Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2198: Primary Fairyland

"Boy, my requirements are not high, just a single immortal medicine inner pill..."

The Zunbao Sacred Tree followed behind Lin Fei, chasing after him.

"This smelly tree..."

Lin Fei felt a headache.

However, Lin Fei is the lord of the Immortal Ling Realm, and within the Immortal Ling Realm, it is easy to cross hundreds of miles in a single thought.

In a moment, Lin Fei threw away the Zunbao Sacred Tree.

Lin Fei left the immortal tomb realm directly and came to a nearby taboo ancient place.

In the ancient land of Taboo, there is a calm wave.

Lin Fei walked through it cautiously.

This time, Lin Fei came in with three chaotic monsters.

Because, this taboo ancient land, although on the surface, there is no major crisis.

However, in fact, there are many terrible existences hidden in this ancient land.

Following the route last time, Lin Fei was sneaking in the ancient land.

As his strength grew stronger, Lin Fei's current body and mental perception were very powerful.

Once discovered that there was something powerful, Lin Fei took the initiative to detour and would never provoke him.

Along the way, there are surprises.

A few days later.

Lin Fei finally came to the depths of the ancient land, in a deep valley.

In this valley, there is a very hidden dry well.

At the bottom of the dry well, there is a teleportation altar.

Last time, Lin Fei followed the Immortal Medicine, Xun'er, and went to the Immortal Medicine World through this teleportation altar.

Of course, this teleportation altar can't be teleported by any creature.

First of all, you need to get in touch with the Immortal Medicine World at the other end through the teleportation altar, and only after obtaining permission can it be teleported.

Last time, before Lin Fei left, the old fairy medicine was for the sake of the little barren beast, and he told Lin Fei how to contact him.

At the bottom of the dry well, Lin Fei hit the teleportation altar into a few magic tricks.

After a while.

A phantom appeared on the teleportation altar.

"Xun'er, it's you!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

This phantom is Xun'er.

"Huh, badass, what are you doing again!"

Xun'er bulged his cheeks and said angrily.

She hated her last time and was caught by Lin Fei.

"Sister Xun'er, it's me."

Lin Fei released the little wild beast.

"Hmph, well, for Xiaohuang's sake, let you in."

Xun'er said.

Xiao Huang, this is the name she gave to Xiao Huang Beast.

She has now evolved into a human form, just like a human girl, she can't like the furry little animal like the little barren beast.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the little wild beast, he was immediately released.

"Thank you Miss Xun'er!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, and brought the little wild beast to the teleportation altar and directly teleported it into the world of immortal medicine.

Xun'er immediately rushed forward, hugging Xiao Huang Beast, very affectionate.

Lin Fei was cheeky and found the old fairy medicine.

After much discussion, Lin Fei had a pleasant surprise.

Lao Xian Yao agreed to give an immortal medicine inner Dan Linfei.

Moreover, Old Immortal Medicine and Lin Fei agreed that from then on, the Immortal Medicine World and the Immortal Ling Realm would secretly establish a trading channel.

The two parties exchange needed items.

In the world of immortal medicine, all the creatures are all elixir, Taoist medicine, semi-immortal medicine, and immortal medicine.

The value is extremely high.

Moreover, the fighting power of herbal creatures is generally very weak.

Therefore, these herbal creatures in the world of immortal medicine, under normal circumstances, dare not go out at will to avoid being captured by external creatures.

Under this circumstance, it would be very difficult for these creatures in the world of immortal medicine if they needed something from the outside world.

You know, the cultivation of herbal creatures also requires a variety of resources.

Therefore, after Lao Xian Yao learned of Lin Fei's identity, after consideration, he established a trade relationship with Lin Fei.

Lin Fei naturally couldn't ask for it.

After getting the immortal medicine inner pill, Lin Fei left the world of immortal medicine with the little wild beast.

A few days later, Lin Fei returned to Triangle Black Rock City, the mysterious cave in the space inside the tripod.

"You kid, really got an inner pill of immortal medicine!


good very good.

The old man is not an unbelieving person,

You can use the practice secret room at that time. "

After Bai Tong got the immortal medicine inner pill, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

You know, the value of the immortal medicine inner pill is only higher than the immortal medicine.

The white boy naturally laughed from ear to ear.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Fei is also overjoyed.

Lin Fei didn't waste any time, he just entered the time practice secret room.

Thirty years in the secret room, only one day passed by the outside world.

As a result, Lin Fei's time became sufficient.

In this secret room, there is still a very high-level law of order of heaven and earth, which is much more advanced than the Xianling Realm and the universe and starry sky outside the Xianling Realm.

And, more importantly, in this secret room, there is immortality!

Although, it's just a very thin fairy gas.

However, this is the real fairy spirit!

However, compared to the outside world aura, I don't know how many times it is better.

After entering the secret room, Lin Fei released the little wild beast, letting it realize the mystery of time in the secret room.

Then, Lin Fei began to enter the cultivation state.

First, it is the cultivation of vitality.

This time, Lin Fei carried a huge amount of training resources.

Spar, all kinds of pills that are conducive to the breakthrough of vitality cultivation, the treasure of heaven and earth...

In the secret room, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, spinning the sun's golden sutras, and full of golden awns.

A piece of golden sea of ​​fire was displayed in the space next to Lin Fei.

Seven golden **** of light undulate in this golden world of fire.

This is a vision when practicing the Sun Golden Sutra.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei's vitality realm now is a high-level fairyland.

From Immortal Realm to Immortal King Realm, this is a breakthrough between the two great realms, and it is naturally very difficult.

Moreover, the higher the realm of the martial artist's cultivation, the greater the difficulty of breaking through.

Fairy King Realm, in this starry universe, no matter which interface it is placed on, it is considered a master.

It is extremely difficult to break through the fairy king realm.

There are so many warriors in the world, even if they are stuck in this realm, they cannot break through in their lifetime.

Four hundred years later, Lin Fei finally began to faintly touch the opportunity for a breakthrough.

However, Lin Fei was not in a hurry.

The more solid the foundation is laid, the more beneficial it will be for future development.

After another six hundred years, Lin Fei finally broke through.

Boom boom boom...

A corner of the secret room evolved into a world.

In this world, layer upon layer of dark clouds cover the sky and the sun.

Thunder and lightning are like a hanging waterfall, densely packed, pouring down to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei released the unicorn thunder beast to deal with thunder robbery together.

This time, what Lin Fei encountered was the Eight Color Thunder Tribulation.

The power is very powerful.

Lin Fei and the Unicorn Thunder Beast tried their best to fight for two or three hours before Thunder Tribulation finally slowly disappeared.


The Elementary Fairyland..."

Lin Fei felt the powerful vitality in his body and muttered to himself.

At this time, eight huge golden **** of light hovered in the space behind Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei has cultivated the Sun Golden Scripture to the eighth yang level.

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