Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2194: go away

At this time, on another battlefield, the eight chaotic beasts had already suppressed the clones of the five high lords, completely in the upper hand.

"These eight chaotic monsters are not weak.

Little friend Lin Fei, let's go and take a look. "

The white-haired old man said.

As a result, the two teleported and returned to the position where the Chaos Monster and the High Lord were fighting.

The sky is broken here, the sun and the moon are dull!

The eight chaotic beasts are infinitely powerful and have violent and bloodthirsty personalities. Once they fight, it is completely a crazy style of attack without defense and only hurting both sides.

However, the resilience of the eight chaotic beasts is amazing, no matter how badly they are injured, they are as good as ever in the blink of an eye.

The five avatars of the High Lord became more frightened as they fought, and gradually lost the ability to fight back.

After a while, eight chaotic monsters that had the upper hand swarmed up and tore the five avatars of the high lord to shreds.

"Lin Fei, wait, we will repay this grudge!"

Before the avatars of the five High Lords were torn apart, they all roared at Lin Fei.

"I am waiting."

Lin Fei sneered.

call out!

The devil body clone was holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, and rushed up.


Ten Thousand Demons Zhutian Evil Needle issued a terrible suction force, swallowing all the energy of the five High Lord clones frantically.

Including those demons who were killed before, all the flesh and bones scattered nearby were also absorbed.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that after absorbing all the evil demon energy, the devil body clone, and the evil needle, were suspended in mid-air at the same time and remained still.

Faintly, endless demons, ghosts and ghosts appeared in this space, singing in unison the ancient hymns that were strange and mysterious.

The darkness of magic is overwhelming, flooding the world.

"this is……"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

After careful perception, Lin Fei found that the demon body clone had fallen into a state of silence, and it seemed that some kind of transformation was taking place.

"Haha, little friend Lin Fei, you didn't expect that the holy artifact of the Demon Race was also obtained by you.

Don't worry, this clone of yours, and this holy artifact of the demon race, are undergoing transformation and will soon become stronger.

This is a good thing. "

The white-haired old man said.

"Well, it should be."

Lin Fei felt at ease in detail.

However, think about it, the avatars of the five high lords possessed 50 or 60% of the strength of the body, and the demonic energy contained in it was amazing.

After Wan Mo Zhu Tianxie absorbed the clones of the five High Lords, it was normal for them to undergo transformation.

Therefore, Lin Fei transferred the demon body clone and the evil needle into the ninth secret room space of the slave tower, allowing them to quietly transform.

Next, Lin Fei stayed in the ancient world of Immortal Dao for several days under the kind retention of the white-haired old man.

Qingluo, and the other people in the Immortal Ling Realm, were also all teleported from the slave tower by Lin Fei, to play or practice in the ancient immortal realm.

Lin Fei sent a large number of monsters to personally protect those warriors in Xianling Realm.

In this way, naturally there will be no danger.

And Lin Fei himself, accompanied Qing Luo, wandering around, and I was very casual.

At this time, all the experiencers in other interfaces have been driven away.

Now the ancient world of Immortal Dao has become the private domain of the Longxiang Barbarians.

Of course, there are many other interface creatures who are not convinced.

This ancient world of immortality, since ancient times, has been a land without a master.

Now that it is occupied for no reason, many creatures naturally refuse to accept it.

Therefore, in the next few days, from time to time, some masters from other interfaces will come to the ancient world of Immortal Dao to find the Dragon Elephant Barbarians to settle accounts.

The dragon elephant barbarian behaved very domineering towards the creatures who came to settle accounts and provoked.

Those who dissatisfied shall fight until they are satisfied!

Everyone of this tribe is very powerful and possesses the power of dragon elephants.

Especially the five elder-level elders, each of them is not weaker than the eight strongest chaotic beasts under Lin Fei!

As a result, batches of experts who came to look for the Dragon Elephant Barbarian tribe to settle their accounts were beaten up and turned back.

Even some creatures behaved very arrogantly and were killed on the spot!

Later, the incident shocked a certain ancestor-level figure.

This great figure of the ancestor level projected a giant hand from hundreds of millions of miles away and reached into the ancient world of Immortal Dao.

In a rage, the white-haired old man smashed the big man's giant hand to pieces.

Then, the white-haired old man also projected a giant hand, crossed the distant starry sky, and reached the interface where the great ancestor-level figure was.

Thus, a star war happened.

The white-haired old man, and the great figure of the ancestor level, each manifested a giant hand, in the starry sky, fighting inextricably.

In this battle, I don't know how many stars were broken.

All the creatures fled madly, far away from the center of the fierce battle, and lurked.

The war went on for a whole day.

The result is no match.

That big figure at the ancestor level did not make any sound anymore.

The white-haired old man did not pursue it anymore.

After this battle, there were no more creatures with any interface, daring to make trouble in the ancient world of Immortal Dao.

The ancient world of immortality has officially become the territory of the dragon elephant barbarians.

This battle shocked and surprised Lin Fei again.

There is no more doubt.

The white-haired old man is a great figure at the ancestor level!

Four or five days later, Lin Fei left the ancient realm of Immortal Dao and set off back to the realm of Immortal Ling.

Before leaving, the white-haired old man and Lin Fei agreed that the ancient realm of Immortal Dao and the realm of Immortal Ling would always be friendly.

After leaving the ancient world of Immortal Dao, the battleship sailed in the vast starry sky.

At this time, in the third demon world of the abyss domain.

An explosive shocking news spread quickly.

The descendants of five great lords, and more than twenty noble children, were captured by Lin Fei of the Immortal Ling Realm in the ancient world of Immortal Dao!

Also arrested together was the grandson of Nether Demon Ancestor, Lord Luo Tian!

This news caused the entire third-layer demon world to boil.

This is amazing.

Lord Luo Tian, ​​the descendants of five great lords, and more than twenty noble children, each of these young demons has an amazing status and status.

Especially Lord Luo Tian, ​​that is the grandson of Nether Demon Ancestor!

All the demons who heard this news reacted immediately, they couldn't believe it.

However, it was soon proved that this news was completely true.

Because, from the territories of the five big lords and more than twenty demons and nobles, there was an earth-shattering angry roar.

It is said that the main body of these high lords has always been practicing in retreat, not asking about world affairs, and if there is anything to deal with, they usually just let the clones move.

However, now, the bodies of these five high lords have all left the customs one after another, appearing in their own territory.

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