Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2174: Monster

The battleship went all the way into the Northern Wilderness Longyuan.

Along the way, I encountered many strange and powerful creatures.

These creatures, even if the masters of the fairy king realm come, they may not be able to deal with them, and they are in danger of falling at any time.

However, Lin Fei tried to avoid as much as possible and did not provoke him.

The speed of the battleship is very fast, once it is fully urged, even a master of advanced fairy king realm strength will not be able to catch up.

"The battleship of the Thai King Realm really deserves its reputation.

Not only are attacks and defenses great, but the speed is also so fast! "

Lin Fei stood on the battleship, feeling the speed of the battleship advancing, very satisfied.

"Master, your battleship is too fast!"

Solo stood beside Lin Fei and praised him.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved, and he glanced forward.

I saw a few weird monsters within my sight.

These monsters, like giants, are more than ten meters tall, have strong muscles, are naked, and have a bronze glow on their skin.

The head is a bit like a crocodile. In a huge mouth, two rows of sharp teeth are like two rows of jagged teeth.

A long tail, covered with barbs, densely packed, with hooks, and constantly beating back and forth, the air bursts with puffs, it seems that the space can be exploded at will.

Ho Ho Ho...

These monsters obviously noticed the battleship, and they were staring at the monsters on the battleship, making a low roar.

Their eyes are all red, and they are full of endless brutality and bloodthirsty.

"It's better to avoid it. It's important to save people. Now, it's not the time for extra branches."

Lin Fei thought, urging the warship to change direction, preparing to pass from another direction.


However, when the battleship changed its direction, the monsters were spotted and roared.

"No! So they are calling for companions!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

With the roar of those monsters, there were strong monsters in all directions, appearing in dense numbers, flying towards the battleship.

These monsters are extremely fast, running high in the air, jumping in stride, as fast as lightning.

Every head is extremely vicious, barring teeth and cracking his mouth, and a string of fishy and unpleasant liquid dripping continuously from his mouth.

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning. It seemed that these monsters seemed to be at the end of their minds, but they had an instinct to kill wildly.

"Hmph, since you beasts want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Lin Fei snorted coldly.

Hh hh...

The five elements of the sword qi that are thousands of feet long have turned into five dragons of different colors and strangled them.

Bang bang bang...

The body of the monsters, constantly being bombarded by sword qi, crackled like dumplings, and knocked out into the distance.

Lin Fei lifted his eyes and swept away, his eyes froze instantly, feeling incredible...

I saw that the monsters that were bombarded by the sword aura, even though their bodies were cut into scars of shocking blood by the sharp sword aura, they were all in blood.

However, none of them died!

Moreover, what surprised Lin Fei even more was that the wounds on the bodies of these monsters healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, there were no scars and the recovery was as before!

"What a strong defense!

Good perverted recovery ability! "

Lin Fei was shocked directly.

Lin Fei's current Five Elements Overlord Sword, it is no exaggeration to say that if it hits, it can kill the elementary fairy king realm and seriously injure the intermediate fairy king realm.

But these monsters in front of them were only injured and recovered in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of race is this?

This kind of defense, resilience, absolutely perverted!

It's not much worse than my precious Eucharist! "

Lin Fei sighed inwardly.

Ho Ho Ho...

Just as Lin Fei lost his senses, there were overwhelming numbers of monsters rushing in madly. It seemed that they had to tear one person and one monster on the battleship to pieces before they would give up.

Solo stood beside Lin Fei, his legs weakened in fright, and he almost couldn't stand steady.

Lin Fei played a few tricks, and immediately on the bow of the battleship, a row of ten thick crystal gun tubes stretched out.

Boom boom boom...

Ten crystal barrels fired at the same time, one after another white beams of energy, tore through the space and blasted forward.

Puff puff……

There were some monsters whose bodies were shattered on the spot, to pieces.

Bang bang bang...

There were also some monsters, which seemed to be very powerful. Their bodies were blasted to the ground, but they did not die, but were thrown away far away.

It seems that among these monsters, there are also strong and weak.

In a moment, a **** path was cleared by artillery fire.

Lin Fei's mind moved, urging the warship to accelerate, and instantly rushed out of the encirclement formed by these monsters and galloped away.

Lin Fei didn't want to stay, desperately fighting these monsters.

Just when Lin Fei left.


There was a sudden violent tremor in this space.

Then, a giant monster that was at least dozens of times larger than other monsters appeared in this space.

This giant monster stared closely at the direction Lin Fei was leaving, uncertain.

"In the past few days, there have been so many outsiders who broke into the Northern Wilderness Longyuan.

Could it be the helpers invited by those guys in the ancient village?

Humph, they must not be allowed to approach the ancient village!

The fate of my family is to suppress the ancient village forever and prevent those guys in the ancient village from being born!

All outsiders must die! "

This giant monster actually spit out people's words. Although it was very sloppy, it was obviously intelligent and different from other monsters.


This giant monster screamed at the sky, and the powerful sound waves visible to the naked eye were like raging waves, rumbling out in all directions, and the world boiled for it.

After a while, in the Northern Wilderness Dragon Plain, there were many monsters in every corner, like the tide, densely packed, and came to the sky to accept its orders.

At this time, the battleship was already hundreds of thousands of miles away.

However, Lin Fei was still secretly shocked when he heard the huge roar faintly coming from behind him.

"It seems that there is a particularly powerful monster. I guess I am not its opponent. Fortunately, I run faster."

Lin Fei secretly rejoiced.

"The battleship seems to have reacted!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei was overjoyed.

A cloud of light and shadow suddenly appeared on the bow of the battleship.

This group of light and shadow finally transformed into the shape of a battleship.

It is another battleship of the Tang family of the Thai King Realm.

Lin Fei brought back three battleships from the Kingdom of Thailand in total, including one on his own and one on his own.

This third ship was handed over to the group of people who had been trained in the ancient world of Immortality.

"Well, it seems that the distance is very close."

Lin Fei was excited and urged the warship to accelerate forward.

After a while, Lin Fei heard bursts of shouts from the front.

So the divine power perceives it far forward.

I found a large number of demons and horses in front of them, dividing into teams, fanning out, chasing and intercepting them in a certain direction, each one shouting excitedly.

Looking at this posture, it feels like hunting.

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