Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2136: Leaving the Kingdom of Thailand

After a while, all the belongings in the treasure house of the Fairy Snake Gang were finally taken.

Lin Fei's harvest was so great that his wealth suddenly became richer.

"Brother Tang, are there any other sect forces that have enemies with you?

Or, let's go and destroy it together? "

Lin Fei touched the filled space ring, feeling a little confused.

The fairy tomb world has been closed for a long time and isolated from the outside world. Within the interface, the training resources possessed by the warriors are far inferior to the powerful realms of the Thai King Realm.

If a few more sect forces like the Fairy Snake Gang were destroyed, Lin Fei estimated that he could bring back a large number of valuable properties.

At that time, it will be provided to the martial artists in the fairy cemetery for training.

You know, after three years, the Demon Ancestor of the third layer of the Demon Realm of the Abyss will personally attack the Immortal Tomb Realm.

That Demon Ancestor is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

With the current strength of the Xianling Realm, it is difficult to resist that Demon Ancestor.

In the past three years, Xianling Realm must seize every opportunity to become as strong as possible.

"Oh? Sect forces that have hatred against me?"

Tang Qianfan was taken aback, thinking a little bit in his mind.

"Of course there is. Over the years, Tang Haoyue has enlisted a large number of sects with strengths of third and fourth rank.

Most of these sects have bullied the Tang clan members of our sect.

So, speaking of it, all sect forces that are closer to Tang Haoyue have hatred against me.

What? Brother Lin wants to take this opportunity to destroy these sects together. "

Tang Qianfan asked with a smile, of course he had guessed Lin Fei's mind.

This time, his grandfather and father were able to successfully regain their strength and regain the power of the Tang family. Tang Qianfan felt that the most important thing was that Lin Feiken gave up the immortal medicine inner pill.

Therefore, in Tang Qianfan's heart, he was very grateful to Lin Fei.

Moreover, he could see that his grandfather Tang Tiansheng seemed to value Lin Fei more.

What's more, Tang Qianfan himself could also imagine that with Lin Fei's aptitude and strength, his future achievements would definitely be amazing.

Therefore, Tang Qianfan also wanted to make friends with Lin Fei.

"Since these sects have hatred with Brother Tang, staying there may be a disaster in the future.

It's better to dial it out as soon as possible, and it's more worry-free. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, Brother Lin makes sense.

Uncle Jiuzu, what do you mean? "

Tang Qianfan thought slightly, and asked an old man beside him.

This old man is Tang Qianfan's uncle generation by generation.

"Well, our group of people has been weak for a long time. Over the years, not only the Tang clan has looked down upon us.

In the kingdom of the Thai kings, all sects, large and small, also despise us.

Now, our tribe has finally turned over.

At this time, we take the initiative to destroy some small sect forces that once had enemies with us, which can have a deterrent effect.

So, I agree. "

The old man said slowly.

"Yes! The Uncle of the Nine Ethnic Groups makes sense!

Okay, let's go now! "

Hearing this, Tang Qianfan couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately waved and said.

So, next, Tang Qianfan and Lin Fei, with the people of the Tang family, wiped out three or four sects that had been close to Tang Haoyue in two days.

Every time when a sect was eliminated, Lin Fei would inevitably scavenged all his money. Therefore, Lin Fei obtained a large amount of valuable property.

Three days later, all the sectarian forces that had been closer to Tang Haoyue moved after hearing the news. The high-ranking figures personally dispatched, carrying a large number of gifts, and came to ask Tang Qianfan for their crimes.

Moreover, the senior officials of these sects all actively expressed that from then on, they would take refuge in Tang Qianfan.

In this way, Tang Qianfan was embarrassed to continue to destroy these sects.

Moreover, Tang Qianfan really wanted to have some of his own power.

Therefore, Tang Qianfan gave all the gifts from these sects to Lin Fei.

More than ten days have passed.

"Brother Tang, I'm going back to Xianling Realm."

Lin Fei bid farewell to Tang Qianfan.

Lin Fei's goal of coming to the Thai King Realm has already been achieved, and there is no need to stay any longer.

Tang Qianfan enthusiastically retained him, but seeing that Lin Fei had decided to leave, he finally had to agree.

Before leaving, Lin Fei went to meet Tang Tiansheng and bid him farewell.

"Brother Lin, if you have time, welcome to come to the Kingdom of Thailand again!"

Tang Qianfan and Tang Xiaochan, two brothers and sisters, have been sending Lin Fei out of the big portal of the Thai King Realm.


Lin Fei nodded and waved, a battleship appeared in front of him.

This battleship is one of the three battleships presented by Tang Tiansheng and belongs to the top battleship of the Tang family.

Lin Fei stepped on the battleship and waved to Tang Qianfan brother and sister. Then, the battleship shuddered slightly, turning into a stream of light, and disappeared instantly.

"It's too fast!"

Lin Fei sat in the battleship, feeling the speed of the battleship, and was very surprised.

In the battleship, there is a map of the location of the entire starry sky. As long as you enter the coordinates of the destination you want to reach in advance, the battleship will automatically move towards the predetermined coordinates, and you don't need to bother about it in the middle.

However, the only headache for Lin Fei is that to maintain the operation of the warship, spars are needed, and there are still a lot of them!

Fortunately, during this period of time, Lin Fei had harvested a lot of spars in the Thai King Realm, which could be called a huge amount.

Moreover, when he left, Tang Qianfan gave Lin Fei a large amount of extra wealth.

Therefore, the spar currently owned by Lin Fei is simply incalculable.

After entering the Xianling Realm's position coordinates into the battleship, Lin Fei let the battleship fly by itself and ignored it.

Tang Tiansheng once said that this warship is equipped with many top defensive formations, even if the powerhouse of the fairy king comes, it will not be able to attack.

Therefore, even if the warship is allowed to fly on its own, nothing will happen.

Inside the battleship, there are more than a dozen luxurious training rooms.

Lin Fei entered one of the secret rooms and sat down cross-legged.

"I don't know about that precious tree, will I give some tree essence?

Damn it, even if it's hard to make a soft foam, I still want some of it. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Now, Lin Fei's precious body is in a state of great achievement.

If you want to reach the state of consummation, you must obtain the essence of the tree body of some precious holy trees.

The Zunbao Sacred Tree was in the Hongmeng Ding, and Lin Fei naturally refused to miss it.

As a result, Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness directly entered the space of the jade slip in the Hongmeng Ding.

Next, Lin Fei spent more than half a month entwining the precious tree every day, asking it for the essence of the tree.

At the beginning, the Zunbao Sacred Tree had a very bad attitude, not only refused to give it, but also asked Lin Fei to return the Zunbao Sacred Fruit to him.

Because it can feel that Lin Fei has the breath of the precious sacred fruit.

However, afterwards, Lin Fei was really entangled so much that the Zunbao Sacred Tree finally couldn't bear it.


Dozens of drops of tree essence, which seemed to be carved from jade, flew in front of Lin Fei.

"Get out now!

Stop bothering me!

Damn, I've never seen such annoying, so long-winded guy! "

The treasure sacred tree yelled at Lin Fei, the huge face on the tree's beard trembled with anger.

Lin Fei was overjoyed, put away dozens of drops of tree essence in front of him, and left Hongmengding.

In the secret room, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, with dozens of drops of tree essence suspended in front of him, shining with the luster of jade.

"I don't know how powerful is the eucharistic body of the treasure in the perfect state?"

Lin Fei muttered to herself, expecting a little in her heart.

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