Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2144: play

"Hee hee, of course, the master, don't think that you are the only genius, and you are belittling us..."

Azi proudly raised her beautiful little face.

"Master..., your cultivation base..., hiss!"

However, the next moment, on top of Azi's delicate little face, she was completely stunned, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Fei, unspeakable shock.

"Master, where are you now?!"

A Zi asked.

Qing Luo and the goblin also looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's current strength in the primary fairyland was much higher than that of the Qingluo trio.

Therefore, the Qingluo trio, for a while, it was a bit difficult to accurately judge Lin Fei's cultivation level, but they felt that Lin Fei's strength was unfathomable and invisible.

"I am now a primary fairyland."

Lin Fei said.


The three of Qingluo were so shocked that they could not speak for a while.

The fairyland, in the immortal tomb world, but the existence of the power level.

Especially in the past, when the master of the immortal king level had not appeared, each of the fairyland was the supreme existence in the immortal tomb world.

"Master, you are now a great power in the fairyland! It's amazing!

After that, we were in the Xianling Realm, and no one dared to bully anymore! "

Azi exaggerated.

"Yes, Azi, in the future within this immortal tomb world, no one dares to bully us."

Lin Fei smiled.

As the master of the Xianling Realm, within the Xianling Realm, Lin Fei's combat power is at least equivalent to a powerhouse at the level of the Immortal King. Within the Xianling Realm, naturally no one dares to provoke him.

"Go, I will take you to see the new Xianling continent."

After a few people chatted for a long time, Lin Fei said to Qingluo on a whim.

The three of them have been cultivating in Xianling Academy, quite a bit of a deaf ear to things outside the window, and they don't know much about the changes in the outside world.

"Okay, master! I've long wanted to go out and have fun!

Staying here all day, I'm so tired of it! "

Zi immediately clapped his hands in applause.

"Well, let's go.

I will take the three of you to have a good time. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei led the Qingluo three directly out of Xianling Academy.

Of course, before leaving, Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to tell the dean.

Otherwise, the director might think that Lin Fei abducted Qingluo and chase him desperately.

Within a few steps, Lin Fei led Qingluo and the three to leave Xianling Academy far away. They walked hundreds of thousands of miles above Xianling mainland, watching the scenery of the ground below.

At this moment, Qingluo and Azi completely showed the heart-felt like a little girl. They shouted in the sky, feeling extremely fresh.

That's right, Lin Fei's speed of hundreds of thousands of miles, or even millions of miles, is indeed a novel excitement that has never been experienced before for the Qingluo trio.

Along the way, the movement made by the four of Lin Fei also attracted the attention of many people.

Of course, those who could perceive the traces of Lin Fei's four were all the powers that transformed the fairyland.

There are some great powers of transforming the fairyland, showing the starting method, rushing into the sky, wanting to see what happened.

"It turned out to be Lin Fei!"

Soon, the great abilities of transforming the fairyland all recognized Lin Fei.

Some of the great powers in the fairyland stepped forward to meet with Lin Fei, while some of them pretended not to see them and left quietly.

Just as Lin Fei took the Qingluo three people high above the Xianling Continent, swimming everywhere, within the Xianling Realm, in a hidden small realm.

In this small world, there is a very old dark palace of Cangsang.

Upon closer inspection, this dark palace is actually made of black skulls. On each skull, there is a ray of wronged souls, faintly roaring in mourning, full of unwillingness.

"What! Lin Fei finally appeared!"

In this dark palace, a gloomy voice sounded like Ye Xiao yelling, which made people horrified.

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Lord, shall we do it?

Still wait and see? "

Said another voice.

"Do it now!

This is a great opportunity.

Really old Dao was outside the boundary, Tian Chanzi left the Xianling realm, and the old Zixiao also guarded the ancient city deep in the starry sky.

Now Lin Fei is almost alone.

This is an excellent opportunity.

Act immediately to behead Lin Fei and take his mainland origin.

Hehe..., this fairy tomb world will be our world from now on. "

Said the gloomy voice.

"Yes, the landlord made a point. Now is a golden opportunity of a lifetime.

However, that Lin Fei, now the Lord of the Immortal Ling Realm, can exert combat power not weaker than a master of the Immortal King Realm.

In addition, Lin Fei seems to have a lot of great hole cards.

His demon body clone is not weak. "

Another voice replied.

"Hehe, don't worry about this, I will hand over the formation flag of the Great Celestial Space Array to you.

The vast array of Jue Xian Gap can completely cut off the connection between Lin Fei and the heaven and earth energy of the Xianling Realm, so that he can no longer borrow the heaven and earth energy of the Xianling Realm to fight.

Humph, wait until then, you all rush forward, can't you still behead a junior kid! "

Said the gloomy voice.

"That's great.

With the great array of Jue Xian Gap, Lin Fei could not borrow the heaven and earth energy of the Xian Ling Realm, and could immediately beat him back to his original form.


With Lin Fei's poor realm strength, when the time comes, it will not be let us kill! "

Another voice laughed.

"Well, be quicker, try to kill with one blow!"

The gloomy voice urged.

At this time, the sky over the Xianling continent.

Lin Fei was still taking the Qingluo trio, playing enthusiastically, watching the scenery of the New World.

At a certain moment, Lin Fei came to the sky above a zone with endless primitive dense forests.

In this area, the people are inaccessible, the animals are rampant, and the tall mountains are undulating.

Lin Fei led Qingluo's three people slowly through the sky. After more than half a day, they had almost reached the Xianling Continent by 50% or 60%.

Afterwards, Lin Fei simply slowed down, leading Qingluo and three people forward without any hurry.

Even, when I discovered that there was something fun on the earth, a special place, I just landed it and enjoyed it.


Lin Fei's face changed slightly, his stern gaze looked at a nearby space.

There are waves of spatial fluctuations in that space, obviously, there are movements.

Then, the next moment.


Bursts of strong murderous aura suddenly came and swept across the world.

Bursts of thick murderous aura continued to spread in the surrounding space.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei rolled his sleeves and transported the three of Qing Luo into the slave tower.


This piece of space is shaking violently, the space seems to be frozen, and time seems to have temporarily stopped moving.


Get out of me! "

Lin Fei yelled.

In this fairy cemetery, there are still people who dare to do something to themselves. Isn't this looking for death?

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