Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2329: Rebellion

"I am one of the eighteen generals of the Raksha Palace, the God General Xiaoyue.

Today leads the army of his men to destroy the immortal tomb world.

However, Nian has the virtue of good life in the heavens. From now on, all creatures in the fairy cemetery realm, those who descend, can live.

All the recalcitrants will die! "

The head of the Rakshasa Palace, the middle-aged man with a majestic face said coldly, his tone was very flat and his voice seemed to be very small, but the rolling sound was slowly spreading out in this starry sky.

Every creature only felt as if there were dozens of drums sounding in their ears at the same time, causing pain in their eardrums.

"It turned out to be Xiaoyue God General! Unexpectedly, the affairs of the Xianling Realm shocked him!"

"It is said that each of the eighteen generals in the Rakshasa Palace has amazing combat power, and they have commanded all armies and have made great fame."

"Yes, these eighteen generals can be said to be the masters of the second echelon of Raksha Palace. Except for those who teach the ancestors, they will be the best!"


In the starry sky, many creatures looked at that Xiaoyue God General, and they were shocked. They didn't expect that Xiaoyue God General, one of the eighteen generals of the Raksha Palace, would actually come to Xianling Realm in person.

The eighteen generals of the Raksha Palace are very famous among the stars.

Some time ago, when the army of the Rakshasa Palace conquered those indifferent creatures that caused starry corpses, the eighteen generals performed very prominently. They eliminated many Yin soldiers and made great contributions.

The screaming moon **** general in front of him was said to have single-handedly attacked and rushed into an interface occupied by Yin soldiers, killing most of the Yin soldiers stationed in that interface, killing tens of thousands!

In that battle, he alone faced the three Yin Soldier leaders and finally won.

Although, as a result of that battle, Xiaoyue God will finally get injured and escape the interface.

However, that battle made him famous.

For a while, the creatures in the entire starry sky were reciting the achievements of this Xiaoyue God General.

Of course, the eighteen generals of the Raksha Palace, each of them, has made great military exploits.

"It turned out to be the God General Xiaoyue, it seems that this time, the Luosha Palace is really moving!"

The really old road looked at that Xiaoyue God General, secretly, could not help but shudder.

Behind the true Cangdao Dao, the people and horses of the Xianling Realm lined up neatly, facing the army of the Raksha Palace.

During this period of time, the Rakshasa Palace has sent at least six or seven groups of people, but the people from the Immortal Ling Realm have valiantly resisted, and each time they successfully blocked the Raksha Palace's offensive.

Even, there were several times, the fairy ling world won a big victory!

Therefore, the Raksha Palace was finally moving, and one of the eighteen generals was sent, the God General Xiaoyue!

"Our warriors in the fairy cemetery are only dead on the battlefield, and the vest is shrouded!

Although your Raksha Palace is powerful, it is impossible for us to surrender to the Immortal Ling Realm! "

Really old Dao shouted sharply, awe-inspiring.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense with them, let's have a good fight first!"

Behind the really old Dao, the Great Sage said impatiently.

The Eight Stone Saints, Tianyi Divine Silkworm, Little Wild Beasts, and nearly a hundred ancestors of the Kunyu clan, eight Chaos Beasts, soldiers, Tian Chanzi, etc., are all crowded behind the real old Tao. One by one, the fighting spirit is boiling, preparing for the war.

This group of masters can be regarded as the side of Xianling Realm, the most powerful in combat.

In the many battles with the Raksha Palace, although many of these masters in the Xianling Realm were injured, none of them fell.

This period of battle has gone through many baptisms of blood and fire, which has honed this group of masters very well, allowing each of them to reach their peak state of combat power.

Even, many of them have already made breakthroughs and have stepped onto a higher level of strength.

"This time, the Rakshasa Palace is coming so fiercely, we must not underestimate the enemy."

An ancestor of the Kun Yu clan said cautiously.

"Yes, it is said that the combat power of this Xiaoyue God General is much stronger than that of the Great Lord of the Demon Realm.

We must not underestimate the enemy.

Attention, everyone, if we are defeated, we will immediately return to the interface, with the help of the immortal seal layer, resist the enemy! "

The real old way sends a voice transmission to the generals of the various immortal tomb realms.

Zhen Cang Lao Dao has always been the head coach on the battlefield of Xian Ling Realm, everyone nodded secretly after hearing his words.

Opposite, in the army on the side of Raksha Palace.

"In the choice between life and death, nothing is impossible.

