Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 227: Strange little beast

After collecting these crystal stones, Lin Fei and A Zi searched around the round cave again, but found nothing. It seemed that there were no other crystal stones left. "Wen" Ω learn Δ fan. .

Lin Fei used his fist again to smash into the distance of more than two meters, but still found nothing. It seems that the Yuanjingshi here has been collected by himself.

Therefore, Lin Fei and A Zi returned to the cave just now.

"Okay, next, try these genuine crystal stones that can be cultivated!"

I really gave a pillow when I was dozing off, because I lost most of my vitality, and I got so many genuine crystal stones that could be directly used for cultivation.

Now there are four or five thousand yuan spar, there is enough amount to be used for cultivation.

So Lin Fei gave the four to five thousand genuine yuan spars to one thousand Azi for her cultivation.

After telling her to use it up, ask for it again.

After obtaining more than a thousand genuine yuan spar, Azi immediately returned to the magic orb and began to practice specifically.

When I first met Lin Fei, Lin Fei was just a martial artist of the sixth or seventh layer of Qi condensing, but now, he has reached the advanced level of cultivation base, which is somewhat irritating to Azi.

Therefore, I have been seizing the time to practice.

Lin Fei also took two genuine yuan spar, sat down cross-legged, holding a yuan spar in each hand, moving around, only felt that in both hands, suddenly, two extremely pure vitality were directly absorbed into his body .

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing because of the pure vitality of the world.

So, calmed down and absorbed the vitality energy of the two genuine crystal stones in his hand.

Regardless of the genuine elemental spar, it is only the size of a fist, but the amount of vitality contained in it is extremely large. After about an hour and a half, Lin Fei is to absorb the energy of the two genuine elemental spars in his hand. .

And the vitality between the meridians in his body had already recovered to 70% to 80%.

After absorbing the vitality of the two genuine primordial crystals, Lin Fei took out the two genuine primordial gems from the space ring again, held them in his hands, and absorbed the vitality content again.

When Lin Fei finally absorbed six fist-sized genuine crystals, he found that the amount of vitality in his body had returned to its peak state. The vitality originally had the right warming effect, so when the vitality returned to its peak state Later, Lin Fei also felt that he was full of energy, refreshed, and breathing long and powerful.

He clenched his fist slightly, and under the influence of his strength, the bones all over his body crackled like a string of firecrackers.

Still still beating the war drum lightly.

After that, Lin Fei continued to take out the genuine yuan spar from the space ring, absorbing the vitality from it piece by piece, and the amount of vitality absorbed was stored in the Yunyuan stone in the dantian.

This time in Huayang Mountain, in order to escape from the hands of Cui Qunshan and Nangonghuan, the vitality stored in the Yunyuan Stone in the dantian was almost exhausted.

At this time, it should be a good supplement.

Because the Yun Yuan stone in the dantian can store a lot of vitality, three days later, Lin Fei has stored the vitality of almost fifty or sixty genuine crystal stones in the Yun Yuan stone.

Lin Fei believed that such a large amount of vitality storage was enough for him to squander his vitality arbitrarily for some time to come.

It can be said that with these vitality reserves, Lin Fei's opposing Yanyang Valley and Blood Wolf Group are also more confident.

Moreover, in his space ring, there are still thousands of genuine yuan spar, which can replenish vitality at any time.

In a handful of calculations, Lin Fei was already in the cave, staying for almost four days.

Regardless of the above, or the vitality, they have returned to their peak state.

Lin Fei did not intend to stay in this cave anymore.

But where should we go next?

For this reason, Lin Fei thought about it.

The Huayang faction will definitely not go back again.

However, since I practiced martial arts, the Huayang School has always been his base.

Now, once you leave the Huayang School, the sky is big, and it is really for a while, I don't want to go to that place.

Suddenly, Lin Fei remembered one thing.

Before in Changping Town, I once met a middle-aged man and an energetic young man. That young man had promised to give one million yuan spar every month and a batch of elixir and elixir for his cultivation. He asked himself to be able to rush to the imperial capital after half a year to help him fight for the throne.

I also agreed to him at the time.

Originally, I planned to leave after half a year, but now, there is nowhere to go and homeless.

I think that the imperial capital is the place under the jurisdiction of the emperor Lao'er. The Ziwei Empire and the five major sects all have their own spheres of influence. Just like the Huayang School, the sphere of influence is more than 100,000 miles around Huayang Mountain.

And the sphere of influence of Yanyang Valley and that blood wolf group does not include the imperial capital.

