Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 218: Practice the third layer of the Overlord Forging Body Art

A mountain range more than twenty miles outside Changping Town, in a hidden valley. Literary fans. Ω.

There was a huge iron bucket on the ground. Under the iron bucket, there was a raging fire. The liquid medicine in the iron bucket was constantly boiling and rolling, and a strong and extremely strong smell of medicine was transmitted far away, attracting many bees and butterflies. , Following the smell of medicine, broke into the valley and danced gracefully.

At this moment, a slightly delicate-looking teenager next to the iron bucket was staring at the liquid medicine tumbling in the big iron bucket.

"Well, it seems that it's time."

The boy next to the iron bucket was Lin Fei.

"Azi, you are here to protect me."

Lin Fei conveyed his thoughts to A Zi.

Having had the experience of the last time, Lin Fei called A Zi out just in case, and asked A Zi to protect the law.

Although, last time, after successfully cultivating the Overlord's Forging Body Jue, those inner disciples only discovered themselves, but if they are cultivating and are disturbed by outsiders coming in, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

A Zi came out of the magic beads and walked to a place slightly far away from the big iron bucket to protect Lin Fei's law.

Lin Fei immediately stripped off the clothes on his body, jumped into the big iron bucket, and then assumed the posture of practicing the third layer of the Overlord Forging Body Art.

At first, immersed in the liquid medicine, it felt very comfortable, as if the spring breeze was blowing on the face, the warm sun was basking, and it was indescribable.

However, at a certain moment, suddenly, the liquid medicine in the big iron barrel whirled frantically, forming a whirlpool, and the medicinal power in all directions swarmed, absorbed by Lin Fei's body, and dissolved into the pores, skin, bones and internal organs!

The liquid medicine in the entire big iron bucket was constantly beating and spinning, slapping Lin Fei's body constantly.

Lin Feixian, the liquid medicine required for the cultivation of the Overlord Body Forging Technique, one layer is more crazy and domineering than the other layer.

The medicinal power of this third layer of liquid medicine is less than ten times more overbearing than the first and second layers.

At this moment, Lin Fei couldn't control the absorption of the medicine by his body at all!

Endless medicinal power rushed towards him frantically, digging into the pore cells all over his body!

In an instant, thousands of pains and torments were imposed on Lin Fei at the same time!

His whole body was torn like a sharp pain, and even the soul was about to collapse!

This kind of pain is more than ten times more than practicing the second level of the Overlord Forging Body Art!


Lin Fei finally couldn't help the intense pain that had penetrated into the depths of his soul, and there was a terrible cry of pain, and his body tossed and twitched in the big iron barrel of liquid medicine!

That kind of unbearable pain, for a moment, made Lin Fei want to stop absorbing it, but he couldn't stop it!


It hurts me!

The medicinal power that permeated every inch and every foot of Lin Fei's body was constantly transforming Lin Fei's body, tearing, reorganizing, tearing, and reorganizing all the flesh and bones, repeating itself again and again, endlessly. Repeatedly.

At this time, Lin Fei only felt that his body seemed to be trying all the tortures in the eighteenth **** one by one.

Not far away, Ah Zi, who was defending Lin Fei's law, listened to Lin Fei's heart-piercing cries, staring in surprise at the big iron bucket that was constantly rising in the hollow of the valley.

"What kind of perverted technique does the master practice? How can it be like suicide?"

Listening to Lin Fei's screams, A Zi shuddered.

No, if this continues, I'm afraid I can't stand it.

Lin Fei's body at this time was suffering the pain of thousands of knives, and his whole body was in the most sensitive state, and his soul was also in the most awake and clearest time.

At this time, you might as well take advantage of your body's pain, your sensitivity, and your soul's clarity to temper your sword intent!

Lin Fei remembered the last time he practiced the second level of Overlord Forging Body Art.

As a result, when the mind moved, three strands of sword light in the soul appeared suddenly, with strands of sword energy and sword intent, actively guarding the clarity of the soul, so as not to let the soul collapse in the extreme pain, the three strands of sword light , Over and over again, constantly swinging the sword to cut off all kinds of distracting thoughts in the soul, including various feelings including pain.

And in the process of the three strands of sword light continuously swinging the sword, it has also been continuously tempered and strengthened.

Sure enough, in this state of extreme pain and sensitivity, and the soul feeling extremely awake, the effect of tempering the sword intent is very significant, at least dozens of times more effective than usual practice.

In Lin Fei's soul, while the three strands of sword light were constantly being tempered, Lin Fei's understanding and comprehension of kendo became more and more thorough. Many doubts and problems in kendo began to be solved.

Gradually, Lin Fei became immersed in the perception of kendo, and the pain became less and less noticeable and lighter.

