Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2171: Slavery

It turned out that the third layer of the Demon Realm sent out tens of thousands of demons in order to hunt down the people of the Immortal Ling Realm who had been trained in the Ancient Realm of Immortal Dao.

Among them, the most powerful are the two demonic masters with the strength of the Eight Source Demon Realm.

In addition, there are five Seven Source Demon Realms and eight Six Source Demon Realms.

"There are actually two Eight Source Demon Realms!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The Six Source Demon Realm is equivalent to the primary fairy king realm of the human race.

The Seven Sources of Demon Realm is equivalent to the intermediate fairy king realm of the human race.

The Eight Source Demon Realm is equivalent to the high-level fairy king realm of the human race.

With Lin Fei's current strength, dealing with the evil masters of the Six Origin Demon Realm and the Seven Origin Demon Realm is naturally not a problem.

It is estimated that there will be a fierce fight when encountering the evil masters of the Eight Source Demon Realm, and it is difficult to say who wins and loses.

You know, the higher the level of the realm, the more difficult the challenge will be.

Lin Fei's current combat power can play against the intermediate fairy king realm.

If you encounter a high-level fairy king realm, it is difficult to guarantee victory.

However, what surprised Lin Fei the most was that among these demons in the Ancient Realm of Immortal Dao, there were some young demons with amazing status and status.

There are at least twenty or thirty young demons who come from noble families in the third layer of the devil world.

Among them, five are descendants of the high lord.

The most honorable young demon is the grandson of Nether Demon Ancestor!

This grandson of Nether Demon Ancestor's blood is indescribable.

In fact, these young demons with amazing identities came to the Ancient Realm of Immortal Dao this time for the sake of experience.

Regarding the people and horses of the Immortal Ling Realm as prey, hunting down is one of the main contents of these young demons.

"Well, it's no wonder that so many demonic masters came in person, probably to protect these noble young demons.

I don’t know, if I kill all these young demons, those demonic nobles, high lords, and Nether Demon Ancestor in the third layer of the Demon Realm will react, hehe..."

Lin Fei sneered.

After the interrogation, Lin Fei took a palm and prepared to slap the demon to death.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender!

Lord of the human race, let me go for a lifetime! "

Who knows, that evil demon turned out to be very boneless, knelt down on the spot with a bang, and kowtow to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei was taken aback, his palm hanging in the air.

"My immortal cemetery and your demons are the enemy of life and death, why should I leave you behind?"

Lin Fei said coldly.

"Wait, lord Human Race, please listen to me."

The demon kept kowtow to Lin Fei.

"Oh, just say something."

Lin Fei's palm volleyed at the evil demon, exuding dazzling colorful glaze, and the coercion was amazing.

"Honorable Human Race.

Although I am also an evil demon in the third layer of the Demon Realm, my family members and I have never slaughtered the creatures of your Immortal Ling Realm.

Moreover, I also resent those demons in the third demon world.

My family, in ancient times, originally belonged to a very high-ranking noble in the third-tier demon world.

However, later, the patriarch of my family accidentally offended a high lord.

That high lord, personally took action and annihilated my family.

The masters in the family were all beheaded.

The rest are sick, old, disabled and young, men, all naturalized into the army, and will always be military slaves, waiting to be called.

Women, always serve as concubines and maids, and serve the powerful families.

The lord of the human race, our third demon world, the real masters are those high lords and upper nobles.

My hatred for them is by no means less than your hatred for Master Human Race.

I really don't want to die like this.

Please take me in, Master Human. I am willing to be a slave. I will follow you, my lord, and hope that one day I can get revenge! "

The demon knelt on the ground and said something like this to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case……

How do I know if you are lying to me..."

Lin Fei groaned after listening.

"I am willing to give my soul mark to the adults. If I dare to betray in the future, the adults can take my life with just a thought."

The demon said, in a very earnest tone.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will believe you temporarily and spare your life."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Thank you, sir!"

Seeing Lin Fei's consent, the evil demon couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly released a trace of his soul mark.

Lin Fei hid this soul mark into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Immediately, Lin Fei and this evil demon established a master-servant relationship.

As long as Lin Fei's thoughts move, he can let the evil demon fly to death.

After establishing a master-servant relationship, the demon told Lin Fei his name.

It turned out that he was called Sauron, with the strength of the Three Sources of Demon Realm, which is equivalent to the strength of the primary fairyland of a human warrior.

"Take me immediately to find other demons, especially those young demons with noble status. I want to kill all the demons in this ancient world of immortality."

Lin Fei said.

Now, this evil demon was already a slave under his control, and Lin Fei spoke directly to him.

"it is good!

The master was willing to take action and behead all those little rascals, which is really great.

Don't worry, the master, I have a message of Yujian, I can sense their location, they will never run away. "

Sauron exclaimed.

So Sauron took out a dark jade slip and felt it for a while.

"Master, there are a lot of demons moving in that direction, but the distance is a bit far away, you have to get closer to sense it more clearly."

Sauron said.

Lin Fei nodded and immediately urged the warship to shoot away in the direction pointed by Sauron.

After a long time.

"Master, there is a group of demons ahead.

I feel it. "

Suolong suddenly put it away in surprise, took out the pitch-black jade slip, and sensed it with his spiritual sense.

"There are actually four young nobles!

The White Demon Family, the Yang Sha Family, the Ghost Punishment Family, the Empty Blade Family, the sons of these four families, and a group of subordinates.

My lord, these four princes are all famous young demons in our world. Not only are they noble blood, they are also extremely talented, and their future achievements are unlimited. "

Sauron said.

"Oh, four young demon geniuses.

Well, let's take a look. "

Lin Fei sneered.

The battleship moved forward and rushed forward.

After a while, a large group of demons appeared in front of him.

The four young demons headed by them are very prominent, surrounded by them, and at first glance they know that their status is very unusual.


Great, after tracking for several days, I finally found the traces of those lowly creatures in the Xianling Realm.

Okay, we rushed over immediately and hunted.

This time, I must hunt down these lowly creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm as much as possible, and win glory for our Empty Blade Family! "

One of the young demons laughed wildly.

"Go! Stop talking nonsense.

In case it is too late, those lowly creatures in the Xianling Realm will be killed by those other guys. We want to kill, but we don't have to kill. "

Another young demon urged.

As a result, this large group of demons rushed in one direction, showing off their own methods one by one, with overwhelming demonic energy and murderous aura.

at this time.

"You have no chance."

A faint voice suddenly sounded.

Then, a young Human Race descended from the sky Shi Shiran, with a playful smile on his face, blocking the path of this large group of demons.

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