I think that the imperial capital is the place where the royal family is located. The capital of a country must be a large population, a vast area, lively and prosperous, and busy.

As the saying goes, the big hidden in the city, if I go to the imperial capital, think about the people in the Yanyang Valley and the blood wolf group, and want to find myself, it will not be that easy.

Besides, I have always stayed in the boundary near Huayang Mountain, the most lively place, that is, I have been to Changping Town.

Really a villager, never seen a big city.

Taking this opportunity to go to the emperor's capital to learn about it is also good, just half a year later, help the young man in the battle for the throne.

At the moment, the idea has been decided.

Lin Fei talked about his idea with Azi.

Azi, also a young man, likes to be lively, yearning for prosperity, and when he hears that he is going to visit the imperial capital, he certainly agrees.

So Lin Fei stood up and planned to leave the cave and rush to the imperial capital.

Suddenly, in the cave, a gray light flashed, and a little beast appeared in front of Lin Fei, blocking Lin Fei's path.

The little beast was covered in grey fur all over, with a body like a dog and a head like a rabbit.

The size of the body is almost one-third the size of a dog.

Opening those big ears, staring at a pair of clever eyes, looked at Lin Fei, or to be precise, looked at Lin Fei's chest, with a look of begging and longing in his eyes.

this is?

Lin Fei looked at the little beast in front of him. He searched in his mind for the little beast that appeared suddenly, but he still had no impression at all. This guy, looks strange and cute, what kind of beast is it?

The little beast looked at Lin Fei's chest for a while, and saw that Lin Fei was indifferent, and seemed anxious. He raised the front two paws and kept pointing them into Lin Fei's arms. At the same time, there was a squeaking sound.

Lin Fei stared at the cute expression of the little beast for a moment.

You mean, there is something you like in my arms?

Lin Fei asked tentatively.

The little beast could understand Lin Fei's words, and immediately overjoyed and nodded constantly.

Lin Fei reached into his arms and touched it, only a space ring.

Since getting the space ring, Lin Fei has always cultivated the habit of putting the space ring in his arms in order to conceal people and avoid being jealous.

At this time, he took out the space ring in his arms.

Shaking at the little beast.

"Do you like this?"

The little beast shook his head, then clicked the space ring with his paw.

This time Lin Fei understood that what the little beast meant was that there was something it liked in Lin Fei's space ring.

It's weird, what is in my space ring that this little guy likes?

Lin Fei thought for a while and took out a few bottles of pills. When the little beast saw it, he immediately shook his head like a rattle.

So Lin Fei took out all the things in his space ring one by one, and let the little beast look over.

When Lin Fei took out the fist-sized crystal stones that appeared in the round cave, he felt a flash of gray light, and his hands were empty. The crystal stone he took out was already held by the little beast on his claws. .

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked. The speed of this little beast was so fast that he couldn't even see it at all. The gray light flashed, and the crystal stone was taken away, so fast that even the power of divine consciousness was too late to perceive. !

If this little beast attacked himself with such a degree, he would definitely be unable to avoid it.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei looked at the little beast, faintly serious.

The little beast held the crystal stone on his paws, and immediately his face was intoxicated. The expression was like a prodigal son, touched into the embroidered house of everyone's ladies, like a hungry ghost, came before the delicacy of Table Mountain.

After sniffing the crystal stone very exaggeratedly, in Lin Fei's startled gaze, the little beast turned out to have a mouth and swallowed the crystal stone in pieces.

Then, he licked the corners of his mouth with his tongue, which seemed endless aftertaste.

Then, looking at Lin Fei with a pitiful look, with a very cute expression, he kept pointing his fingers at Lin Fei's space ring, and then at his own mouth.

Lin Fei couldn't help being speechless.

So, he took out another crystal stone and threw it over. The little beast sniffed the crystal stone very intoxicated, and then gulped it down.

After swallowing the crystal stone, the little beast begged Lin Fei for another crystal stone, and then he stopped.

Lin Fei naturally knew that these crystal stones with rich vitality content were extremely valuable, and the little beast swallowed three pieces at one stroke, and couldn't help but feel very heartbroken.

Fortunately, after the little beast swallowed three crystal stones, he felt his belly and stopped asking for it.

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of a question.

One's own spatial ring is the user's mind to perceive what is stored in it.

But this little beast, at a glance, knew the crystal stones hidden in his spatial ring. This kind of ability was really strange.

"Azi, do you know this little beast, what kind of beast it is?"

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