Finally, Lin Fei’s entire body, mind, and soul are in the understanding of kendo. There is no self and nothing, two forget things, everything in the world is forgetful, no joy or sadness, no emotion and fear, only the world of kendo remains. In this world, the rules of kendo are everything, the sword spirit is permeated, the sword will be strong, and the kendo is the way of heaven!


Suddenly, in the depths of the soul, there was a crisp sound like a cracked egg shell and the birth of a small life.

Then, Lin Fei suddenly realized that there was one more sword glow in his soul, four sword glows, occupying a small world in his soul.

Four points of sword intent!

Lin Fei only felt that his soul had also become a sword of Fengli, and he wanted to rush out.

Encouraged by the abundance of sword intent, Lin Fei suddenly let out a long roar, and in the whole body, a dignified sword aura, majestic and majestic, soaring into the sky.


In the big iron bucket, all the liquid medicine was also splashed by the impact of the sword gas, like a fountain that suddenly appeared.

Oops, I'm still cultivating the Overlord Forging Body Art. This bucket of liquid medicine, but worth three million yuan spar, was splashed out like this, and it will be hard to harvest by then, and the loss will be great.

Lin Fei just woke up from the kendo perception, remembering that he was immersed in the iron bucket now.

Just when Lin Fei was anxious.

Wait a minute, these medicinal liquids seem to no longer contain a little bit of medicinal power, and my body seems to have been successfully transformed, the third layer of the Overlord's Forging Body Art, I have successfully practiced.

At this time, Lin Fei realized that he had been immersed in the perception of kendo just now, but he hadn't noticed that before unknowingly, the third layer of his Overlord Forging Body Art had already successfully practiced!


At the next moment, Lin Fei suddenly jumped out of the iron bucket.

Standing naked in a clearing in the valley.

A huge vitality, from within Lin Fei's body, he wanted to rush out through his body. It was strong, and it was too strong. This was really a powerful feeling like never before.

Lin Fei couldn't help but, like a savage beast, he roared up to the sky, sounding like a tiger and lion, and the mountains and forests were powerful and fearful.

At this moment, Lin Fei only felt that there was an ancient behemoth hidden in his body.

Between the buzzing of the skin on the body, there was a buzzing sound of steel explosion, and the internal organs were squirming, with the momentum of a towering mountain!

On Lin Fei's body surface, the bulging muscles, with clear textures, distinct veins, and smooth and orderly lines, present a perfect male body that is both strong and elegant!

In Lin Fei's eyes, the light is permeated and full of vitality, giving a deterrent like a beast.


Feeling the strength, Lin Fei couldn't help but let out a long roar again, roaring like a savage beast dormant in his body!

Then, Lin Fei moved and rushed towards a nearby huge boulder.


Lin Fei rushed to the huge boulder with a punch.

The huge boulder was simply a mass of tofu, which exploded at the sound, shattered by the fist, turned into rubble in the sky, and flew away.

Then, Lin Fei's figure shook again, already before another giant boulder.

Boom, boom, boom............

A series of loud noises.

With Lin Fei's rise, he actually blasted four or five thousand catties of boulders into dust in a row!

Um, the strength of 80oo catties is really extraordinary. A thousand catties of boulders are like tofu. They can be smashed with a single blow. If they hit humans directly, it would be fine!

"Master, that's amazing! It's better than those monsters known for their power!"

A Zi's exclamation voice sounded nearby.

"Hehe, this cost three million yuan spar, but the power of this third layer is really good."

Lin Fei was also quite satisfied.


"Azi, you turn around."


"No, turn around immediately, not to look at me."

"Why, master?"

"I also asked why, but I haven't put on clothes yet!"

Lin Fei said angrily, Ah Zi is now appearing in the human image of a big beautiful woman. Lin Fei is still just a first-time brother. Where is he used to being naked, facing a beautiful big beautiful woman.

"Hehe, Master, in fact, you don't have to mind so much. Zi is your servant. At this moment, even if you take Zi, it's okay."

Seeing Lin Fei's embarrassment, A Zi couldn't help laughing.


"Okay, okay, Master, then I don't want to watch it, let's go."

Azi looked very wronged, pouted, and finally turned around.

Lin Fei quickly took his clothes and put them on.

The third layer of the Overlord Forging Body Art was finally completed, well, it should be back to Huayang School.

After all, I am now the core disciple of the school, besides practicing, sometimes, the school will also assign some other tasks.

Or, the sect sometimes creates various opportunities for core disciples to go out and practice.

After all, only in actual combat is the best way to temper a martial artist.

As a core disciple, I have left the school for so long. When the time comes, if the school has assigned me some tasks and cannot find myself, it will be a bit unrespectable.

So Lin flew to the direction of Huayang School and galloped away.

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