious.

"Brother Lin Fei, look, these are the top battleships of our Tang family.

Each ship consumes a lot of precious resources. It was successfully built by the most brilliant shipbuilder, according to the ancient shipbuilding method handed down in our Thai kings centuries ago, and spent a lot of time and effort. .

It can be said that every battleship is invaluable. "

Tang Qianfan's grandfather, Tang Tiansheng personally led Lin Fei to this special space that was usually hidden by numerous formations, pointed at the warships suspended in the sky, and said to Lin Fei.

Looking at the slowly moving battleships, Lin Fei was also secretly shocked.

Every battleship radiated a majestic force of power, and Lin Fei felt that he could not get close at all.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be crushed into **** by the energy emitted by these warships.

Even a master at the level of the fairy king gave Lin Fei the feeling that it was not so terrible.

Obviously, the combat power of these warships must be very powerful.

"Little brother Lin Fei, each of these battleships in front of us is the foundation of our Tang family.

Originally, it would never be given away easily.

However, this time is an exception. I will present three ships to you in return for the grace of the immortal medicine Neidan.

I wonder, are you satisfied? "

Tang Tiansheng looked at Lin Fei.

"Patriarch, these warships are the foundation of our Tang family and cannot be given to outsiders.

Think twice about the patriarch! "

Before Lin Fei had time to answer, not far away, an old voice sounded.

Then, a figure slowly manifested itself from illusion and solidity. It turned out to be a gray-clothed old man with a withered figure and a cane.

The gray-clothed old man looked very old, his waist was already deeply bent, but the turbid eyes occasionally burst with astonishing light, which made people palpitate.

"It turned out to be Uncle Eighth.

My father and son recovered successfully this time, thanks to the gift of the immortal medicine inner pill by the little brother Lin Fei.

The little brother Lin Fei has great kindness to our Tang family, so why not send him three warships? "

Tang Tiansheng looked at the gray-clothed old man and said.

Uncle Eight!

Lin Fei was secretly shocked after hearing Tang Tiansheng's words.

Tang Tiansheng himself didn't know how many years he had lived, and the old man in front of him, Tang Tiansheng actually wanted to call him a clan uncle, so his seniority in the Tang family was simply astonishingly old.

"Hmph, Tang Tiansheng, don't think that you can do whatever you want by becoming the patriarch again.

Every battleship here is one of the heritage of our Tang family.

Unless it is someone who has made great contributions to our Tang family, or has great interests, or has formed a death alliance with our Tang family, we can give it away.

In this starry sky, how many big interfaces, big families, big forces, want to obtain the battleship of our Tang family, but have no way to enter.

It's a mere junior, low-powered, and coming from a **** interface, how can He De, you actually want to give him three battleships.

Tang Tiansheng, you are messing around, ignoring the overall interests of our Tang family. "

The old man in gray snorted coldly.

"Hahaha, old ba, don't speak so boldly.

Over the years, when Tang Tianfeng was in power, you and him were embarrassed, not knowing how much of the family's belongings had been swallowed.

Your clansmen of this faction are rich and rich, occupying a lot of cultivation resources, while the other Tang tribes all have to look at your faces. If they don't go well, they will cut back the supply and make all kinds of difficulties.

Ba, when have you taken into consideration the overall interests of our Tang family?

What? Now that Tang Tian [笔趣岛] is being driven away by the wind, it is the turn of the Heavenly Sage, you can't hold it back immediately, are you going to jump out and blame it? "

Suddenly, a loud laughter sounded.

An old man in white robe appeared ghostly in this space, sneered at the old man in gray.

Lin Fei watched the scene before him, guessing in his heart, dare to be sentimental, among the Tang family, there are many tribes, there are intrigues and fights for power.

That's right, a big family, with a larger scale, will definitely inevitably have all kinds of intrigues inside.

"Uncle Six!"

When Tang Tiansheng saw this white robe old man appear, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and immediately stepped forward to salute.

Obviously, this white-robed old man is of the same sect as Tang Tiansheng.

"Huh, Old Ba, are you also in favor of gifting the warship to this younger guy!"

The gray-clothed old man angered.

"Our Tang family is not unbelievable.

Now that they have agreed, do they have to go back now.

What's more, Tiansheng is now the patriarch, and he has the right to decide major events in the clan. "

The white-robed old man said with a sneer.

"it is good!

I'm going to find other clan elders and hold a clan elder meeting. I don't agree with this matter!

Just wait and see! "

The gray-clothed old man was very angry, and with a flick of his sleeves, his figure moved, and the strangeness disappeared.


Uncle Eighth, just go to the clan elder meeting.

I have ordered these three warships.

I will bear the consequences. "

Tang Tiansheng laughed loudly, without the slightest fear.

In the void, there was a cold snort from the gray-clothed old man.

Tang Tiansheng stretched out his hand and pointed.


The three battleships moved over in the air and kept shrinking. Eventually, they became three slap-sized battleships, suspended in front of Lin Fei.

"Brother Lin Fei, these three warships are given to you.

I hope you will keep it carefully in the future.

I'm also breaking into your sea of ​​knowledge for the control method of the battleship. You can study it and it won't be difficult to control it. "

Tang Tiansheng said, with a wave of his hand, a piece of divine consciousness information was driven into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Lin Fei took a brief look, and it was about the specific methods of how to refine and control these three warships.

"Thank you patriarch!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Lin Fei knew that these three warships were among the top warships in the Tang family, and each one was very precious.

With these three warships, the strength of the Xianling Realm will surely increase a lot.

"Okay, little brother Lin Fei, in the next few days, I will personally guide you to condense the precious body.

The sacred fruit of the treasure is very domineering, and if taken improperly, it will burst and die easily.

Therefore, I must first go out to find some heavenly materials and earth treasures that can neutralize the sacred fruit of the noble treasure, and then refine them into pills for you to take.

You meditate for a day and adjust your physical and mental state. After I come back, you will officially start. "

After Lin Fei collected the three warships, Tang Tiansheng said to Lin Fei.

Tang Tiansheng personally guided Lin Fei to condense the exalted sacred body, which was also one of the exchange terms that Lin Fei and Tang Qianfan negotiated.

"Thank you patriarch."

Lin Fei answered quickly, very grateful.

Tang Tiansheng has now recovered his strength. He is a terrifying figure at the ancestor level. If he wants to repent, Lin Fei has no way.

However, this Tang Tiansheng actually followed the conditions that Lin Fei and Tang Qianfan had negotiated.

Lin Fei was grateful and fortunate.

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