Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2206: Not enough holy fans

Chapter 2206 Not enough holy fans

"What's going on? Does this cocoon sense the energy it needs?"

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

Before, Lin Fei had successfully hatched the Little Wild Beast, so he had some experience.

With a move, Lin Fei sent the cocoons and purple cloth bags of the Tianyi God Silkworm into the slave tower at the same time.

When Lu Qi received Lin Fei's voice transmission, he immediately opened the purple cloth bag, and colored pollen floated out one after another, very beautiful.

The silkworm cocoon rushed up immediately.


All the pollen whizzed around the cocoon.

Then, all are absorbed by the cocoons.


On the cocoon, two very hidden cracks appeared.

"Silkworm cocoons really need these holy powder!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

For a long time, Lin Fei had never encountered a heavenly material that could make silkworm cocoons hatch. Unexpectedly, these holy powders were actually effective.

"However, the number of holy fans is too small.

If there are more holy fans, maybe the Tianyi Divine Silkworm can hatch. "

Lin Fei was a little excited.

"Eight seniors, I have a ruthless please.

How many holy fans of the Kunyu clan do you still have, can you give it to me?

I will use other natural treasures to compensate. "

Lin Fei thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said.

It is also true that these Kunyu clan holy fans can never meet, and Lin Fei didn't want to miss this opportunity to incubate Tianyi Divine Cocoon.


After hearing Lin Fei's words, the Eight Stone Sage couldn't help but be taken aback.

These holy powders, the eight of them, took great risks and stole them from the holy ground of the Gold Devourer.

Now Lin Fei suddenly asked them for all the holy fans.

This request is indeed a bit beyond their expectations.

"The eight seniors don't worry, after Lin Fei, there will be good rewards."

Lin Fei said.

"Little friend Lin Fei, is this holy fan important to you?"

Four Saints asked.

"Since the senior asked, I won't hide it."

Lin Fei said.

With a wave of his hand, he teleported the cocoon of Tianyi Divine Silkworm from the slave tower.

The white and flawless cocoons are shining brightly and are about one meter in diameter.

Strands of brilliant colorful rays of sunlight lingered on the silkworm cocoons, constantly shining, and the rich spiritual energy turned into Taoist spiritual mist, curling upward.

The intoxicating fragrance bursts out of the silkworm cocoon.

"this is……?"

The gaze of Ba Shi Sheng stared at the cocoon at the same time.

"Could it be..., it is the legendary Celestial Silkworm!"

Suddenly, the Great Sage cried out.

"Tianyi God Silkworm!"

The Holy Spirit in the remaining seven stones all trembled.

The Eight Stone Saints are quite familiar with the Kunyu clan, and naturally know the origin and preciousness of the Tianyi God Silkworm.

"I understand!

Little friend Lin Fei, just now the demon said that you have something on your body, which is of great significance to the Kunyu clan.

It must refer to the cocoon of this Tianyi God Silkworm! "

The Great Sage slapped his thigh and exclaimed.

"Not bad.

The holy powder of the Kunyu clan is exactly what this silkworm cocoon needs to hatch. "

Lin Fei said directly.

These eight stone saints are not treacherous generations, so Lin Fei did not hide from them.

"Good! Little friend Lin Fei, all our holy fans are for you!"

The Eight Stone Saints expressed their opinions one after another.

So, eight purple cloth bags were sent to Lin Fei.

"Thank you eight seniors."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

With a wave of his hand, eight purple cloth bags fell beside the cocoons and opened them all.

Countless colorful pollen floated out and was sucked in by the cocoon.


Above the cocoon, there was a burst of crisp cracking sound.

Numerous cracks appeared constantly.

"The cocoons are hatching!"

Lin Fei and the Eight Stone Saints are both overjoyed.

I saw more and more cracks on the cocoon.

However, after a while, when all the holy powder was absorbed by the cocoon, there were no new cracks on the cocoon.

"It seems that these pollen are not enough for the silkworm cocoons to hatch."

Lin Fei and Eight Stone Saints were a little disappointed.

After waiting for a while, there was no more movement in the cocoon.

Lin Fei had to teleport it into the slave tower.

"Eight seniors.

Does Kun Yu clan, every race, has this kind of holy fan? "

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"The Kunyu clan can be subdivided into many insect races.

Under normal circumstances, in every insect race, there will be a lot of these holy fans.

Because these holy fans have a great effect on the cultivation of the Kun Yu clan. "

The saint replied.

"Well, that's how it is."

Lin Fei nodded.


The eight seniors have left. "

Lin Fei clasped his fists, turned and left.

In a moment, Lin Fei's figure disappeared.

"Do you think that little friend Lin Fei will leave the ancient land?"

Looking at the direction of Lin Fei's disappearance, the Great Sage said thoughtfully.

"This young man has a very strong will.

Moreover, the courage is not small.

I'm afraid he will take risks..."

The Four Saints said, with a worried expression on his face.

He fought with Lin Fei for ten days. Not only was he very familiar with Lin Fei's combat power, but he also had a deep understanding of Lin Fei's temperament.

"As the order continues, all the people will pay close attention to the movements of the Kunyu clan.

Also, pay attention to the whereabouts of Lin Fei. "

The Great Sage thought for a while and said.

It turns out that in this forbidden ancient land, in addition to the Eight Stone Saints, there are many Holy Spirit in the stone.

Although the number of holy spirits in the stone is far less than the Kunyu clan, there is still a certain number, forming a clan.

These Eight Stone Saints are powerful, and they are basically the leader of the Holy Spirit Clan in the Stone.

At this time, Lin Fei was already millions of miles away.

Lin Fei took out the battleship and urged the battleship to move forward like a glimpse of light.

"If you can get more holy powder, you can hatch the Tianyi divine silkworm.

Although it is dangerous, give it a try...

Well, the Kunyu clan is a general term for insect creatures.

I lurked first to find out the specific situation of the Kunyu clan, and then I picked the weakest race to start..."

Lin Fei secretly calculated.

After learning that holy powder can make silkworm cocoons hatch, Lin Fei did not leave the ancient taboo land immediately, but was ready to grab the holy powder.

Moreover, Lin Fei came to Taboo Ancient Land this time for the sake of experience.

Although in the life and death fight, gain combat experience, and polish the quality of vitality.

Therefore, some dangers could not scare Lin Fei.

Therefore, in the next few days, Lin Fei used the Dadao breath technique and walked quietly among the ancient forbidden places.

Whenever he encountered insects, Lin Fei would either follow them, or simply take a shot, catch some insects, and interrogate them.

at the same time.

Among the taboo ancient land, in a certain hidden underground cave.

This cave is like a labyrinth, full of twists and turns.

Countless gold devourers live in this cave.

The deepest part of the cave is in a refreshing hall.

"Old Ancestor, I suspect that there is the breath of Tianyi Divine Silkworm in that human race!"

A Gold Devourer said.

In the hall, on top of a glorious white jade spar, there was a very huge gold devourer crawling down.

Its size is hundreds of times that of other Gold Devouring Demon Insects, and it exudes very terrifying demon power.

"Tianyi God Silkworm...


Okay, if it is really Tianyi Divine Silkworm, after snatching it, I will devour it.

Then, I must be able to achieve amazing evolution.

Maybe, I can also have the ability to command all insects in the world like the Tianyi God Silkworm.

At that time, the Kunyu clan will respect our gold-eaters! "

The huge monster chuckled loudly.

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