Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2248: United Army

These old antiques searched for ancient classics and deduced the results, and quickly spread out.

"Ancient corpse?

What is this?

Those old guys are talking nonsense to attract everyone's attention. "

In the starry sky of the universe, there are many ordinary creatures who have never heard of this.

"Ancient corpse? It's impossible, isn't it, this kind of legendary ancient history really has something to do with it?

It is probably those old guys who are alarmist. "

There are also many creatures who have heard of such ancient legends, but don't believe them at all.


The ancient corpse!

Could it be that the terrible and tragic disaster a few epochs ago is really going to happen again?

If it is really an ancient corpse calamity, then this cosmic starry sky will usher in a catastrophe, with countless corpses lying down and wild bones! "

There are only a handful of old creatures who have lived for a long time. After hearing this statement, they are worried, and there is a creepy feeling in their hearts.

The entire universe and the starry sky are all talking about these mysterious and cruel indifferent creatures.

At this moment, news came that there were two more interfaces, slaughtered by those indifferent creatures.

Moreover, they are two medium-strength interfaces that are not weak, Tianxiong Realm and Linxing Realm.

"Oh my God, it seems that the goal of these indifferent creatures is the entire universe, all the interfaces!"

"One after another, almost ten interfaces have been slaughtered!

Could it be that the entire starry sky will be affected in the near future! "

"No, we can't wait and die!

Must act, take the initiative, and deal with those indifferent creatures! "

"Yes, find them out and destroy them!"

As more and more interfaces were slaughtered, the entire universe and the starry sky became a sensation, and the sentiment was raging.

The creatures on every interface couldn't sit still, shouting one after another, to unite forces from all walks of life to deal with those indifferent creatures.

That's right, those indifferent creatures are extremely cruel, and at every turn, they will slaughter the entire interface and create a tragedy of destruction.

Many interface creatures are worried about whether the next interface to be slaughtered will be their own interface.

Especially those creatures with weak strength or medium strength interface are even more worried.

Because, for the time being, those indifferent creatures seem to be focusing on some not very powerful interfaces.

But for the time being, no powerful interface has been slaughtered.

"I suggest to form a joint army, take the initiative, find out these indifferent creatures, and kill them!"

Several interface leaders stepped forward and initiated initiatives.

Soon, many interfaces responded.

Thus, a joint army composed of more than a dozen interfaces was born.

The number is millions.

Of course, the dozen or so interfaces that make up the joint army are all weak interfaces.

With a powerful interface, there is no statement yet.

"set off!

Find out those indifferent creatures and kill them! "

This united army is like a torrent, searching everywhere in the starry sky of the universe.

The armor is clear, the spear is cold, and the fighting spirit is high.

However, those indifferent creatures are very mysterious, and no one knows where their nest is.

The coalition army has searched vigorously for a few days in the cosmic starry sky, but there is still no gain.

"It may be those indifferent creatures who are afraid of us and hid in advance."

"It's possible that our coalition of more than a dozen interfaces is huge and powerful.

Although those indifferent creatures are ferocious, they dare not fight with us head-on. "


Some senior figures in the coalition army commented.

However, at this moment.


The starry sky shook, and the boundless aura swept across the boundless sky in an instant, and a group of black-clad iron knights appeared, rushing in the direction of the coalition army, with great momentum.

These black-clothed iron riders are riding strange-shaped ancient animals under their hips, with their iron hoofs shaking the sky.

They are fierce and fierce, and every ancient alien beast is dressed in iron armor with a cold metallic luster.

The black iron knights sitting on them were savage and tyrannical, without any expression on their faces, they were very stiff, and each of them had a strong breath of death.


These weird black-clothed iron knights galloped in the starry sky and soon approached the coalition army.

"It's those indifferent creatures!"

"They finally appeared!"


The members of the joint army boiled and shouted one by one.

Those powerful masters in the coalition army have come out more and more, standing at the forefront of the team, preparing for battle.

Finally, the black-clad iron cavalry exuding monstrous spirits rushed to the front of the coalition army.

Compared with the combined army, the number is not very large.

Probably only tens of thousands.

However, every ride is terrible, and their bodies are full of blood and bone. They crawled out of the pile of dead people, and the breath of death was amazing.

Even, I can't feel the fluctuations of life, like coming from the depths of hell, already dead for endless years, now crawling out of hell, and returning to this world again.

"What are your identities!

Why use the entire universe and starry sky as an enemy to kill the world! "

Among the coalition army, a top-notch master stepped forward and shouted loudly, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"You all are going to die!

Not one left! "

Among the black iron riders, someone spoke indifferently, and the sound was like two iron plates rubbing together, sharp and harsh, causing small bumps on the skin and making the whole body uncomfortable.


Too arrogant!

If you want to use the entire starry sky as your enemy, you are not qualified!

Today, we must destroy all of you brutal people and bring peace to the starry sky! "

The top master of the coalition army said furiously.


What responded to him was Tianyu trembling. Among the black knights on the opposite side, a **** sword slashed across the starry sky.

One after another black ancient charms flew out of this big sword, exuding infinite laws of death, and took the head of the top expert.

It happened suddenly!


The top master of the coalition army felt a kind of crisis, was shocked and angry, and roared to resist.


A golden war spear in his hand, like a burning sun, blasted forward.


The **** sword crossed Cangyu, carrying a boundless life, and split the golden war spear, splitting the top expert's body from it, splitting it into two corpses.


In the rear, all members of the coalition army were chilling.

This top expert ranks at least in the top ten in terms of combat power in the combined army.

Now, he was cut in half by a sword and died on the spot.

The combat power of these black knights is terrible.

"Kill all!"

A cold and stiff voice came from the black iron cavalry.

Suddenly, the ancient alien beasts rushed, smashing into the sky, and all people stood up, rushing towards the coalition army, unscrupulously.

And those lifeless knights in black showed their amazing combat power, waving their weapons and harvesting the lives of members of the joint army.

This scene is like a group of hungry wolves breaking into the flock.

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