Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2164: Buddhism relics

The strength of this magic hand is terrifying.

Lin Fei estimated that even if a senior Immortal King realm master came, he might not have been able to beat this magic hand.

Fortunately, it was sealed by nine red iron chains.

On the nine scarlet iron chains are carved many ancient runes of immortality, with infinite power.

Once there was something abnormal in this magic hand, the nine iron chains immediately vibrated, and red runes rushed towards the night, releasing a tremendous amount of pressure to suppress the magic hand.

Under this circumstance, after a fierce battle between Lin Fei and the demon body clone, they finally maimed the demon hand, and finally absorbed it with the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle.


When the magic hand was finally wiped out, the linden tree in the middle of the grassland above began to shake.

Then, with a snorting sound, the entire giant tree shrank in an instant, turning into a relic of dazzling Buddha light.


When this Buddhist relic appeared in its true form, the whole world began to sound solemn and majestic chanting, and the world resonated.

Between the heavens and the earth, the Buddha's light is shining, and in the faint, countless strange phenomena of sincere worship of Buddhas appear.

It's like a picture of activity, lingering in the space around that relic, it is very magical.

Lin Fei has also practiced Buddhism supernatural powers and has a preliminary understanding of Buddhism.

Witnessing these phenomena, I knew that this relic must be left over by a Buddhist monk.

Belongs to the treasure of Buddhism.

"This relic is very suitable for Rong'er and Wan'er."

Lin Fei thought of the two final wives.

Rong'er and Wan'er were born with a clear mind and Buddha body, and they are now practicing Buddhism.

If they get this relic, they will definitely make their Dharma to a higher level.

So Lin Fei slowly approached the relic.


A terrible Buddhist power blasted Lin Fei out.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and his hands were sealed, and a halo appeared in the back of his head.


In the surging light of the Buddha, a tall golden Arhat appeared, majestic and majestic.

This Arhat's image, sitting on the deer, calmly.

This is the first formula of the Eighteen Arhats.

The eighteen arhat tactics, Lin Fei also obtained in this Buddha Ridge before.

Moreover, it was obtained in a small Buddhist world transformed into by this relic.

Now, Lin Fei had already successfully practiced all the Eighteen Arhats.

After the Arhat appeared, Lin Fei slowly approached the relic.

This time, the relic did not resist any resistance and was directly held by Lin Fei.

Immediately, Lin Fei could feel it, his whole body was warm.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, there are loud and loud chanting sounds for no reason, and the sounds are awakening, and people have a kind of enlightenment-like epiphany.

In an instant, Lin Fei felt that his understanding of Buddhism seemed to have made some progress.

"It really is the treasure of Buddhism!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed and carefully hid the relic.

"Well, the demon body clone, and the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, seem to have strengthened a lot."

Lin Fei looked at the demon clone beside him.

In the past two days, the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle has absorbed a lot of demons. Among them, there are some particularly powerful demonic remnants, which contain a huge amount of demonic energy.

Therefore, the strength of the Demon Body clone and the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle have been greatly enhanced.

Lin Fei put away the avatar of the demon body and moved away from Nanling.

In the next two or three days, Lin Fei wandered around and pursued the entire Xianling Continent.

As long as there is a trace of the remnant soul of a particularly powerful evil demon, he will directly kill it.

In that great battle in ancient times.

In order to defend their homeland, the warriors in the fairy cemetery world rose up to resist, beheading or suppressing a large number of alien evil spirits.

Therefore, within the Xianling Realm, these beheaded or suppressed foreign evil spirits are constantly reincarnated and reborn, scattered in every corner of the Xianling Realm.

This time, Lin Fei was mainly to eliminate the remnants of those particularly powerful demons.

Otherwise, sooner or later it will become a disaster.

As for those demons' remnants whose strength is relatively weak and not very dangerous, Lin Fei ignored them.

Because, leaving behind these weak demons' remnants, in the future, those young warriors in the immortal tomb realm will have an additional batch of refining objects that can be killed.

Four days later.

In the entire Xianling Continent, all the remnants of the evil demons that can be found, and those with particularly powerful strength, have all been wiped out by Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei returned to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land and gave the Buddhist relic to Rong'er and Wan'er.

Of course, he stayed in the headquarters and spent several days with Rong'er and Wan'er.

To Lin Fei's surprise, Elder Nie also returned from an out-of-bound training base, and he has successfully broken through to the advanced fairyland.

"Lin Fei, what is your current state...?"

Elder Nie sensed the fluctuation of Lin Fei's vitality, couldn't help being shocked, and asked in disbelief.

"Intermediate fairyland."

Lin Fei said.

Elder Nie, and the others around listened, couldn't help being speechless.

Especially the warriors of the older generation, all of them couldn't help but laugh bitterly, and felt shocked.

"At such a young age, I actually broke through to the fairyland. I finally understand what an evildoer is."

Elder Nie shook his head and sighed.

The other people stared at Lin Fei with shocked eyes, as if they were staring at a monster.

After staying in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land for several days, Lin Fei also asked about the current development of Cangyan Holy Land.

The entire Cangyan Holy Land is functioning very well, and its development is thriving.

The current Cangyan Holy Land is already one of the top great sect forces belonging to the entire Xianling Realm.

Especially not long ago, after the old man surnamed Fang inadvertently displayed his true realm strength, the world knew that the old man surnamed Fang had already broken through into the fairyland.

The entire Xianling Realm couldn't help being in an uproar.

A Lin Fei came out of Cangyan Holy Land, and there was another master of fairyland, five or six masters of fairyland transformation.

With such a terrifying strength, there is almost no sect in the entire Xianling Realm that can be compared with it!

Four or five days later, Lin Fei left the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

In the depths of the sky dome of the Xianling Continent, huge and boundless city walls completely surrounded a star field.

In the center of these city walls, there is an ancient tall city with dazzling fairy lights, exuding endless laws of immortality.

In the besieged star field, there is a huge black magic tree, erupting monstrous magic energy.

At this moment, Lin Fei and the soldiers were standing on the wall of the city, looking at the dark magic tree in the distance.

"Senior, this magic tree, in the past six months, nothing has changed."

Lin Fei asked.

"Nothing has changed for the time being.

That Nether Demon Ancestor is practicing in retreat, and it is estimated that he will not be distracted yet and make any movement. "

Said the soldier.

"Well, that's good."

Lin Fei nodded.

"This magic tree is your seventh old man, can you wake it up?"

Lin Fei asked the precious tree in the Hongmeng Ding.

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