Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2141: Old Seven

"Senior True Cang, why don't you see the other two seniors?"

After wandering in this small continent for a long time, Lin Fei came to the real old Taoist again and asked him.

Lin Fei was referring to Tian Chanzi and the soldiers.

"Tian Chanzi, he left the Immortal Ling Realm and went to the Corpse Realm.

He is now a burial clan, and the heaven and earth environment of the fairy cemetery is not very suitable for him.

The corpse world is said to be the headquarters of the funeral clan, and the environment there is the most suitable for him to practice.

However, he said that in three years, he would return to Xianling Realm. "

Said really old.

Corpse world?

Lin Fei was stunned, and had never heard of such an interface.

However, the starry sky beyond Xianling Realm is too vast and endless, and there is no special interface, which is not new.

"As for Senior Zixiao Immortal Monarch, he has returned to the city in the starry sky.

His old man said that the ancient city was damaged a lot and it would take time to repair it.

Moreover, he had to monitor the movement of the magic tree. "

Said really old.

"Zi Xiao Xianjun?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Obviously, the true monarch Zixiao mentioned by the true Cang Lao Dao was the old soldier.

"Yes, Immortal Zixiao, in the ancient times, was a well-known veteran immortal king in our immortal tomb world.

When his old man became an immortal king, I was still a stunned head who had just started practicing.

Unexpectedly, his old man later became the guardian of this legendary ancient city. "

Said really old.

So that's the case.

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei naturally knew that the strength of a soldier was the strength of a high-level fairy king.

Moreover, it is the kind with particularly terrifying combat power. It is estimated that there are few opponents in the same rank.

Until now, Lin Fei knew that the soldier had another resounding name, Zixiao Xianjun.

"Senior True Cang, I plan to return to the realm to take a look."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, go back and have a look."

Really old nodded.

"This group of mainland origin, return it to you."

Really old Dao waved his hand, and a huge group of mainland origin appeared in front of Lin Fei.

Before Lin Fei set off to the Forbidden Ancient Land, he left this group of mainland origins and gave it to True Clan Dao to keep.

Lin Fei waved his hand and the mainland origin merged into his body.

Immediately, Lin Fei could feel that the close connection between himself and the Xianling Realm had returned.

So Lin Fei stepped onto the teleportation altar, the altar glowed, and directly teleported Lin Fei away.

After a while.

Lin Fei appeared in the starry sky, in the huge and ancient city.

The teleportation altar connecting the inside and outside of the world is arranged in this city.

Therefore, this city is now equivalent to a transit point.

"Lin Fei, you are back!

It's fine! "

As soon as Lin Fei appeared in the city, the soldier felt it, and came to Lin Fei in a flash of figure.

"It's a primitive fairyland, it's pretty good."

The soldier sensed Lin Fei's body, his eyes brightened, and praised.

"Senior, that magic tree, there is nothing moving, right."

Lin Fei asked.

"There is no movement for the time being, and even if it wants to cause chaos, it cannot break the defense of my city.

Unless the body of the Nether Demon Ancestor came. "

The soldier replied.

The soldiers led Lin Fei to the city wall and looked at the tall magic tree in the distant starry sky.

I saw that the whole demon tree, rooted in the starry sky, was huge and exuded a dark and faint light. Around it, there were endless magical laws.

The entire starry sky was contaminated with a lot of magic energy.

Within that space, the magic way is rampant, and the fairy way retreats!

Moreover, due to the existence of this magic tree, the gap in the seal layer of the immortal road outside the immortal mausoleum has never been repaired.

The seal layer of Immortal Road outside Xianling was broken through a gap by the coalition forces of three great clans of Outland.

Originally, this immortal seal layer had the function of self-repair.

However, this magic tree has been exuding a huge amount of pressure from the magic way, making the gap impossible to repair.

In this way, the immortal cemetery is no longer fortified, and the immortal road seal layer has lost its function.

The men and horses of the third layer of the Demon Realm can enter the Immortal Ling Realm at any time.

Lin Fei looked at the tall magic tree with hatred.

"Is there any way to destroy this magic tree, or drive out of our Xianling Realm."

Lin Fei said.

"It's difficult.

This demon tree was refined by that Nether Demon Ancestor to become the Life Demon Tree, and it was connected and controlled by that Nether Demon Ancestor.

Moreover, this magic tree itself is a very powerful treasure tree. With our strength, it is impossible to destroy it or drive it away. "

The soldier sighed.

at this time.

"Hey? The old seventh is here!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei received a transmission.

It is the Zunbao Holy Tree.

It is on Lin Fei's body and can transmit to Lin Fei at any time.

"Old Qi? You mean..."

Lin Fei trembled slightly, faintly guessing in his heart, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to that precious tree.

"It's the guy with the black charcoal head in the distance."

Zunbao Sacred Tree said.

"You mean, that magic tree, is it your seventh?

Do you know it? "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Not bad.

However, it seems to have changed a bit.

Although it was dark before, it didn't have such a strong magical atmosphere.

When did it fall into the magic way. "

Zunbao Sacred Tree was surprised.

"It was made into a demon tree by a master in the demon world, so it has such a strong demon aura."

Lin Fei said, and then briefly introduced the origin of this magic tree to Zunbao Sacred Tree and why it appeared here.

"Damn, brother of Lao Tzu, that demon dare to refine.

I must go and kill that **** ghost ancestor! "

Zunbao Sacred Tree cursed.

Lin Fei curled his mouth.

"Just blow it, that Nether Demon Ancestor, but a great figure at the ancestor level, do you dare to send it to the door?"

Lin Fei said.

"Huh, when I find the twelve brothers, no matter how many big people at the ancestor level, they can't kill them, boy, don't look at the trees, just walk and see."

Zunbao Sacred Tree cursed.

"By the way, since this demon tree is your seventh old man, can you communicate with it so that it doesn't stay here?

It's best to get it out of the control of the Nether Demon Ancestor. "

Lin Fei asked, looking forward to it.

If this demon tree can be moved away, then the gap in the seal layer of the immortal road outside the immortal mausoleum can be repaired by itself.

Now the laws of heaven and earth in the Xianling Realm are becoming more and more sound and advanced.

The immortal seal layer will definitely become harder and harder.

In this case, after three years, even if the Nether Demon Ancestor wants to break through the seal of the immortal road, it is probably not that easy.

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