The creatures of Xianling Realm, who want to surrender to our Raksha Palace, I will give you a way to survive. "

The Xiaoyue God will sneer, with a hint of joking on his face.

"Huh, don't waste your time.

We warriors of the Xianling Realm will not surrender!

If you want to fight, fight. "

Really old shouted.

"Hehe, since you Xianling Realm is eager to perish, I will fulfill you.

kill! "

The Xiaoyue God General waved his hand gently, and the army at the back rushed towards the horses and horses of the Immortal Tomb realm like tigers and wolves, like a torrent of steel, shaking the universe, and the stars trembled.

This time, the army of the Rakshasa Palace was indeed very fierce, and almost all of the most powerful masters of the subordinates of God General Xiaoyue came.

One by one masters, like a tiger descending the mountain, culled over.

The army is like a tide, overwhelming the sky and the earth, flooding the starry sky, cold shining iron clothes, and air-conditioning, making this a tragic place.


The people on the side of the fairy cemetery, the Eight Stone Saints rushed out first, like the eight lions, and instantly collided with the masters in the front of the Raksha Palace.


The war broke out, and the entire starry sky began to tremble violently.

Endless energy shock waves, magic weapons, and various martial arts secrets have created strong sound and light effects, making this starry sky completely boiling.

There were a lot of people coming to the Raksha Palace this time, and there were also many powerful masters.

In terms of quantity and combat power, compared with the people in the Xianling Realm, they are only strong but not weak.

So, after a while.

The people on the side of Xianling Realm began to feel the pressure.

The Raksha Palace side is beginning to gain the upper hand.

There have been a large number of casualties among the people in the Xianling Realm.


The blood spattered very high, and an old fairy king in the Xianling Realm was unwilling to fall into a pool of blood, and the white flower head was covered with bright red blood.


With a heart-piercing cry of a young man, he rushed towards this scene.

With a chuckle, a blue sword light flashed across, that innocent face, with a crying tender face, all of a sudden freeze, a head flew up, and the headless young corpse fell to the ground.

The army of the Raksha Palace came prepared this time, too powerful.

The people and horses of the Xianling Realm could not stop them. It was a group of terrifying tiger-wolf teachers, extremely sturdy, whizzing past, the sword energy swept through, and more and more creatures of the Xianling realm were killed.

Even several ancestors of the Kunyu clan were bombarded and killed by the masters of the Xiaoyue God General on the spot.

"Return! Return to the interface!"

Really old knows that if this continues, the people in the fairy ling world will suffer very heavy losses.

"Hehe, now I'm thinking about returning to the interface. It's too late."

The Xiaoyue God General, who had not taken any action, sat on the back of a ferocious beast, sneered.

Just now.

"Tianlong leader, what do you want, why are you attacking your own people!"

"Mei Qianxue, your congregation in Hanmei Palace actually slaughtered the creatures of your interface!"


Suddenly, on the side of Xianling Realm, a dozen large sect forces began to attack their own people.

Unexpectedly, many creatures from the Xianling realm were brutally killed on the spot.

These dozens of great sect forces, in the Xianling realm, can be regarded as a group of sects in the forefront of strength.

"You sects, do you want to betray the Xianling Realm!"

Really old Dao was furious and roared.

"Haha, yes, true Cang, my Heavenly Dragon Cult has long since abandoned the dark and turned to the Ming and returned to the Raksha Palace.

True Cang, I have heard that the lord of the Immortal Ling Realm, Lin Fei has already died in the evil shadow realm.

If you want to hide this news, you can't hide it.

Lin Fei is dead, so why should we be an enemy of Raksha Palace again? Isn't this self-defeating? "

The leader of Longjiao laughed that day.

"What? The Lord of the Immortal Ling Realm, Lin Fei is dead!"

"Lin Fei, but the soul of the Xianling Realm, once Lin Fei died, the strength of the Xianling Realm was greatly reduced!"

"As soon as Lin Fei died, there would be nothing to fear in the Immortal Ling Realm."


After hearing the words of the Dragon Sect leader that day, everyone in the nearby starry sky was shocked.

At this time, the dozens of other sects that had betrayed the Xianling Realm also expressed their views one after another and returned to the Raksha Palace.

"Huh, good, good.

But, remember, the end of the traitor will never be good! "

The old man was so angry that he shouted.

"Haha..., really Cang, I advise you to give up.

We control the teleportation altars inside and outside the Xianling Realm.

Moreover, we have secretly greeted the masters of the Raksha Palace into the realm of the immortal tomb.

You can't go back at all! "

The leader of Longjiao laughed wildly that day.

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